
Navigating Event in Compact Framework Web Browser Control

I have a NET Compact Framework 3.5 application, which is a form containing a web browser control. The code behind is like this: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { webBrowser1.DocumentText = "<html><body>Please enter your name:<br/>"...

WPF WebBrowser events for HTTP errors?

I have a WPF application and I'm using the WebBrowser control to display some content from a public website. Sometimes in weird edge cases when the network connectivity is flakey, the web browser will show the "This program cannot display the webpage" error page. Is there some way to listen to the WebBrowser to detect when this occurs,...

How to IE8 conditional comment.....

Very Simple Question but I am finding it hard to get a good answer If I wanted to remove certain divs when IE8 is used to view my webpage how would I do this ? could you give me a coded example please. Thanks ...

WPF Net3.5 WebBrowser HTMLElement Mouse Click

Ive been using a WIndowsFormHost to host a Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control and adding a event handler to fire when the mouse is clicked on a HTML element inside the control ((System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser)sender).Document.Click -= new System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventHandler(htmlElementClick); This works well!!! I want ...

How to import bookmarks from users web browsers using python?

I am working on an RSS Reader type program and I would like it to be able to automatically import RSS feeds from the users browser bookmarks. I assume different browsers use different methods to store bookmarks. Is there any library out there just for this purpose? I only need it to work on Linux so I don't care about Windows or Mac o...

c# webbrowser control displaying "special folder" contents : why are Document and DocumentDom always null ?

Hi, In a C# WinForms, .NET Framework 3.5, project with a WebBrower control on the form : ... with a project reference set to MSHTMLdll and the WinForm code : "using mshtml;" ... you can load a "special folder," like the Favorites folder, into the browser easily. after you've loaded a "special folder" : what appears in the WebBrowser ...

Webbrowser Control Limitations

I am using the WebBrowser control in a windows form C# project and wanted to know if there are any limitations of how many instances of such application you can have running at the same time. (in other words does MSFT enforce any limitations other than physical machine limits - CPU/memory etc) ...

AcceptsReturn equivalent for WebBrowser .NET control

Hello, I have a Windows .NET application and one of the forms has a WebBrowser control, an OK button and a Cancel button. The WebBrowser control hosts a TextArea html element, so I can write inside. If the OK button is the form's AcceptButton (form.AcceptButton = btnOk) then when I press Enter the event is captured by the form, and no...

API to add a tree view to a web document ?

Say I'm looking at a long web doc.html which has no tree view on the left, but I can hack a local tree view file with level, name, href like + 1 US href= ("+" button expands, "-" folds) 2 Alabama href= 3 ... 2 Alaska href= ... + 1 Canada href= ... Is there a small API that can generate a tree viewer / navigator from this, e...

Detect If Offline - in C# WebBrowser component?

We're working on a wrapped WebBrowser component. We'd like to display one page (e.g. oursite.com/thispage.html) if the user is online and another page (e.g. C:\somewhere\thispage_offline.html) if the user is offline. I'm able to to properly display both pages, but my issue is detecting the online/offline status. I tried WebBrowser.Is...

How to convert a JavaScript array of doubles to a .NET array of doubles?

What is the best way to convert a JavaScript array of doubles return [2.145, 1.111, 7.893]; into a .NET array of doubles, when the Javascript array is returned from a webbrowser controls document object object o = Document.InvokeScript("getMapPanelRegion"); without using strings and parsing? The object returned is of type __ComObj...

Why is my WebBrowser component using IE proxy settings despite changing the DefaultWebProxy?

In the program I am maintaining, the user can set their own proxy settings, in which case the DefaultWebProxy is set to a new proxy with those settings, in the case that they don't DefaultWebProxy is set to null. However, if I set duff proxy settings in internet explorer, the WebBrowser stops working, sending any navigation requests to ...

Alternative to Webbrowser control

Hi Has anyone found and used an alternative to the Microsoft Webbroswer ActiveX control with any success? The open source Firefox ActiveX version seems to be a dead project development wise and based on an old Firefox version. Regards Gary ...

is that possible to use webbrowser properties to make http requests?

in the app's main window there's a webbrowser control with a page that requires authentication already logged on. is it possible to use the control (header, cookies...) to make a http request so i can update some other components without navigating directly from the webbrowser? ...

How to share cookies between IE and .net 2.0 WebBrowser control?

I've got a web site that I use to sell a downloadable .net 2.0 Windows Forms application. I use Google Analytics to analyze site traffic. The .net 2.0 application has an embedded WebBrowser control. One way I use the WebBrowser, for example, is to show the customer a page on my web site where they can register their email address. Based ...

Folder Explorer in C#

Hi, I'm trying to create an easy money folder explorer in c# and, because I'm a noob, I don't have many ideas except using webbrowser, which works (if anyone has a better idea please let me know it). THE QUESTION: how do I make it start in "view - medium icons" instead of "view - details" ? Thanks a lot, Ionut ...

Sessions not working while working with windows + web application

Hi, I've a winform and i place a webbrowser control in that form. I'm giving default.aspx as webbrowswer url. like this Uri myuri = new Uri(""); webBrowser1.Url = myuri; now i'm storing some values in session (default.aspx page) but those are now working for me. Every time it is showing null value...

Is it possible to draw a part of a web page using the IHtmlElementRender interface?

I'm currently testing with the HTML below. What i basicly want is to be able to render only the div element with id "test3". <html> <body> <div id="test1" style="background-color:purple;">test1</div> <div id="test2" style="background-color:red;">test2</div> <div id="test3" style="background-color:yellow;">test3</div> </body> </...

Non Repudiation Via Microsoft's CAPI from browser?

Is it possible to talk to Microsoft's Crypto API from a client side application in a browser? What should I know? Where should I start? I am looking to make a dummy application where a user can write a message and sign it with his private key, all through his browser using CAPI. Thanks ...

Python: Open IE Browser Window

The webbrowser library provides a convenient way to launch a URL with a browser window through the webbrowser.open() method. Numerous browser types are available, but there does not appear to be an explicit way to launch Internet Explorer when running python on windows. WindowsDefault only works if Internet Explorer is set as the defaul...