
HtmlInputFile through post action

I have a web page which have 3 controls: form using the post command. in the form i have an input file control named "myFile". a button the upload process works just fine, until I'm trying to post the form and handle the upload in another form. Request["myFile"] and request.Params["myFile"] gave me nothing ...

Is Caja ready for production?

We're looking for a way to secure third party code within our web pages. Someone suggested we use Caja. I looked into that, but the information about it is quite sparse. Before I deep dive into it, I would first like to know: Can Caja handle embedded HTML like Google Map's, which effectively acts as a bootstrap, and loads all the activ...

Eclipse Ganymede - Integeration with Tomcat 6 (without the whole WTP)

Hi! If I start with a Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (85 MB) (Ganymede) installation. What plug ins do I need to install to be a able to: See the Server tab and being able to add my Tomcat 6 installation. Be able to create a Dynamic Web Project which I may connect to my server. I want to be able to start and stop the server. See the s...

IE6 Bullet Point Alignment Problem

Hello, I am currently having some problems with <li> in IE6 essentially my code looks like this, <ul> <li>some filler text some filler text</li> <li>some filler text some filler text</li> <li>some filler text some filler text</li> </ul> The problem come when I view the page in IE 6 the bullets and the text do not line up as yo...

Porting from PHP to Java - framework recommendations?

Im porting a project from php to java. The project is a web-app based on php and ajax techniques with a javascript front-end. What java-frameworks would you use for something like this? ...

What kind of Markup should i use for the Notes in my WebApp?

hi, i am building a webapp that will have notes fields all over the place, but i dont know what kind of markup i should use. these are my requirements User must be able to change the text style (bold, italic, underlined) User must be able to create bullet lists User must be able to create numbered lists User must be able to change th...

Fresh WAS-CE installation gives nothing but "HTTP 400 'bad request'"?

I apologise in advance for something I'm expecting is a horrifyingly noob-question. I decided to try out developing web-applications in Java, using IBM's WAS-CE platform. I've never worked with this platform before, nor any other platforms for running Java web applications (I've been using php for all my web projects). Now, I downloade...

Studies on the impact of well-designed websites on business

Are there any studies on the impact of websites in general or well-designed websites for businesses? By well-designed, I mean highly functional, accessible, and usable websites - along the lines of Section 508 compliance. A quick Google search didn't seem to turn up anything too useful, so I thought I would appeal to the SO community for...

Which Java Web Framework fits best with Google Guice?

I'm planning to start on a new project and am looking at the current state-of-the-art Java web frameworks. I decided to build my application around Guice, and am likely to use a very lightweight ORM like Squill/JEQUEL/JaQu or similar, but I can't decide on the web framework. Which one would fit best in such a lightweight environment? And...

Setting up multiple development environments'm

I'm a solo developer working on a typical web project (Django + PostgresSQL) using Eclipse as my IDE and Subversion for source control. So far I've been working on a single development machine that I have setup myself. Recently, I've been asked to do some work at the customer site and there have also been a few occasions when it would ha...

Is there a stable and secure CMS that makes it easy (through docs and community) to write plugins/modules?

I'm thinking about building a website to have some kind of public facing content, but at the same time, I would like to be able to build modules and plugins without too much of a hassle. I'm looking at things like Wordpress, Joomla, and Drupal, but I'm wondering if anyone has personal experience in using and (more specifically) developin...

Resize vs Crop

Let's say you're creating an eBay-like site where users can list items they wish to sell to others and you want to allow them to upload pictures. In order to make the site look as "clean" as possible, you decide that all image thumbnails will render as 100x100 pixel squares on the main page (the full image could be displayed in another ...

How to make dropdown menu like "delicious" and "google" ?

Hi, I want to make a dropdown menu like delicious has at this http://delicious.com/search?context=all&amp;p=sql&amp;lc=1 page. In this page click the arrow which is with "Search" button. On click it displays a drop down menu, I want the same menu style but on my page I am having a link, what I want with that link a simple small icon wil...

Any Good Resources For Getting Started With Barcode Programming?

I want to be able to store product information in the database for a web application, I decided it would be good to use the barcode as a good product identifier. Right now I just want to be able to store the numerical representation of the code in the database, so I need to find out maximum lenghts, formats, etc... Eventually I would li...

Visual Web Developer Express with SP1 crashing when switching to design mode

I've just recently upgraded to using Visual Studio express editions with service pack 1. Previously I was using the express editions minus the service pack. The IDE for C++ and C# run fine for me but when running the Visual Web Developer IDE I get a crash when trying to switch to design mode on any page I attempt it on. I have been ab...

How to implement timezone in a web application?

I want to implement timezone in my web application. I researched and saw most web app use a GMT dropdown, here is the link to that dropdown http://www.attackwork.com/BlogEntry/6/Time-Zone-Dropdown-Select-List/Default.aspx Then I saw this article suggesting UTC is the way to go when it comes to implement timezone. http://aspnet.4guysfro...

X is to CSS what GWT is to Javascript; what is X?

Is there a structured language for declaring styles in a sensible way, which can then be rendered into browser specific css files, similar to what GWT does to Javascript? It would ideally be a language that supports variables, deals with browser quirks and differences (e.g. filter:alpha vs opacity), provides an intuitive syntax for comm...

What is the best practice for CSS-styled menu markup?

So, I've been 'collecting' CSS menus for a while now (another term would be 'borrowing', yet another would be 'blatantly ripping off'), to learn from them and to potentially reuse some of the leetness in my own projects. Being an oldschool HTML purist, I love the idea of styled <ul>s and <ol>s, and the better menus and tab interfaces te...

How to make scroller in jQuery?

Hi, I want to make scroller like given here: http://www.shopping.com/xPC-Kettler-Kettler-Vito-Xl~linkin_id-8051267 in jQuery. Its in dojo I think. Please give me link of scroller like this one. Thanks ...

What are the best practices for multilanguage sites?

I want to make a multi-language site, such that all or almost all pages will be available in 2 or more translations. What are the best practices to follow? For example, I consider these language selection mechanisms: Cookie-based selection of the preferred language. Based on Accept-Language header if the cookie is not set. Based on Ge...