
Best method of showing clients their website during development

We are trying to streamline the process of showing clients their websites whilst in development without the need to change absolute paths etc. We mostly develop locally and change our hosts files to reflect the domain name, when we are ready to show the client we copy the files to www.client.com/dev but I'm looking for a better method, ...

Best way to implement a 'find my nearest' in my webapp

Hello I'm currently building a web app for a UK company with many outlets in the UK. I want to implement a 'find my nearest' based on the following. Postcode Landmarks So the user could enter either to get a list of their nearest. I've done this before using postcode data in a database and then using Pythagoras to figure out the nea...

"Floating" annotations with HTML/CSS/JavaScript/whatever

I have a text document with some annotations, and I would like to make them appear near the text they accompany, on a webpage. That is, I want to convert something like this: The Houdan hen was never drawn into the cult of Sredni Vashtar. Conradin had long ago settled that she was an Anabaptist. He did not pretend to have ...

How Acid test are created?

How Acid test can be created if there is no compatible browser to test? And they ensure credibility? (http://acid3.acidtests.org/) ...

How can I reduce maintenance when my JavaScript and C# codebases overlap?

I have a library with some objects that I use both from C# and JavaScript. There are several objects, let's call one of them Foo, with the same basic implementation in C# and JavaScript. When I want to transmit an object of this type from the server to the browser, I simply call Foo.ToJson() to serialize this object to JSON and then revi...

Passing strange text as variables via post method in php

I have an odd problem. Our company collects data and we use a HORRIBLE piece of software to handle all of our phone interviewing. It uses binary files instead of SQL and uses no compression. As of right now we have to manually run all reports for the clients. I am working on building a web interface to our data and common reports. Now I...

What are the most common reasons for requests without referrer?

I have a service with a large share of requests with an empty value for HTTP_REFERER. I'd like to interpret this correctly and wonder about the most common reasons for that. I understand that HTTP_REFERER is an optional header field, but most browsers with default setting seem to send them. Common reasons I have found so far: proxie...

Interactive pdf- not displaying on website

Why does the interactive pdf not display on the website. The file displays ok in dev. Get HTTP 400 bad request, even though the url is correct ...

In what order we have to learn web languages?

Can anyone please tell me, in what order we've to learn languages? 1.(X)HTML 2.CSS 3.JS, HTML DOM, jQuery (client-side) 4.SQL 5.PHP MySQL, SQL, Ajax? ...

Silent print a embedded PDF

Hi folks, I have a web page with embedded PDF on it. My code looks like this: <embed type="application/pdf" src="path_to_pdf_document.pdf" id="pdfDocument" width="100%" height="100%"> </embed> I have this javascript code for print my PDF: function printDocument(documentId) { //Wait until PDF is ready to prin...

Rails application.html.erb?

The old Rails used to have an application.rhtml file. The newer version appear to have .html.erb files for each model. What's the reason there is currently no application.html.erb file? ...

Website security question with PHP? (Probably applies to ASP/Rails/etc.. too)

Say, I have "index.htm" and "routines.php". "index.htm" will call eventually call "routines.php" using JS (AJAX). So, my question is, how can "routines.php" verify that the request came from the same local server and not outside? Is there a global variable I can check at PHP level or HTTP level? Edit 1: Using AJAX ...

Anyone know a mousehover trick/alternative which triggers when scrolling with keyboard

Is there an alternative method or a trick to the hover method which can trigger a function when the cursor moves from one div to another as the user scrolls the page. I have sort of got it working using some javascript (jQuery) on the hover event of the current post div. However, I've noticed the hover event only triggers when the mouse...

Updating Label Text while Method is Running

Hey All Developing is more of a hobby at the moment; so apologies if this is a basic question, although after a couple of hours searching the web I can't seem to find an answer. I am currenttly building a support tool for my team which runs a number of SQL queries & BCP processes and returns the results. Some of these actions take quite...

Looking for good (web) UI patterns for multi-select from a large (100+) list.

We have an application where we are recording a one to many mapping of values, with the 'many' side containing 100+ options. A simple select list isn't going to work because ctrl+click is a little too fragile for this user community. This will be done in ASP.NET, so any pointers to existing controls for this purpose would be very much ...

What should I be doing to secure my web form UI?

I have a mostly desktop programming background. In my spare time I dabble in web development, page faulting my way from problem to solution with some success. I have reached the point were I need to allow site logins and collect some data from a community of users (that is the plan anyway). So, I realize there is a whole world of nefa...

best IDE software for Windows?

Anyone got reccomendations for the best IDE software for a windows powered computer? I want text editor, css editor, ftp, live preview if poss, and it should also be able to handle php and javascript. Any suggestions? What do you use and what is awesome! ...

How is using portlets any better than just using server side includes?

The idea behind portlets is that a website/page can be comprised of a number of applications that are developed individually. They are then fit together on a page by a portal much like a jig-saw puzzle. This allows functionality to be created independently and slotted together at a later date. This has many obvious benefits. However. I ...

How is callback with arguments executed?

Hi I got acquainted with jQuery a few days back and am beginning to realize the little magic it can do. I am curious to know how exactly a callback with arguments is executed in jQuery i.e. what is the exact execution sequence? I went through the link http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:How_jQuery_Works and it speaks of a wrong way i.e....

Apache MaxClients when KeepAlive is Off

with apache, is it reasonable to reduce MaxClients when KeepAlive is Off? currently, MaxClients is set to 150, which is the default for mpm-worker. nginx serves static files and reverse-proxies to apache we are averaging around 12-15 requests per second cpu load avg is never above 0.8 on a quad-core box thanks! ...