
How to open the homepage in FULLSCREEN with javascript without opening a new window ??

How to open the homepage in FULLSCREEN with javascript without opening a new window ?? ...

Is there a tomcat anonymous role or user for tomcat security realms?

I want a certain role to be protected with a username/pw in some environments, but not require even a prompt in others. If i have an auth-constraint in a tomcat web.xml, can I create a user with the role needed that is 'anonymous' access? ...

Open remote document and save back to remote server

I have programmed a web app for my office that runs on the server. All of our documents are on the server as well. I would like to be able to have the user browse a folder on the server through my web app, open it in an editor (online or desktop), be able to edit it and save it back to the server, in the location where it was opened from...

Single technology stack vs. multiple technologies for high scale site

Hello, I have recently been come to for advise on an idea of rewriting an existing site due to massive maintenance problems in their old design. Basically, the company is considering a complete rewrite of aprox. 90% of their site which is currently written in PHP using an in-house framework. The company would like to rebuild the backen...

Two asp:content in web content form

Whenever I create a new Web Content Form in asp.net and select a master page. I get two asp:content controls. If I delete the first one the page still works fine. Is this a bug or a functionality ...

Can Java web applets do the same as offline ones?

I am looking to start a java web applet, as I need something that doesn't need downloaded (saved to computer) and for the most part will work for Windows and OSX. I have never done anything with java, so my question is can you do everything you can do with a normal java jar file on the web? More specifically, can you write a web applet...

Error : No credentials found by which to authorize the user Missing authentication credentials

Hello all I am having a problem and this is the first time I am setting up Mutial SSL for a payment portal the code below is what I am using and the error I am getting is: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: No credentials found by which to authorize the user Missing authentication credentials [cert] at System.Web.Services.P...

Dynamic URLs w/ Struts 1

I'm using Struts 1. I have a list of stores in our database. The store table contains store id, store name, url friendly store path, store address. For example, "1; Store 1; the-wonderful-store; 52 Main St.", When a request comes in for /store/the-wonderful-store.do, I want to grab "the-wonderful-store" and query the DB for the store...

Web server that handles HTTP post json request

I'm creating an iPhone app and I want the app to be able to send some information in the form of JSON string over a web server/app (I really don't know) and display it in a web page or save it to a file. I know how to send the request from the iPhone, the problem is I don't have a clue on how to implement the server side and integrate it...

Can traffic be streamed from client to Web Service using IXmlSerializable in C#?

Using the following as a guide I am attempting to implement a streaming file upload from a client to a server through a Web Service. The example provided below is streaming in the opposite direction from Web Service on a server to client. I am using IIS 7 on Windows 2008 R2 and .Net Framework 3.5 How To: Chunk Serialized Data http://m...

access to google with python

hello guys ... how i can access to google !! i had try that code urllib.urlopen('http://www.google.com') but it's show message prove you are human or some think like dat some people say try user agent !! i dunno ! ...

reCaptcha Not working in PHP

(There is no problem with the code below, it was because i had a custom google.com dns record on my server for testing and reCaptcha uses google servers) I have been trying to implement reCaptcha for ages now, i have tried many of the different tutorials but none of them work for me, what is below is from the guides on their own websi...

Flex SDK or Adobe Flash?

I looking to get into Flash game development (coming from XNA), but I'm not so sure I'm willing to dish out for the pricey Adobe Flash software. I've noticed there is the free "Flex" SDK. What's the difference? Would I be able to develop a flash game using the free Flex SDK and submit it to a game portal in the same way I would if I de...

C# .net how to read property from Web User Control.

Hi all, I have a Web user control that consists of a dropdownlist which bind to an autoPostBack event when selectedindexchanged. I assign the selected value to a public property. But when my aspx page try to read that property, I got empty value because the aspx page get executed before web user control(I think). Should web user contr...

return html for a web server and not plain text in python

here is my code : import socket import sys import re import base64 import binascii import time class Serverhttp: def __init__(self): self.GET = re.compile("GET.*?HTTP") self.POST = re.compile("GET.*?HTTP") try : sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_address = ...

web access by python

hello everyone i'am looking up for way to enter web site "Login" i tried this login_form_seq = [ ('user', 'Lick'), ('pass', 'Shot'), ('submit', 'login')] A=urllib.urlencode(login_form_seq) opener = urllib2.build_opener() try: site = opener.open('http://www.SMS-Example.com/user.php', A).read() site2 = urllib.urlope...

Security Beyond a Username/Password?

I have a webapp that requires security beyond that of a normal web application. When any user visits the domain name, they are presented with two text fields, a username field, and a password field. If they enter a valid user/pass, they get access to the web application. Standard stuff. However, I'm looking for additional security be...

Open Source PasteBin ?

frequently I write wiki pages or set up configuration files that I need to share with other developers. Are there any pastebin clones out there that you can install in your own network and if not, how do you manage code snippets or configurations you wish to share with other developers in your company where source control may be overkill...

What is the difference between web application and web site?

I want to know what is the difference between web application and web site exactly? Because I feel in trouble, as I want to integrate tasks. Part of them are built as a web site, and the other as a web application. When I added them to the web site and build the solution, I had many errors that I could not handle. It can't handle name sp...

What are good resources for learning about the web back-end?

There seems to be a very large deficit of information out there when it comes to web programming. All the resources I can find try are based on teaching you the front-end (HTML/CSS/scripting) in a specific language, but they don't go deep when explaining what is happening on the back-end. Know any good resources? For example, the replie...