
Should I put .htm at the end of my urls?

The tutorials I'm reading say to do that, but none of the websites I use do it. Why not? ...

div tag inside a cfloop tag introduces unwanted line breaks

Hi I have a web page in coldfusion which shows contents from a SQL table. The contents are iterated using cfloop and are rendered using a div block. My code snippet follows- <cfloop query="qry1"> <div class="subBlock"> <div class="item"><h4>Date:</h4><p>#qry1.date#</p></div> <div class="item"><h4>Name:</h4><p>#qry1.name#</p></...

How to test wepages/apps for slower speed inviroments.

How can i test webpage/app rendering for slow speed connection? ...

How to perform multithreading/background process in classic asp

I need to send emails via a background job on a classic-asp app so the user doesn't have to wait for a slow webserver to complete sending the email. I know I can use Ajax to generate two separate requests, but I'd rather not require Javascript. Plus, I suspect there's a better way to pull this off. Ideas? ...

Is it normal to have a short delay after .innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; ?

Is it normal to have a short delay after .innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; ? Delay aproxamilty 1 sec. after xmlhttp.readyState==4. Using firefox 3.0.10 ...

What are some of the other old / researched techniques that are not in the main stream yet?

With the recent announcement of Google Wave I started looking into how it worked, I then found that work and research on Real-time Collaborative Editing Systems has been around for some time (the first work was done in 1989). Google "introduced" MapReduce however that had been around for some time in functional programming as well. Are...

Storing documents using Ruby On Rails

I would like users of my ruby on rails app to be able to upload documents (Word Documents, Spreadsheets, PDFs, etc). What is the best way of doing this? ...

How to check if an ajax function is busy from a previouse call

How to check if an ajax function is busy from a previous call? How can i prevent the call to an ajax function if it's readyState != 4 yet from a previous call? ...

Dual body background images

Is it possible to to have: A patterned body background image for the main page, Followed by another background image on top of the first one (this time a picture on the right hand side, on edge of the page) The content (using semi-trrasparent gif is overlayed across the body background images) should be scrollable whilst both backgrou...

file transfer through iframe not propagating

Hey guys, I'm still rebuilding old ASP to new and iframing certain things that take up too much time. I'm stuck at a search function that normally returns an excel file (browser asks save or open). the result page for this is now iframed but it does not seem to propagate the file anymore, so no more save-file popup. I must add that th...

Should Web Developers upgrade to Internet Explorer 8?

I am a web applications developer stuck working on a Windows machine. Today I got an update notification asking me to upgrade Internet Explorer to version 8. I previously had IE 8 installed during the beta, but uninstalled it due to inconsistencies between it's 'compatibility mode' and a stand-alone version of IE 7 (very weird, albeit ...

instance variable vs. symbol in ruby on rails (form_for)

hi, i'm new to ruby on rails and am working with version 2.3 on mac osx. i am trying to create the same functionality a scaffold creates, but on my own. i created a "post" controller, view, and model. in post controller, i have the following: class PostController < ApplicationController def index end def new @post = Post.new ...

HTTP forms using raw PHP

My initial strategy at developing forms was like this: the form post back to the same page and in the page handler I start by looking for POST variables and taking appropriate actions, then display the page content. It was all looking rosy in the beginning. I would place a hidden field inside my form and the page to keep track of current...

rails: displaying a user friendly message for a routing error in rails

hello, i am working in rails 2.3 on mac osx leopard. every time i type a url that does not exist in a rails application i get the following error Routing Error No route matches "/whatever_i_typed" with {:method=>:get} this is find for development, but i was wondering how i can make sure users see a friendlier 'oops! not found' page. ...

Interesting small web-based applications

I like programming, but I'm starting to get bored. To bring back the fun, I would like to create small and fun web applications. So, please give some ideas of web applications/gadgets that can be created in a short time(10-20 hours). Utility is not very important, being challenging or fun is all it matters. Thanks. ...

Discovering which CSS rule is responsible for the format of any element

I want to click / look at on an html element and find out which css rule is responsible for which format property. i.e. I want to know the font's come from body{ } the color from h { } and the padding from #headercontainer Is there a way of doing this? I've tried firebug and cssedit (both of which are very cool) but can't see wher...

Web IDE tool

Does anyone know if it exists a Web IDE allowing to develop web application directly from a web application? The W3School website allows to write small piece of code in HTML or javascript but is there another solution more project oriented? ...

How to change temporarily the background color of a new element added to the DOM?

Hi, I'm developing a webpage (using jquery) where the user can add new graphical controls to the DOM (for example, the user clicks on a link and a new DIV is created). How can I change the background color of this new element for a few seconds (and then it will revert back to its original color)? I want to change the color to give a vis...

Table entries order.

Well this is going to sound like a lame question, I know. This is probably one of the most obvious things to do, but I've been trying to come up with a good way of sorting entries in database. Image table looking like this: entry_id | entry_data ------------------------- 1 | data1 2 | data2 ... | ... n ...

My site crashes IE 7, where should I start to understand such a thing?

I could use a bit of insight! I built a webpage in which I use a fair amount of jquery/flash and other somewhat hardcore layout tools. It was fine in local testing, works in IE 6 and 7 so I delivered it to the customer, who put it on a server and now it promptly crashes IE 7. (haven't tried IE 6 yet). I don't have any decent debugging t...