
deploying mid-sprint with scrum (large ongoing 'brownfield' public web projects)

Schwaber & Beedle's 'scrum' book (and the other scrum literature I've read) seems to focus on having a releasable product by the end of the sprint. Web development for an established site (at least in our case) consists of developing 'enhancements' (of various sizes) and many small 'fixes'. Deploying (to web) only at the end of the sprin...

Organizing classes into namespace in the App_Code folder not working as expected.

I have a couple of classes that I have created for my web project and I am going to store them in the App_Code folder. I don't want to store all the classes in the top level (no namespace) but want to organize them into namespaces. So far this does not seem possible because when I use the "using XXXX;" namespace statement it still can't ...

what is the advantage of having a users' logs records in a website?

what is the advantage of having a users' logs records in my website or forum, why I should know who sign in? and when? I am asking this question because I built a website and my supervisor he asked me let the the system record all members logs! ...

Reflective Web Application (WebIDE)

Preamble So, this question has already been answered, but as it was my first question for this project, I'm going to continue to reference it in other questions I ask for this project. For anyone who came from another question, here is the basic idea: Create a web app that can make it much easier to create other web applications or we...

Consistent font-size across browsers (web development)

When creating web pages how do we achieve a consistent font size across browsers. I have used something like "font-size: 11pt; font-family: Helvetica,'Lucida Grande'" in my CSS, but the text looks different in Firefox, IE, Google Chrome and Safari (and this is not even on different platforms). Basically on the same machine, that is runni...

Is it possible to obtain a web-browser's Java VM without using an applet?

We have an ages old Java applet that we want to move forward to a newer version of Java (5 or 6), however until today we've always supported people using Java VMs as far back as version 1.1 (specifically for those still using the Microsoft VM) As part of the upgrade, we'd like to be able to serve a web page to people using out-of-date V...

javascript and css loadings

I was wondering, If I have, let's say 6 javascripts includes on a page and 4-5 css includes as well on the same page, does it actually makes it optimal for the page to load if I do create one file or perhaps two and append them all together instead of having bunch of them? ...

Python or php which language would be better for web development?

Python or php which language would be better for web development? ...

Compatibility of Comet with current technology

I hear that I can use Comet as a server push technology along with my Ajax code to increase the performance of my web applications. How mature this Comet technology? Is it supported by all web servers, programming languages and browsers? What are the disadvantages of using Comet? ...

How can one run multiple versions of PHP 5.x on a development LAMP server?

(Sorry for the poorly-phrased title.) I need to test my PHP applications with multiple versions of PHP 5.x, such as PHP 5.0.0 and PHP 5.2.8. Is there a way that I can configure a development LAMP server so I can quickly test applications with multiple versions of PHP5? ...

Django templates: create a "back" link?

I'm tooling around with Django and I'm wondering if there is a simple way to create a "back" link to the previous page using the template system. I figure that in the worst case I can get this information from the request object in the view function, and pass it along to the template rendering method, but I'm hoping I can avoid all this...

any nice CSS design for non-artistic web developer?

Honestly I'm very bad at CSS and not good at dealing with color / design. Are there any helpful sites for things like pre-made, nicely skinned component, or layout of the whole site? Thanks! ...

New technology in Web Developement

I am a web developer.Currently I have good technical skills in Java,Sql,Jsp/Servlet and Gwt.Now i am planning to learn some more new technologies in Web developement. Can anyone give suggestion about new technologies in web developement to learn? thank you. ...

Selecting a date on a mobile web site

I'm working on a web site that includes creating appointments on the mobile site. I have to make it work on IE Mobile. The biggest challenge is to come up with a way to do date selection on a mobile site that: Is compact enough to not take forever to load on the limited-bandwidth cell network. Will work on Windows Mobile 6 Prevents t...

Recommendations for sites / articles / books on developing web sites in Ruby without using a framework such as Rails / Merb

Im struggling to find good material about developing web applications in Ruby without using a framework such as Rails or Merb in the usual places (I've already spent a while on Google, Safari books online and stackoverflow looking!). I have nothing against the frameworks at all; just my intended architecture is a little different and so ...

Web Scraping with Google App Engine

I am trying to scrape some website and republish the data as a RSS feed. How hard is this to setup with Google App Engine? Disadvantages and Advantages using GAE. Any recommendations and guidelines greatly appreciated! ...

Django - How to preopopluate admin form fields

I know that you can prepopulate admin form fields based on other fields. For example, I have a slug field that is automatically populated based on the title field. However, I would also like to make other automatic prepopulations based on the date. For example, I have an URL field, and I want it to automatically be set to http://www.mys...

Taking code and design from other Websites. Ripoff or Standard?

While designing my site I am constantly faced with the issue of whether its ok to TAKE ideas and designs from other sites. In some cases there is no distinction in certain aspects. Is there anything ethically wrong with this? Is this expected in the design programming community? ...

Best way to preserve user-generated HTML across a post request?

I am building a site that is an interface used to create XML files that are read as input by a server side program. The website allows users to dynamically create blocks of HTML. Each block can be thought of as an object and contains several input fields. When the user submits the form, the data is turned into an XML file. What is th...

jquery select image

I am looking to allow users to select a pre-uploaded image to a user generated web page. I have a list of the available images, so I could easily do this with a select control, however, I'd really like to allow the users to select from a pop up of thumbnails, rather than text, then have that populate a text form element with the resulti...