
Append form element to WinForm browser in C# before submitting

I have a C# application with a web browser. The web browser that has an external page with a form and I need to append some tags to that form before it opens up the new window. Is this possible? ...

WPF Browser Control - does not run scripts on vista but is fine on XP - why ?

I have an WPF application that hosts a <WebBrowser x:Name="WebBrowser" /> control. After loading I set the control to navigate to a web camera. this.WebBrowser.Navigate(this.NodeUrl); This web camera will run some active X controlls. On an XP machine in the rgular broser IE7 these run fine and I see video. But the hosted browser in t...

WPF Browser controll will not run activeX on Vista

I have an WPF application that hosts a control. After loading I set the control to navigate to a web camera. this.WebBrowser.Navigate(this.NodeUrl); This web camera will run some active X controlls. On an XP machine in the regular broser IE7 these run fine and I see video. But the hosted browser in the WPF does nut run the active X....

Yahoo "White Screen" with WebBrowser object

Using the Microsoft .NET WebBrowser control sometimes leads to a White Screen. Yahoo.com is a great example of a website that does that depending on your IE settings. I have found that by changing the Internet Options in Internet Explorer, those same settings will affect the WebBrowser object as well and make it possible for the WebBro...

Wpf + Winforms WebBrowser security in Vista

I have a simple WPF app that browses to a web cam. Same issue for winforms app. This works great on XP but fails on Vista ? Looks like IE is doing some sand boxing on vista. With vista the request to install the activeX happens every time but not on XP. Any one know why or how to make it work ? Here is the WPF code. <Window x:Class="W...

Winforms WebBrowser fails on vista.

I have a simple winforms app just one window with one WebBrowser control inside. On vista this fails to show the date but works OK XP ? The website runs activeX to show the date. namespace WindowsFormsBrowserTest { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); ...

UsingWebBrowser control in ASP.NET application

I want to create site thumbnails through my web application, so I thought I would use the WebBrowser control. However, I get an error: System.Threading.ThreadStateException: ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment. I tried settin...

Functional javascript and web browser javascript versions

I've recently been looking at functional programming with Javascript, to which I'm a noob. While writing some 'map', 'reduce' and 'find' functions I discover that as of JS version 1.5 these functions are already available (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Array) I am however confused a...

customizing default values for HTTP request headers in Internet Explorer

Hi, In Firefox, we can customize the default values for HTTP headers, let's say for changing the "Accept-Encoding" header in an HTTP request (type "about:config" in browser and serach for preference "network.http.accept-encoding", you can double click this value and can customize it) Can this be possible in Internet Explorer? Recently...

Display web browser settings

Working with different web-browsers with their string of version numbers along with their myriad list of configuration is a real pain. I'm wondering if anyone has come up with a web-page that can dump the browser settings to the browser so that it can be saved and forwarded to the developer? Thanks! ...

how to set input charset to unicode in VB.net or VC++.net

Hi there fellow programmers.. i am using Web Browser control in VB.net 2005, the application i wrote shows a webpage on my computer which has 2 text areas, one for input, and the other for output. my problem is, i need the charset of the whole program to be unicode, coz the charset of the webpage is utf8. and right now, when i process ...

c# WYSIWYG editor using webbrowser and richtextbox

Hello! Im trying to hammer togehter a WYSIWYG-edit in c# following some examples from here and other place. Im using a webbrowser for the design state of the editor, but i need to be able to switch to "html-view" so I used a rich textbox, and my tought was to just grab the content from the webbrowser and set it to the rtb, and the othe...

Javascript keyup/keydown in .NET WebBrowser Control

Hi all, I have a .NET WebBrowser control that I am using to display some javascript-heavy pages that I've written. The pages use YUI and have been built in a way to be portable. I have just discovered that while I can capture keypress in javascript, I cannot seem to capture keyup or keydown in javascript. This prevents me from hooking ...

WinForms WebBrowser Control - problems on redirect (C#)

I'm using a webbrowser control in a C# application. Everything works great until there is an automatic redirect on a website. When this happens, any call to webbrowser.DocumentText gives me this error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002) at System.Windows....

How to make WPF WebBrowser grow horizontally and vertically?

In WPF, we are using a WebBrowser control to view HTML content. When we place the control on our window, it grows horizontally with the window as it grows/shrinks. However, we have not found a way to make the control grow vertically with the window. We are looking for some sample code that will allow the WebBrowser WPF control to grow...

.NET Web Browser Control - SaveAs Event

Does anybody know if you can access the SaevFileDialog control that's used by the WebBrowser control? Once somebody saves the webpage being displayed I need to catch where the files have been created; however I can't seem to find any events/members that allow me access to that information. ...

js browser detection for IE

Hello, My question is the folowing Is there a solid javascript code to detect if a browser is IE(I don't care about others) I found some script, but it generates an undefined error in FF. I edited my question because I found some regex serverside solution for this on this forum It's enough for now. thanks, Richard ...

How to use System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser in a web app?

I found a code of winform here: http://www.wincustomize.com/articles.aspx?aid=136426&amp;c=1 And it works fine as a winform. But I want to run the code in a web app. I add the references of System.Windows.Forms and the Microsoft.mshtml.dll in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies\ to my web app. I copy the Web...

Disable flash or other plugins in .NET WebBrowser control

Is it possible to disable Flash Player or any other plugins from being used by the .NET WebBrowser control? ...

Python fails to execute firefox webbrowser from a root executed script with privileges drop

I can't run firefox from a sudoed python script that drops privileges to normal user. If i write $ sudo python >>> import os >>> import pwd, grp >>> uid = pwd.getpwnam('norby')[2] >>> gid = grp.getgrnam('norby')[2] >>> os.setegid(gid) >>> os.seteuid(uid) >>> import webbrowser >>> webbrowser.get('firefox').open('www.google.it') True >>>...