
What is best solution to get cross browser layout like this (Without Javascript), drop shadow on left and right and flexible in Height?

I'm looking to do something like this: Needs to be light-weight and compatible with IE6. ...

IE8 not rendering transparent pngs correctly -- never happened before

I've never had a problem before with IE 7 or 8 and transparent PNGs until now. I don't know if it's Photoshop or Fireworks that is possibly messed up. I really don't know what else to say.. here is the link: http://michaelpstone.net/mannelaw It's the three fading images on the home page. My only guess is that it has to do with the ...

what is the meaning of "Best viewed at 1024 X 768" ?

Hello, I am in the process of designing web-app, and would like to know what the following statement means/claims to be "Best viewed at 1024 x 768" ? Does it mean if my monitor is set to 1024 * 768 and I browse that site which claims to support this resolution , I will not get horizontal/vertical scroll bars or does it mean something e...

Best book(s) about web design and front end development

I searched for a while but I couldn't find a question that exactly covered this topic. I'm looking for a web design book that covers both the design part and the front-end development part. What I mean by that is a book that teaches me about UI, color theory, typography, use of illustrations, etc (the design part) and also how best to wo...

jQuery mouseover link to show hidden div

Hi, I came across the mouseover event on extratorrent site like the following image. When you hover the mouse over the username link, it shows a hidden div. Pretty neat and slick. I'm new to jQuery.Can anyone show me how to get start on the right track to do that? Thanks. Update 1: I wrote something like the following attempting t...

What does @-moz-document url-prefix() do?

In Simon Collison's new Responsive Web Design, in the CSS, there are several declarations like this: @-moz-document url-prefix() { .fl { float:left; margin:12px 4px 0 0; padding:0; font-size:65px; line-height:62%; color:#ba1820; } .fs { float:left; margin:12px 4px 10px 0; padding:0; font-size:65px; line-height:62%; color:#ba1820; ...

Process for working with a remote Web Designer on an ASP.NET MVC project

I have a side project done in ASP.NET MVC. So far the presentation is just very basic functionality. If I were to hire a designer online and work with them to produce the final website design what process should I follow to make it as easy as possible to take their HTML and CSS and translate that into ASP.NET MVC controls etc? I am un...

jQery mouseover to show hidden div and to show div if only mouse still over the div

Hi, I have a problem with my mouseover and mouseout. When mouseover a link, it shows hidden div, and mouseout of a div it hides the Div. Problem is that if mouseover a link, then I move mouse somewhere else which is not over the div, the div won't go away. If I use mouseout event of the link to set the visibility of the Div, then I wo...

Show a adjacent hidden div on mouseover the link

Hi, I have the following HTML and Javascript. I just want to show the hidden one at a time only when mouseover a link. If the mouse is over the link "Drink", then show the hidden div below that link only and other hidden div must stay hidden. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DT...

Deliverables for PHP web designer

I'm in the design phase of a medium-sized PHP web application (not a static website). Since I'm a programmer with the creativity of an eggplant I'd like to contract with a freelancer to design the look and feel of the application. What deliverable should I ask for from the designer? HTML files? PHP files? How do I apply the look and...

Strategies for Handling Multiple Screen Resolutions and Aspect Ratios in Web Development

Back in the day, 800 x 600 was the screen resolution to design for - and maybe 640 x 480. Then along came 1024 x 768, etc, etc, etc. But then it gets worse: now we have not only different resolutions but also different aspect ratios. What strategies do people use to accommodate today's ever-expanding range of screen sizes and aspect ...

Playing with CSS Opacity

I am trying to create a buttonbar using simple <div> and change its opacity to 50% and give a background But the elements which come inside this division exhibit the same transparency as there parent <div>. I want them to retain 100% opacity. (Which is not possible). How to make this Possible? A sample CSS of what I am trying to do is ...

does one need any 'programming aptitude' to become a web-designer ?

It's well-known among teachers that some people can program and some can't. They just don't have mindset for that. In a nut-shell, I want to ask if the same is true about web-design. I have a friend who is a good designer in general and can produce reasonably good-looking sites with WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver. But, since we're star...

How to deal with null value in <select> HTML filter ?

I have an user interface that print user, and I wan't to have a filter by country. I made a classic <select /> element. In JSP I have <select id="country" onchange="return filter();"> <option value="">...</option> <c:forEach var="country" items="${countries}"> <option value="${country.id}" ${country.name} ...

Wrapping a button around a scrolling pane

I have a content pane area that is a list, which slides to another area on click. So second area starts out hidden. I have an image button that I want to "wrap" on the edge of the pane, like the image here. But I can only make it work without having overflow set to hidden. But then of course both panes show at once. Is there a way to do ...

How do I get sIFR to hide text before showing the flash replacement?

I'm having trouble configuring sIFR to hide text before it displays the flash replacement text in Chrome/Firefox/Safari for a web site I worked on, Australian Tree Stories I'm probably using siFR incorrectly, so I read the documentation, but found setting bHideBrowserText to true doesn't work sIFR.bHideBrowserText = true; Does anyone...

What are the best reasons to avoid Javascript popups on a website?

I'd would like to know all the reasons to avoid popups in a website (in a web design best practices point of view). Ex : doesn't use all screen space, needs Javascript... ...

how to extend sidebars in 3 column liquid, header and footer in dreamweaver cs4

Hi, When i select Dreamweaver cs4 layout: 3 column liquid, header and footer, the sidebars don't touch the footer at the bottom. If i apply different color to the sidebar1, it appears to be just hanging on the side. How to make it touch the footer? ...

Ebook Web Design

Possible Duplicate: What are some good books on web UI? i want to find book to learn web design. Do you help me? ...

internet explorer 7 css problem

Hi I am modifiying a cs-cart theme which uses smarty template engine. I am able to move the shoping cart links to above the top menu and it shows Ok with IE8 firefox etc. Hovewer IE7 make an empty space. How could I make IE7 happy. I added the necessary style-sheets and tpl files. Main css files are style.css and stle.base.css. IE8 ...