
Microsoft Reporting Services WebServices and Java

Has anyone successfully implemented a Java based solution that uses Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services? Reporting Services comes with a set of Web Services that allow you to control the creation of a report, execution of a report, etc and I am just starting development on a POC of this integration. A couple of choices I have ...

How do you stop a Visual Studio generated web service proxy class from encoding?

I'm using a Visual Studio generated proxy class to access a web service (added the web service as a web reference to my project). The problem is that the function the web service exposes expects a CDATA element, i.e.: <Function><![CDATA[<Blah></Blah>]]></Function> Unfortunately, when I pass in "" into the proxy class, it calls the we...

Visual Studio basicHttpBinding and endpoint problems

I have a WPF application in VS 2008 with some web service references. For varying reasons (max message size, authentication methods) I need to manually define a number of settings in the WPF client's app.config for the service bindings. Unfortunately, this means that when I update the service references in the project we end up with a m...

Best way to transfer XML file over a C# WebService

Stream, String, Serialized Object?? ...

How can I get a more compact serialization of an image?

I am serializing a JPEG Image in c#.net. I am simply converting it into a byte steam and sending it through web service. I observed that serialized byte stream is 30 times more than that of the size of actual image. Can any one suggest me a better approach to serialize and stay relative to the size of the actual image? ...

Any way to programatically wrap a .NET WebService with a SoapExtension?

Basically, I'm trying to tap into the Soap pipeline in .NET 2.0 - I want to do what a SoapExtension can do if you provide a custom SoapExtensionAttribute... but to do it for every SOAP call without having to add the extension attribute to dozens of WebMethods. What I'm looking for is any extension point that lets me hook in as: void ...

How do you do paged lists in JavaServer Faces?

I have a JSF application that I am converting over to use webservices instead of straight up database queries. There are some extremely long lists that before could be returned easily with a simple SQL query. I'd like to figured out how implement the paging using JSF/web services. Is there a good design pattern for doing paged web servic...

Hints for a high-traffic web service, c# asp.net sql2000

I'm developing a web service whose methods will be called from a "dynamic banner" that will show a sort of queue of messages read from a sql server table. The banner will have a heavy pressure in the home pages of high traffic sites; every time the banner will be loaded, it will call my web service, in order to obtain the new queue of m...

Automated testing of FLEX based applications

What tools, preferably open source, are recommended for driving an automated test suite on a FLEX based web application? The same tool also having built in capabilities to drive Web Services would be nice. ...

Are REST request headers encrypted by SSL?

I'm developing a client/server app that will communicate via rest. Some custom request data will be stored in the header of the request. Both the server sending the request and the receiving server have an SSL certificate - will the headers be encrypted, or just the content? ...

Silverlight- DataGrid control - Selection Changed event interfering with sorting

I'm currently playing with the Silverlight(Beta 2) Datagrid control. Before I wired up the SelectionChanged event, the grid would sort perfectly by clicking on the header. Now, when the grid is clicked, it will fire the SelectionChanged event when I click the header to sort. Is there any way around this? In a semi-related topic, I'd ...

OCR Web Service

I am searching for an OCR web service (eventually open source, preferably free) that simply receives an image and returns the text of the image in writing. I've looked at tesseract, OCRopus and GOCR but the only open server I could find is WeOCR. Unfortunately the detection rates (at least during my tests) are sub-par and the speed is n...


Is REST a better approach to doing Web Services or is SOAP? Or are they different tools for different problems? Or is it a nuanced issue - that is, is one slightly better in certain arenas than another, etc? ...

Error code or Exception - which is the best practice for an ASP.Net web service?

I've read this thread for WCF has inbuilt Custom Fault codes and stuff. But what is the best practice for ASP.Net web services. Do I throw exceptions and let the client handle the exception or send Error code (success, failure etc) that the client would rely upon to do it's processing. Update: Just to discuss further in case of SOAP, l...

Dictionary webservice recommendation

Lot of googling did not help me! Are there any good dictionary web based available? I am looking for a site which can send me the meaning of words if we pass the word through query string! ...

What's the difference between XML-RPC and SOAP?

I've never really understand why a web service implementer would choose one over the other. Is XML-RPC generally found in older systems? Any help in understanding this would be greatly appreciated. ...

mtom serving word doc

has anyone been able to serve a word doc using metro (webservices) as a mtom stream? Does anyone have example, or know where there is example code please for client and server? Many thanks! ...

Custom X509SecurityTokenManager ignored

I have a webservice that that uses message layer security with X.509 certificates in WSE 3.0. The service uses a X509v3 policy to sign various elements in the soapheader. I need to do some custom checks on the certificates so I've tried to implement a custom X509SecurityTokenManager and added a section in web.config. When I call the se...

Curl command line for consuming webServices?

Do you guys know how I can use the Curl command line to POST SOAP to test a web service? I have a file (soap.xml) which has all the soap message attached to it I just don't seem to be able to properly post it. Thanks! ...

Query Web Service for list of Messages?

Is there a straightforward way to query a web service to see which messages it supports? The C# .NET application I'm working on needs to be able to handle an older version of the web service, which does not implement the message I'm trying to send. The web service does not expose a version number, so Plan B is to see if the message is de...