
Why isn't my document validating as XHTML 1.1 STRICT?

While target="_blank" is deprecated but, why W3C validator not giving ant error about this .you can paste and check this code validator? http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <...

Is there any limit to the characters we can put in HTML 'keywords' meta tag?

So the title says it all I guess... I was wondering if there was a limit, according to the standards, that we should respect while entering keywords in the <meta name="keywords" /> tag inside the HEAD of any HTML page. Please note, I'm not asking how specific search engines take this tag into consideration, but about standards. EDIT: ...

Is it good to put <p> inside <td> to put content text?

Which is more semantic and valid? <td> <p> content text </p> </td> or <td> content text </td> ...

What are pros and cons to use vendor-specific extesions , which are not included in W3C specifications?

I edited my question What is a vendor specific extension? A vendor specific extensions can start with a “-” (dash) or a “_” (underscore), usually followed by an abbreviation of the company or the browser project the extension is specific for, f.i. “-moz-” for Mozilla browsers, or “-webkit-” for WebKit based browser...

Why would Google use a font tag?

So, I couldn't help noticing while demonstrating Chrome's DOM browser thing to my brother, that Google uses a <font size=-2> tag. I know this is a stupid question, but from a programming point of view--why would they use a deprecated tag on Google? Is it because it's smaller than using <p class="whatever"> and then creating a style for ...

Should i use transtional doctype over strict for CMS based sites where client will update site in future?

In any CMS based site after my work in future client or any client's staff (non-technical) will update website through WYSIWYG editor and it's surely possible they could use deprecated tag or any non-semantic and non validated code. so in this condition would it be better to use transtional doctype over strict for CMS based site? ...

What tag should be used for short text like "back to top" , "Read more" etc?

What tag should be used for short text like. Back to top Read more is <p> appropirate or something else should be use. because these are not paragraph. Which is more semantic <p><a href="#mainWrapper">Back to top</a></p> or <a href="#mainWrapper">Back to top</a> or <div><a href="#mainWrapper">Back to top</a></div> ...

Why do some major websites use invalid HTML?

I noticed that many websites, even Google and some banking sites, have poorly-written HTML with no quotes around the values of attributes, or using characters such as ampersands not escaped correctly in links. In other words, many use markup that would not validate. I am curious about their reasons. HTML has simple rules and it is just ...

An inconsistency problem between browsers, puzzle me long time

First, the screenshots As you see, although i explicitly described the height, padding-top, etc, there's always a little differece between browsers, how can i make them the same? This problem keep puzzling me and i never find the cause, i even tried delete reset.css i use but still no luck Paste related DOM and CSS for reference DOM...

I need to review 2 seminal CompSci papers in a chosen topic, suggestions please

I come from a multimedia background as opposed to a pure-CS background so I would find a heavy CS-paper about subjects like algorithms hard to review. I'm interested mainly in web technologies, particularly areas like web standards, push technologies (comet, web hooks etc..), social graphing, online data portability. Other topic suggest...

CSS reset with presentational and deprecated tags

Why does Eric Meyer have not advisable, presentational, deprecated, and non-semantic tags in his css reset? (I.e. applet, iframe, big, s, small, strike.) html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, sm...

Adding strong emphasis to an img tag. Semantics

Hi there. I'm actually coding a website and a doubt came to me. I have a list of images (it's an artist portfolio, so it should be images), some of which have a "Featured" badge. Is it semantically correct to wrap the img into a strong tag instead of using a class="featured"? Will it add strong emphasis to the image? Reading the W3C sp...

<noscript> processing in XML documents

Is there any difference in <noscript> block processing for pages served with MIME-type text/html versus those served with MIME-type application/xhtml+xml? As far as I noticed <noscript> block for text/html pages is not processed at all if JavaScript is disabled in browser. And what happens for application/xhtml+xml pages? I suspect that...

Shouldn't we use <noscript> tag?

I found some good cons here. The noscript tag only detects whether the browser has JavaScript enabled or not. If JavaScript is disabled in the Firewall rather than in the browser then the JavaScript will not run and the content of the noscript tag will not be displayed. Many JavaScripts are dependent on a specific feature or features...

What is the best method to code contact info in x/html ?

What is the best method to code contact info in x/html other than Microformats? Is the use of <p> and <br/> is ok? or do we have any other good element? <p><strong>London</strong> <br/> 607,5th Floor, Oxford Towers, <br/> Airport Road, Kodihalli <br/> London 560 008 <br/> Phone: 91-80- 4115 1705-706 <br/> Fax: 91-80- 41151707 <br/> Ema...

How can HTML5 "replace" Flash?

A topic of debate that's seen a resurgence since the unveiling of the iPad is the issue of Flash versus HTML5. There are those that suggest that HTML5 will one day supplant/replace Adobe Flash. I do not develop software that runs in a browser, so my (limited) understanding is: HTML is a pure-text markup language that is delivered ove...

What are the practical benefits of using microformats for every possible thing?

What practical benefits can my client get if I use microformats on his site for every possible thing? How can I explain these benefits to a non-technical client? ...

Correct use of Blockquote, q and cite?

Is this the correct use of Blockquote, q and cite? <p> <blockquote>Type HTML in the textarea above, <q>and it will magically appear</q> in the frame below. </blockquote> <cite><a href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt;refrence url</a> </p> Is use of Blockquote, q semantically correct? or both are presentational element , so should not b...

How to decide What should be chosen to make heading bold <strong> or <h3/h4/h5>?

How to judge what should be <h2> , h3 h4 h5 h6 or <p><strong>Some text</strong></p> If we don't have knowledge about context Only title of the page i can judge easily <h1> How to judge others I always get content from clients in MS word 2007 format and client always use fontsize to make things smaller and bigger. How we can best judge...

Shouldn't we use microformats if we are making accessible site?

Is microformat's classes structure good for Screen reader? <div class="vcard"> <span class="fn">Gregory Peck</span> <a class="org url" href="http://www.commerce.net/"&gt;CommerceNet&lt;/a&gt; <div class="adr"> <span class="type">Work</span>: <div class="street-address">169 University Avenue</div> <span class="locality"...