
WPF Webbrowser Control proxy’ing external URL’s.

The webrowser control has a navigating event that is raised before the browser navigates to a URL, but what I need is a preview event for when the webbrowser requests referenced media/pages/css. For example when a image tag is seen by the control, it will request the image from its URL. I need to proxy this URL to decide if I should disp...

Delete cookie from browser?

Is there any way of instructing a web browser to completely delete one's cookie set with PHP? I do not want to expiry it or wait for the browser to be closed. With delete I mean to actually not have it listed inside the cookie's list anymore. ...

How to auto update users IE browser bookmarks when changing a site's url?

I have a user base that is forced to use IE 7. I have created a web site that will be getting a new URL. Is there a way to force a bookmark to update to point to the new URL when a user hits the old site via a bookmark in IE? ...

Browser Progress Bar

How does the browser progress bar work? I mean once the request is posted, and the server is processing, during this time the status bar keeps updating. how is the interval calculated. Or is it based on the HTTP connection established and session timeout thing.Once the connection is established, the browser clock starts to tick and that...

C# - Open link in new TAB (WebBrowser Control)

Hi there, Does anybody know how to click on a link in the WebBrowser Control in a C# Windows Forms Application and then have that link open in a new tab inside my TabControl? I've been searching for months, seen many tutorials/articles/code samples but it seems as though nobody has ever tried this in C# before. Any advice/samples are ...

Opening a new browser page on the second monitor.

Well, simple situation. Is it possible to detect if a user has a dual monitor setup from a web application? If this is possible, is it possible to open a child browser page on this second monitor, so the new window doesn't overlap the old one? Reason why I ask: I'm working on a web application and at home I have a dual-monitor system. W...

How do I suppress script errors when using the WPF WebBrowser control?

I have a WPF application that uses the WPF WebBrowser control to display interesting web pages to our developers on a flatscreen display (like a news feed). The trouble is that I occasionally get a HTML script error that pops up a nasty IE error message asking if I would like to "stop running scripts on this page". Is there a way to su...

Printing the contents of a WPF WebBrowser

I'm trying to print the contents of a WPF WebBrowser control so that no print dialog is shown, but am having no luck. I have tried the following and am sure it did work: PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog(); printDialog.PrintDocument(((IDocumentPaginatorSource)browser.Document).DocumentPaginator, "My App"); but for some reas...

Programmatic web browser Java library

Does anyone know of any Java library for programmatic web browsing? Prowser doesn't cut it because there's no "push the button" method and Watij is limited to Internet Explorer Windows only. ...

Techniques for logging into websites programmatically

I am trying to automate logging into Photobucket for API use for a project that requires automated photo downloading using stored credentials. The API generates a URL to use for logging in, and using Firebug i can see what requests and responses are being sent/received. My question is, how can i use HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse ...

webbrowser printing

HiI am using C# WPF webbrowser control to show html file in my local machine, I added a print feature to my application by executing print command of webbrowser control, but default behavior of Internet Explorer is to print file url in the bottom of the screen , can I turn header and footer printing for my control? Have WebBrowser contro...

Tool to measure Render time

Hi Folks, Is there a tool out there to measure the actual Render time of an element(s) on a page? I don't mean download time of the resources, but the actual time the browser took to render something. I know that this time would vary based on factors on the client machine, but would still be very handy in knowing what the rendering en...

How do I force the browser to get an updated PDF file generated from an SSRS report?

I have a web page that downloads a pdf version of an ssrs report through a link. However when I make changes to the data, the browser pulls up the same pdf file as before without the updated information (the pdf file stored in the temp folder). If I then go to another browser and download the PDF I get the new version, but the other brow...

suppress/redirect stderr when calling python webrowser

I have a python program that opens several urls in seperate tabs in a new browser window, however when I run the program from the command line and open the browser using webbrowser.open_new(url) The stderr from firefox prints to bash. Looking at the docs I can't seem to find a way to redirect or suppress them I have resorted to usin...

Will Conditional Comments always be needed?

After creating some web-apps...i really think dealing with conditional comments is not fun after a while. Are there any Plans regarding this issue? Is it going to be more complicated or more easier to handle different browsers? ...

c# webbrowser show what you want

hi i want create small web browser , tiny and fast but i have problem , let me explain : 1 - user enter site : google.com 2 - c# program get google.com 3 - find <td nowrap="" align="center"> 4 - in web browser only show that area i dont know where i must start , thanks ...

Web browser: Hide mouse cursor

Is it possible to hide the mouse cursor in a web browser? I've done this in Flash for a touch screen application, where a mouse cursor is distracting and unneeded. This time it's for a display screen that is non-interactive, so a mouse cursor is not needed. My gut feeling is there's no easy way to achieve this in the web browser, only ...

using webbrowser to Interact with a Flash control???

using Automation (SHDocVw, MSHTML or something else?) or a WebBrowser control: 1)Is it possible to interrogate a flash control to discover its elements? For example, "http://demo.garanti.com.tr/bireysel_demo/main.html" there are flash buttons. Can I determine there "ID"s? 2)Given the "ID" names of elements in a flash control, is it po...

Get AxShockwaveFlash object from WebBrowser control in C#.

Is there a way to get the AxShockwaveFlash object from a WebBrowser control that loaded a web page with an embedded Flash object in it? ...

How to set up webbrowser to text browser

Hi all My previous question is here "how can i read content generated via ajax using webclient" I need to only download html text content, i don't need any picture and other streaming data. How to set up System.Windows.Forms.Webbrowser to text browser? is it possible? regard ebattulga ...