
How to prevent having to re-login to ASP.NET web apps after a code change

I dislike it when I lose the session state of my ASP.NET web app when changing code. Losing the session state means I have to log in over and over again. It's annoying. Is there anyway I can reconfigure my app so that I can make changes to code and not have to re-authenticate to view those changes? (I know that changing .ASPX files do...

Stability of web development packages?

Well this migh get urgent soon. My experiences with web-frameworks was that they are relative "unstable". Not that they crash but that there are quite a few changes which then force one to reprogram ones code. I wonder what web developement packages you've used and how much work it was/is to maintain that code... ...

Which is better, white list or black list security, or both?

I am going to be building a web app soon where I will need to have a security model such that different users have access to different parts of the application and/or different sets of data within those specific parts of the app. I am debating between the following two methods of implementing security: White List: By default users have...

Dynamic websites quick and easy using ASP.NET without knowing ASP.NET

I am a developer with a strong .NET background. In my spare time I will soon have the task to build a small an simple website with some dynamic features. So I guess ASP.NET would be the right choice. The problem is here that I have almost no experience with ASP.NET and my time is very limited. What would you suggest how I should approach...

Accessing hardware from within Internet Explorer

Is it possible to access hardware devices (web-cams, magnetic card readers, etc.) from within Internet explorer? If yes, what technologies are used? And are there any .Net examples. In my case, I need to access a magnetic card reader that would be attached to the client computer. The web-app would need to be able to access the reader ...

is there a website that compiles css knowledge?

I'm thinking of getting into the web designing business . I am aware that I will bump into a lot of CSS headaches , and I'm certain people have bumped into them long before I did . Is there a website I could check for solutions to common problems (e.g:aligning an image like this doesn't show up in IE)? Something like a cookbook would be ...

+ or - in url ?

Most websites use - (like stackoverflow) but most PHP framework generate + encoded url. So, what is the best for SEO ? Use + or - as separators ? ...

Which tools should no PHP/Web developer live without?

There are lots of IDEs for PHP development, but I'm curious about all the OTHER brilliant little tools and apps and websites that people use every day to make PHP development a little easier. ...

Website JavaScript Strategy - What to Include?

I've been using the jQuery library in our company website for a few weeks longer than its "official Microsoft endorsement". As we find ourselves applying it more and more throughout the site, questions are now being asked about our design vision and implementation strategy for jQuery. Currently, we have none. I've put some initial tho...

Make hosted WebBrowser control inherit tab background?

I've run into a problem where I can't really find a good, low maintenance solution. We're trying to integrate our hosted ActiveX WebBrowser control in a dialog box with tabs (the native C++ tab control) better, such as having its HTML font use the "Shell Dlg" font, removing the 3D border for the WebBrowser control, and making its backgro...

What are the approaches to restrict the access to a group of machines in a web system?

My bank website has a security feature that let me register the machines that are allowed to make banking transactions. If someone steals my password, he won't be able to transfer my money from his computer. Only my personal computers are allowed to make transcations from my account. So... What are the approaches to restrict the access...

Specific JRE name (which might not be the same on other computers) stored in meta-data for Eclipse Ganymede WTP project

Problem overview: When using Eclipse Ganymede with the Web Tools Platform the project gets dependent on the exact JRE name I use. The name might be different on other developers machines, how is this problem best solved so that many developers may work together on the project? Detailed problem description: I'm using Eclipse Ganymede a...

Can I make an Apache running on Windows case-sensitive?

The Windows file-systems (FAT, NTFS) do not care about the case of file names (case-insensitive). Consequently programs - like the Apache web server - running on windows handle file case-insenstive. When you create web sites on Windows you inadvertently create links, etc. that do not match the case of the actual file name. You usually n...

Is Google Gears Really a Long-term Solution?

I am thinking about using Gears in a project, but I have doubts about it. Do you think that Gears will really be (or already were) accepted by the community as the state-of-art solution for what it purposes? Although Gears seems to be awesome, I think that the community is kind of scared to use it. What do you think about it? ...

Connect to MS SQL Server from PHP on Linux?

I need to connect to an MS SQL Server database from a PHP script running on a Linux server. I'm looking at using FreeTDS as there is no official MS SQL Server driver for Linux. Is this my best option? Is it ok in a production environment? Are there other options, perhaps ODBC? ...

Is PHP or Perl the right choice for my web project?

I'm looking forward to hear some suggestions for choosing the "right" language (and modules?) to realize a 1-man web project (LAMP only, complexity somewhere between a guestbook and a fully fledged blog, developed for high traffic sites with 50,000+ impressions per day) based on these requirements: Output cache (think: Wordpress Super-...

Why does Django only serve files containing a space?

I'm writing a basic Django application. For testing / development purposes I'm trying to serve the static content of the website using Django's development server as per http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/#howto-static-files. My urls.py contains: (r'^admin/(.*)', admin.site.root), (r'^(?P<page_name>\S*)$',...

CSS Same size List Items for horizontal navbar

Hi All, Trying to learn a bit of CSS and I want a horizontal navbar and I am using ul and li to build it. I would like all the 'buttons' to have the same width, is that possible with just CSS? Thanks ...

New Website Project Sliverlight / Php

Hi, Very recently i have been given a facebook like project to develop for a client of mine. Most of the time when i comes to web development i use php since the solution PHP, apache, MySql which are all freely availble solutions, i have been thinking about using sliverlight to develop th web application, and i would like to hear some p...

Quickest and easiest way to set up a web page to search an SQL database?

I usually only work on system admin projects and software packaging and have little knowledge of web technologies, but I've been given the task of building a simple website that searches an SQL 2005 database from the users input and lists the results. That's it. Can anybody help me out with some sample code or some such? Since we're a p...