
Options to communicate between WARs in the same EAR

What options do you have to communicate between the WARs in an EAR? We have several WARs providing different webservices deployed within one EAR. For their tasks they need to communicate with the other WARs. Of course they could communicate using webservices. What other, perhaps more efficient, options are there? EDIT: The reason for t...

Spring-WS: how to use WebserviceTemplate with pre-generated SOAP-envelope

Can you use a Spring-WS WebserviceTemplate for calling a webservice and avoid that it generates a SOAP-envelope? That is, the message already contains an SOAP-Envelope and I don't want that the WebserviceTemplate wraps another one around it. :-) The reason I want this is that I'd like to call a webservice that uses ws-security and do no...

Wrapping a web service in try/catch block

Hi, Is it best practice to wrap a web service method/call into a try/catch block? I dont' the web service request to be the reason why the .net desktop application crashes, so I was thinking all calls should be wrapped in try/catch to prevent this. Good idea? Also, should it throw an exception to or just have an empty catch? ...

Get the response headers from a WebService call?

Is there a way to get the responde headers from a web service call on .net? ...

jmeter and java webservice

Hi I am trying to test a stress test a webservice using jmeter but the requests keep stopping after around 4 hours. I submit 10 requests per second from JMeter. The webservice is still functioning properly after jmeter completes. I am using only 1 soap request and i do not specify to rad the soap response. Does anyone have any idea why...

LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/xml/namespace/QName in Websphere6.1 using resteasy

I am getting this error when making a web services call. I couldn't figure out a workround for this. ANy help is greatly appreciated. related library I have is: axis-1.3.jar axis-jaxrpc-1.3.jar axis-saaj-1.3.jar axis-wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar jaxb-api-2.1.jar jaxb-impl-2.1.8.jar jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar jaxrs-api-1.0-beta-9.jar In websphere 61 ad...

Using a web service to secure a database.

There are some rumors floating around that the team at my company will soon be using web services for all future application development. The architecture is supposed to be something like this: Application --> Web Service --> Database The stated reasoning behind it is security. This sounds like a huge waste of time for little if any ...

SOAP Service: Many Servers, One Interface

I have a scenario in which I'm going to need an arbitrary number of servers to provide the same SOAP web service. I would like to generate one set of proxy classes and be able to supply them with a location to point them at the different servers at runtime. Unfortunately, it looks as though the wsdl:port node (child of wsdl:service) requ...

Sending data from a page on one server, to another remote server. Language not dependant.

I'll try to keep this short and simple. I haven't begun writing the code for this project yet, but I'm trying to work out the pre-coding logistics as of right now. What I am looking to do, is create a method of sending data from one/any site, to another remote server, which would generate a response for the user requesting the data be s...

Silverlight enabled WCF Service vs Web Service vs ADO.NET Data Service

Ok, all these methods of getting data in a Silverlight control are confusing me. I've looked at ADO.Net Data Services, Web Service and Ailverlight-enabled WCF services. I'm just not sure when one is appropriate to use over another. What pros/cons do each offer? I've built a web app, and a silverlight control. I will be adding one of ...

What happens when WebClientProtocol Timeout occurs

Hi All, We have a client application that has reference to a webservice. We had set the timeout property on the webclientprotocol object to 50 (ms) and wanted to observe what goes on. We tied up a long running webmethod that returns a huge DataSet to the client. When the default value was there, the DataSet was returned properly to th...

Checking incoming and outgoing data of a Web Service

Hi All, I have a web service in C# that I have deployed on IIS 6.0. I want to view the data going out and coming ot this web service. I know about MS SOAP toolkit, but it seems to be deprecated by MS. Does anyone know about any other good tool other than MS soap toolkit. I cannot afford to spend money on any tool, so I need FREE tools ...

How to access the Application[] collection from a WCF web service

I used to use .ASMX web services, but I'm trying to move to WCF because it's the latest newest thing, and it's supposed to be better. Anyway, what I'm wanting to do is really really simple : create a webservice that empties the Application collection by calling Application.Clear(). In an ASMX web service, this is really really simple, ...

Atom Publishing Protocol in real life

I know that some big players have embraced it and are actually exposing some of their services in APP compliant way, already. However, I haven't found many other (smaller) players in this field. Do you know any web application/service that uses APP as its public API protocol? What is your own take on AtomPub? Do you have any practical ex...

Visual Studio 2005 - Add webreference fails for secured webservice

Hello, I have a webservice (asmx file) in a directory requiring form authentication When I try to add the WebReference through VS2005 - I get the following error: The request failed with the error message: -- <html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body> <h2>Object moved to <a href="/webchat/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fwebchat%We...

How do I fix: InvalidOperationException upon Session timeout in Ajax WebService call

Hi All, We are invoking Asp.Net ajax web service from the client side. So the JavaScript functions have calls like: // The function to alter the server side state object and set the selected node for the case tree. function JSMethod(caseId, url) { Sample.XYZ.Method(param1, param2, OnMethodReturn); } function OnMethodReturn(re...

Generated equals in Webservice Stub

All the generated webservice-stubs from our backend have an equals-method similar to this one: private java.lang.Object __equalsCalc = null; public synchronized boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof PropertyData)) return false; PropertyData other = (PropertyData) obj; if (obj == null) return false; ...

How can I get this request structure via .asmx web service?

I am working on creating a .asmx webservice to meet the specific needs of an integration environment and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get one section of it to work. The key is that the request WSDL needs to be something like the following. (Note I removed the soap envelope and namespace information) <methodOne> <m...

How to design and implement a simple WCF service relay?

We are in the process of designing a simple service-oriented architecture using WCF as the implementation framework. There are a handful of services that a few applications use. These services are mostly used internally, so a basic authentication and authorization scheme (such as Windows-based) is enough. We want, however, expose some o...

Webservices - Java or .NET?

I need to implement webservices in an upcoming project and wanted to know what are the main points to base the decision on whether to implement using java or .NET I'm a C++er... ...