
Silverlight window.external.notify() securityproblem?

Hi, in my silverlight application I am using the webBrowser control. I call following javascript function on the page i'm navigating to. function notify() { window.external.notify("Close"); } The weird fact is that it only works when I am navigating to the page by using: this.Browser.Source = new Uri("http://local...

Intercepting DOM and JS engine calls

Hi All, I want to intercept DOM object read and write queries fired by JS while getting loaded by the browser. After intercepting these calls, i wish to screen them. I have written the logic for screening but am not able to block the calls. Is there any way other than modifying source code of the browser to achieve this? If so pls help...

C# webbrowser alters source

I have a webbrowser control which I navigate to an URL that contains this html: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <t...

Controlling browser window through Javascript

Hi, i have a web app that launches an URL in other windows/tabs. I would like to check if the window/tab exists; if not, i want to create it else i would like to pick it in first position. I use: wf=window.open(address, web_form_target, 'toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,location=1,statusbar=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,width=640,height=450'); if(wf!=n...

How to make a webbrowser in C++ without dependencies?

How can I use IE control or some kind of webbrowser in c++ but without any external dependencies? I mean can be done with pure win api or something like that? I know the basics of c++ and the methods I know to use the webbrowser control needs the c++ libs to work. Edit: Sorry my question is unclear, im such a noob sometimes. What I mean...

C# Accessing Flash COM Object using WebBrowser control.

I have a HTML page that contains a flash file and some a JavaScript function that returns the object of the flash file. So far I can call the JavaScript function from C# and have it return an Object, but I want to cast it as AxShockwaveFlash and access the COM Object directly from C#. I have seen this done with Windows Media Player imb...

Do I need both cache-control and expires on my images hosted on amazon s3?

I've recently switched to hosting the images for my site onto s3, and when i upload images to s3 i add this metatag : "Cache-Control=public,max-age=2593000" when I run yslow, it tells me the images have no far-flung expiry date (Expires metatag). Do I have to add an Expires entry too ? I've searched quite a bit and it seems you real...

Parse a HTML combox in C#

Hi, I need parse a select value in html file. I have this html file: <html> <head></head> <body> <select id="region" name="region"> <option value="0" selected>Všetky regiony</option> <optgroup>Banskobystrický kraj</optgroup> <option value="k_1">Banskobystrický kraj</option> <option value="1">Banská ...

WPF Design Considerations Using WebBrowser Control

I have to build a program that will allow me to track from a system different trigger points being hit. When a trigger has been hit within another system a web service is called, this web service will log to a database the following: Affiliate Id Trigger Id Reference Code My program is to read this data and invoke a call to affiliat...

Find text in webbrowser control

I have a web browser control, already navigated to a page. Now I want to search for a specific text in the page, and scroll to the first occurrence. Being able to scroll to other occurrences is a bonus. ...

Paste a text to textarea in browser control in Vb.Net

How can I paste a text to the text area within a form in the browser control? I think how i have selected is correct browser1.Document.Forms.GetElementsByName("editform").GetElementsByName("input") UPDATE:Here is the Html .... <form name="editform"> <textarea name="input"> </textarea> </form> ... ...

How to copy all data from a HTML doc and save it to a string using C#

I need to create a data index of HTML pages provided to a service by essentially grabbing all text on them and putting them in a string to go into a storage system. If this were GUI based, I would simply Ctrl+A on the HTML page, copy it, then go to Notepad and Ctrl+V. Simples. If I can do it via good old point n' click, then surely ther...

Native button to refresh all opened browsers

is there a program that just does a refresh of current opened browsers instead of getting these multiview browsing applications that need to refresh each tab? ...

Get the focused element in NETCF WebBrowser contol

Wondering if anyone knows of a way to get the element which currently has input focus within the DOM of the page currently loaded in a .NET CF WebBrowser control. I want to use a control from OUTside the WebBrowser to insert some data into the currently focused control in the DOM. ...

multiple webbrowser navigation freeze problem

Hi, I have problem with multiple webbrowsers on form so i created simple form with 10 browsers in it and 1 button: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vbgeneral/thread/8a234c57-0872-469d-9b34-c89...

Problem with Windows Media Player control in C#

Hi, I have a problem with control Windows Media Player.Well, when i assign to URL property an url from secured localization (Basic atuhentication) I received a box to enter your login and password. Can it be overcome so that I pass login and password from code and user does not have to. On systems earlier than Windows 7 I had it done so...

How to automatically scroll to the bottom of an HTML document loaded in a WebBrowser or Frame?

I'm using an HTML document to show text output in my application - this gives me the flexibility of HTML and the power of CSS, and I can publish the generated HTML as a log file openable in any browser. When new information is available, I update the HTML file and then call Refresh() on my WebBrowser control. Naturally, I want the user...

InvokeRequired of Form == false and InvokeRequired of contained control == true

Hi, how is it possible? I have windows Form control, derived from System.Windows.Forms.Form with WebBrowser control contained in this form. Webbrowser object instance is created in constructor of form (in InitializeComponent() method). Then in background thread I manipulate with content of WebBrowser, and I found that in some cases Form...

WinForms WebBrowser control detect redirections

Is there any way to detect 302 redirects within the web browser control that I don't know of? Maybe some kind of magic with the underlying unmanaged control? ...

Printing content of WebBrowser Control in C#

I want to print data present in Webbrowser Control. My data is loaded from datatable which contains HTML formatted text. When I tried to print it with RichTextBox it was not able to recognize HTML controls and was not able to render. But when I tried to print using webbrowser control, noting gets printed. How to achieve this. webBrowse...