
WCF Reading Endpoint Behaviors from a web.config file

Hi I've got a WCF service which has multiple clients that it connects to. What I want to do is to create the clients dynamically the WCF services consumes. Creating the clients by inheriting from the ServiceFactory<TChannel> class is done and very simple. What I'm struggling with is how to read Endpoint behaviours from the web.config ...

An error occurred when verifying security for the message.

When I try to call a WCF service I am getting the following message "An error occurred when verifying security for the message." When I remove the custom authenication the service works no problem. I can't figure out though what I have misconfigured in my web.config. Any insight would be appreciated. <system.serviceModel> <serv...

IIS7 urlrewrite module - Rules in external xml file

I'm using IIS7 UrlRewrite module. I set up my rules in the web.config <system.webServer><rewrite> section. I want to know if there's a way to define the rules in one external xml file instead of in web.config file. Thanks. ...

ADO.Net Data Services Not Running in Medium Trust

I am trying to build a proof-of-concept on ADO.Net data services for my team, but I seem to be running into issues with my web server's medium trust settings. The data service is simple, just exposing a few tables as an example, and I am not using any service operations. Also, the service is the only endpoint in my project; I am not ru...

Tools for previewing configuration file transformations

Are there any tools or Visual Studio 2010 extensions which allow me to view the output of a configuration file transformation short of having to publish the entire project? Is the process which performs the transformation directly invokable? Edit After a little more Googling I came across this: Step 4: Generating a new transforme...

Restricting access to files within a folder to webservice IIS6/7

I am looking for a way to restrict direct access to a certain folder or folders on our website which is hosted in IIS7 in our second dev environment, IIS6 in our first dev environment and IIS6 on production. Basically we should be able to link to these files from our website i.e.: http://www.domain.com/stuff/survey.pdf But if someone t...

asp.NET Web.config

Hello guys i have an website online wich access the database. The database access for the connection String called GardenLadies is fine and works. I've added to the host database also the localsqlServer database info. My problem is when i log in it gives me "Server Error in '/' Application.". here´s my web config <?xml version="1.0"?> ...

asp.net location tag not working

We have an application that is making use of the location tag in the web.config file at the machine level - meaning like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0...\CONFIG\web.config, the one that applies to the whole server - this application has lots of virtual directories under it and for each one there is a <location path="IIS Web A...

Multiple config files across libraries

My ASP.NET MVC 2 application uses Entity Framework 4.0 for the data model. Following the instructions on http://blogs.msdn.com/b/aspnetue/archive/2010/09/17/second_2d00_post.aspx I put the .edmx in its own assembly so my solution has two projects: MyApp.Core (ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application Project, references MyApp.DataLayer) Models/ C...

Web.Config transformation does not wok

Hello all, Here is the problem : I have a brand new web application in VS 2010, Framework 3.5 I have a very simple web.config with the connectionStrings node : <connectionStrings> The Web.Release.Config is like this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> Then i create a deployment package using V...

Specific page security on web.config

I have the following on my web.config <location path = "WebPages/Reports"> <system.web> <authorization> <deny roles="DeniedRole1, DeniedRole2"/> <allow roles="AllowRole1,AllowRole2,AllowRole3"/> </authorization> </system.web> </location> <location path = "WebPages/Reports/SpecificPage.aspx...

how do I store system.web.authorization details in an external config file?

I want to maintain different user authorization lists for different environments. I know that connectionstrings can be broken out in an external file with configSource, but how would I do this for the following? <authorization> <allow users="someuser1"/> <allow users="someuser2"/> <allow users="someuser3"/> <deny users="*"/> </...

Can ConfigurationElementCollection object contain for its elements another ConfigurationElementCollection objects?

Can ConfigurationElementCollection object contain for its elements another ConfigurationElementCollection objects? I have this xml where testsection is section root: <testsection> <head> <metaData> <metaGroup id="general"> <meta name="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" type="http-eq...

ASP.Net/web.config - "The entry 'x' has already been entered" ?

In ASP.Net when I see the error message "The entry 'x' has already been entered" I think that means a name (in this case 'x') is defined twice in Web.Config. Is that a reasonable summary of what causes that error or are there other ways it could be generated ? The 'x' in question doesn't appear twice in the web.config - any ideas of w...

How do I know that a configuration is set up if I can't see it on my web.config file?

Hello, I'm walking through the Series on "How to use charts with ASP.NET" (Scott Michell). Somewhere, he says: ...Both of the above configuration additions are automatically added to Web.config when you add a Chart control to a web page for the first time in your project... I've checked on my web.config, but I didn't see anything. So...

Zend Framework on iis7.

Recently setup a site on my windows server running Zend Framework and only the index.php page shows correctly. All other internal pages look like they are being redirected to index.php with the URL being rewritten as the correct page URL. Really strange and can't seem to figure out if it's the server configuration or the retire rules in ...

How can I change the "App_Themes" directory in ASP.Net?

I'm upgrading a .Net application from .net 1.1 to 3.5. All the themes are stored in a folder called Themes, the new .Net 3.5 framework wants this information in a folder called App_Themes. It will be a major refactoring for me to move everything to a App_Themes folder. So I want to ask if there is a way to tell .Net what folder to use ...

.NET 4.0 and his Web.Config's XDT

Hello, I'm trying to use the XDT in a 4.0 web application and I just don't figure out how! I know this is maybe weird (At least, all thread I've read since then, everybody seems to do it easly but hum, not me!!). Nothing working. Here's what I've tryed : Here's my Web.Debug.Config : <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration xmlns:xdt="http...

perform SQL Server operations with windows user id from an ASP.NET page

I have an ASP.NET application that authenticates users using Ldap against active directory. This is, the users enter their same windows credentials on the webform to login to this application. The application is basically a SQL Server database frontend, and in my limited experience, I use the standard connectionStrings label in the web.c...

How to put asp.net custom control definitions in separate file?

If one has a lot of custom controls the list of elements withing the element gets quiet long making the web.config tedious to work with. Does anyone know a better/different way of defining custom controls (maybe put them in a separate file like it's possible for appSettings. Thanks. ...