
How do you approach release management for a web app (SaaS)?

What is the best approach to releasing a new version of a hosted web app, and how often do you typically release? Do you pick an arbitrary date, say every week, month, etc. to rollout an accumulated set of fixes (perhaps using an approach similar to Joel's approach to ship dates)? Waiting much longer than that seems to defeat part of the...

Coding Test - allow use of web?

During hiring a .NET web developer I give the candidate a coding test. I tend to limit the candidate to MSDN installed on the test server - I think it holds everything the candidate needs to complete the task. I admit, this is not the normal case as I don't expect the candidate to do his work without use of the web. On the other ha...

Disabling browser tooltips on links and <abbr>s

Hello, I want to suppress the web browser's default tooltip display when a user hovers over certain links and elements. I know it's possible but I don't know how. Can anyone help? The reason for this is to suppress the tooltip for microformatted date-times. The BBC dropped support for hCalendar because the appearane of the machine-read...

Displaying messages on form success page

Assume you have page A which is the "home" page for the web app. Assume there is a second page B which contains a form. After successfully processing the form the user is directed back to page A. If you need to display a success message for the previous action (the successful form submission), what is the best way to get that message ...

Thread specific data with webpy

I'm writing a little web app with webpy, and I'm wondering if anyone has any information on a little problem I'm having. I've written a little ORM system, and it seems to be working pretty well. Ideally I'd like to stitch it in with webpy, but it appears that just using it as is causes thread issues (DB connection is instantiated/access...

detecting mistyped email addresses in javascript

I notice sometimes users mistype their email address (in a contact-us form), for example, typing @yahho.com, @yhoo.com, or @yahoo.co instead of @yahoo.com I feel that this can be corrected on-the-spot with some javascript. Simply check the email address for possible mistakes, such as the ones listed above, so that if the user types his_...

How to hide the .jsp extension in my web server urls

I have a JSP web server, with pages that all end with the .jsp extension. How can I hide it in my web server urls without resorting to non-java tricks (e.g., apache rewrite)? For example: instead of typing http://www.sample.com/search.jsp?xxx the user would just type http://www.sample.com/search?xxx ...

How do you prototype a large website?

I am working on the rewrite of a large VB6-based application. We are moving from Windows Forms to web-based deployment using ASP .Net. There are about 50 core users and all are internal to the company. We need an efficient way to try out different designs in order to investigate the information architecture of the site, the workflow, an...

Assign an event to a custom control inside a Repeater control

Hello to all, I have a Repeater control which in some of its cells contains a UserControl which contains a DropDownList. On the ItemDataBound event of the Repeater control I'm assigning an event to the DropDownList like so: protected void MyRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { ... MyControl myControl = (MyCo...

Table cell height in terms of font size with CSS

I have a table (a calendar, notably). I want to make the calendar not look ugly when nothing is written in for any of the dates, so I want the minimum size of a cell to be equal to four times the font height. (That is, if I have a calendar row with nothing in it, and a calendar row with four lines of text, I want them to be the same size...

Launching a web page in a different process

I want to launch the browser in a different process when a particular link is clicked on the page. When I checked the net I found the following tip: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/3849 . But there we have to change the registry. Is there any simple way of doing this without touching the registry? ...

Simple bandwidth / latency test to estimate a users experience.

I write web based applications. Performance is obviously a key factor. Whilst database load and page rendering time are things I have control of, the users internet connection is not. What I'm looking for is a way to indicate what sort of a connection a user has. Something along the lines of a traffic light in the corner of a website th...

Line numbering and copy/paste (HTML/CSS)

What JS/CSS trick can I use to prevent copy&paste of numbers in an ordered list? <OL> <LI>A <LI>B <LI>C </OL> A B C If it's not doable, what alternative are available? thanks ...

What type of menu bar is this?

I'm going to be building a CSS menu bar into a site much like the one at http://www.mightyleaftea.com I've heard of dropdown menus, but what is the type of menu at mightleaftea.com called? Oh, and more recently http://www.whitehouse.gov/ This is programming related. I have to build the menu... ...

Accessing frames via the DOM in IE

OK, every other browser works fine with the method I have coded so far but for some reason Internet Explorer will not work. I have spent hours of time (more time than actually developing the feature!) on compatibility and am close to giving up! I have a forum and one of its neat features is the WYSIWYG editor. For that, I essentially ha...

How can I make my Selenium tests less brittle?

We use Selenium to test the UI layer of our ASP.NET application. Many of the test cases test longer flows that span several pages. I've found that the tests are very brittle, broken not just by code changes that actually change the pages but also by innocuous refactorings such as renaming a control (since I need to pass the control's cl...

Asynchronous cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?

I could just create a form and use that to do a POST request to any site, thing is the FORM method isn't asynchronous, I need to know when the page has finished loading. I tried messing around with this using an iframe with a form inside, but no success. Any ideas? EDIT unfortunately I have no control over the response data, it varie...

Graceful degradation of anchor tags with javascript

I currently rely on anchor tags to perform AJAX requests on my web application (using jQuery). For example: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#test").click(function() { // Perform AJAX call and manipulate the DOM }); }); <a id="test" href="">Click me!</a> </script...

Larger-scale web app... need some input

I'm currently working for a small .net shop, we mainly create web applications for mid-sized companies, sometimes desktop applications and other custom solutions. We are part of a mid-sized advertisement agency. We now have a request for a quote for a larger project, segmented into 3 sub-projects. Below I paraphrase some of the demands...

How would you implement a "last seen" feature for users?

On Stack Overflow, the profile page lists a "last seen" property. This doesn't seem to be updated on every page view (for performance reasons, obviously). How would you implement it in a heavy-traffic web app? Would you update it only on certain pages? Or cache the last time you logged the user's last visit and wait a specific amount...