
Detecting Render Start on Webbrowser Control

Trying to figure out when the webbrowser control starts rendering (displays something) to the end user. Any idea on how to achieve this? ...

HtmlDocument.InvokeScript Issue in .NET WebBrowser Control

I'm trying to make a wrapper around last.fm and need to invoke some of the javascript functions in the page. Particularly the ones for Stop, Skip, Ban and Love. InvokeScript seems to work fine with any script function that is within the page HTML itself, but not with scripts loaded from external script files. For example, the actual c...

HTML Dom in Internet explorer , winform?

Can you use Html DOM in a Internet explorer plug-in to... 1) write/Auto fill in a form? From variable value assigned by your program. 2) Read values in label? Textboxes? And use them in your program? Or better to just write a winform with web browser control? ...

WebBrowser Control (MFC) created in seperate thread working in Windows 7 and Vista, but Windows XP

Hello. I have CWnd in main thread, and a CWnd with a WebBrower control created in a seperate thread. This is necessary, because the WebBrowser navigates to urls which have javascripts running which will block the WebBrowser. So I with the WebBrowser control in a seperate thread I prevent the GUI Thread vom hang. Also I have done this in...

MultiThreading WinForms WebBrowser Control

I'm using a WinForms WebBrowser control and am noticing that when the page I'm on forces a refresh from it's end and the control starts to re-render the page, it binds up the entire C# GUI that the control is in. Is there any way to get the browser control to run on a thread other than the GUI thread so that it updates the pages in a se...

C#: web browser control, problem with cache

Hi, I am using a web browser control do display some data in html form. Data comes from the database. The browser is inside a dialogbox, and every time the data are changed, the dialog is displayd. The problem is that it is displayed with the old values, even if it is bind with the updated object/datasourse. Now I use a refresh button ...

How to invoke custom Javascript in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser?

I'm loading third party webpage that contains following code <script type="text/javascript"> onDomReady(function() { some_code1; }); </script> into WebBrowser component. After some_code1 had executed I need to do some manipulations with Dom that will make some_code1 invalid. The question is how to determine that some_code1 had execute...

How can I use WebBrowser to display XML

I have some XML that I need to show. It would be perfect if I could use WebBrowser to display xml just like IE does. It has syntax highlighting and nodes can collapse. This works: WebBrowser browser = (WebBrowser)this.GetTemplateChild("PART_Browser"); browser.NavigateToString("<html>hello</html>"); However this doesn't: WebBrowser b...

Why are my cookies getting deleted when i close browser - PHP ?

this what i'm using to set cookie setcookie("remember", $code, time()+1209600, "/", ".$domain"); And this is working, when i close the window but why are the cookies getting deleted from client machine when i close the broswer ? I've set for 1209600 seconds - 2 weeks. when i close my browser, i'm not able to see the cookie...its get...

webbrowser control site auto-login

Hi all, I'm working on a program that get quotes from some sites, using my acccounts, I fill in user/password using the InnerText ' property of text input html element , for a couple of site this doesn't works, I suppose there's ajax validation I think the solution can be emulate keypress on he text input, I suppose the process can...

Is it possible to have javascript communication between 2 WebBrowsers in winform

I have a winform with 2 WebBrowser control. Is there a way for one page to communicate with the other directly? For example in HTML and frames, one page can access window.parent.frames[1].document for example. ...

Web browser Control under Citrix environment

I have a web application which is also displayed in a web browser control of a winforms application. MS Word and Excel are installed on Citrix server. But I want to open a word/excel document on client's machine instead of Citrix server when I click a link on the website (which is displaying in web browser control) Is it possible? ...

Control website via desktop application

Is it possible for a desktop application to communicate with a javascript API that will affect the user's browser? For example, I would like to call a JS API of a web service even if the browser is not in focus. The user can select various functions from within the desktop application and it will take effect in the browser. thanks ...

WPF WebBrowser Control: What browser does it use ?

Hi, Does the WPF WebBrowser control always use Internet Explorer or does it use the default web browser on the system ? Regards, MadSeb ...

Is it possible to force "font priority" in style sheets?

In various browsers, when a specific font is used (e.g. - Helvetica Neue), if that font is not found, the first font in the immediate family is used. So if I were to specify that Arial Narrow was the base font style for an element and my reader did not have this font, it would travel to the first available Arial font the system could fin...

How to prevent WebBrowser control from stealing focus from other text box in my WPF form

My WPF app has a window with various text boxes and a WebBrowser control. The WebBrower control is used to show a web site (I doesn't own) and then a Login button in the WPF window fills the fields in the site from the text boxes. The problem is that the web site calls focus() method on one of its input fields on load, and that still ...

System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser inside Asp.net WebForm DocumentCompleted not fired

Hi everyone, Yeah some people would say "Are you crazy using winforms controls inside asp forms"... and I think they are right. But I would say.. "I'm not the only one!!, take a look" http://www.eggheadcafe.com/tutorials/aspnet/b7cce396-e2b3-42d7-9571-cdc4eb38f3c1/build-a-selfcaching-asp.aspx So... Doing some kind of stuff like the p...

How to query HTML with x XPath expression in C++?

I have a webbrowser and I use DocumentComplete to read the current document from the WebBrowser (as IHTMLDocument2). What's the easiest way to run xpath queries in that html doc? I am looking for something easy to use and lightweight. I am using Visual Studio C++ 2010. ...

How to combine BrowserNavConstants in c++?

I am trying to use BrowserNavConstants for .Navigate2 flags, but I dont know how to combine more than one in the same variant for c++. On VB i would use navNoHistory + navNoReadFromCache + navNoWriteToCache or Flags := NavNoHistory or NavNoReadFromCache or NavNoWriteToCache or NavAllowAutosearch; for delphi, but how should I do it...

The same HTML google adsense code gives different result when run through webbrowsercontrol !

I have this code that is supposed to generate HTML file for google AdSense then navigate through it using the WebBroswerControl in a windows forms application the weird thing is that it produces one link with totally no formatting when it is run through the application. However, if I double click directly on the produced file, it gives...