
Set a proxy individually for each WebBrowser?

I just found out how to change proxies without restarting the WebBrowser control, but that seems to set it for ALL WebBrowser controls on my form. I want to be able to set a different proxy for each control. Is this possible? If not, is there any tricks I can do to get around this? Maybe some kind of daemon that watches a port and trans...

C# - Pass string to textbox in web page using the webbrowser control

Is there a way to take the value of a string and pass that to a textbox within a web page while using the webbrowser control? ...

having problem in opening Ms Office files into webBrowser

Hi, im trying to Open multiple Ms Office files like Excel,PowerPoint & Word in my webBrowser, it works fine when im using Ms Office 2003 in other pc, but when i try to run the same application in another pc having Ms Office 2007 then instead of showing the MS Office file in webBrowser, it Opens the file in Ms Office. Does anyone know the...

WebBrowser control caching issue

Hi Friends, I'm using the WebBrowser control inside a Windows Form to display a PDF. Whenever the PDF is regenerated, however, the WebBrowser control only displays its local cached version and not the updated version from the server. I'm using the Refresh() method shown below to try and force the control to reload the PDF, but it does...

stream a pdf to a .net webbrowser object on a winform

I have a webbrowser object on a winform that I would like to use to display a pdf. The pdf resides on a ftp server. I have been able to show the pdf by downloading it to the disk and pointing the webbrowser object to it (navigate), but I want to stream it for security reasons. Has anyone been able to stream a pdf to a webbrowser that ...

How can I access a WebBrowser control from within a UserControl?

I have this layout: A UserControl inside a Panel. Panel is inside Form1. WebBrowser is in another panel that is inside of Form1 as well. So: Form1 Panel1 Panel2 MyUserControl TheWebBrowser How could I set the URL for my webbrowser in Panel2, from withing MyUserControl? I've tried something l...

Running a simple .NET web page

I create a simple project in .NET and this is what I get when I try to run the program. This is the URL that is being generated. Everythig was running and all of a sudden I am getting this issue. What might be the problem here. I am running firefox but doensn't work in IE7 either. I can access other site with no problem just when I try t...

IE's visual filters not displaying within the WebBrowser control

Hello, all. Is there anyway to get IE's visual filters to render when using the WebBrowser control? Thanks! ...

pdf report view inside browser

Hi fellow programmer I have created this report using BIRT and phpjavabridge <?php header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=downloaded.pdf"); require_once(""); header("Content-type: text/html"); // the report file to render $myReport = "tes...

Getting only the DIRECT InnerText of an IHTMLElement

Hi everyone. Consider the following html code: <div id='x'><div id='y'>Y content</div>X content</div> I'd like to extract only the content of 'x'. However, its innerText property includes the content of 'y' as well. I tried iterating over its children and all properties but they only return the inner tags. How can I access through th...

Capture coordinates of the click in a web browser window on Windows machine

I am not sure if we need our own custom browser for this. If we do, what is your recommendation for open source browser? We need application that is able to capture location of user clicks on the web page in the browser on Windows machine (cross-platform would be a huge plus). Store the coordinates in the file. Later be able to open b...

Visual Basic Application Help

I want to make an application witch involves logging into google. It is basically a small application to always have your gmail with you without always having to go to the web browser and log in. Basically what I want to do is, when the person signs into their google account (or the page url changes) I want the webbrowser to refresh and ...

Vb.Net Object on top of another

In VB.NET I made a web browser and I wanted there to be an image behind the web browser slightly peeking out. I put the image on after i put the web browser on the form and I cant get it to be behind the browser. Can anyone tell me how to do this? ...

Extract a web document using c#

Hi I am trying to get data from a web page using c# So far this is my code: WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser(); wb.Url = new Uri("http://www.microsoft.com"); HtmlDocument doc = wb.Document; MessageBox.Show(doc.ToString()); Unfortunately wb remains null and the Url property never gets set. Can anyone help me please? Thanks ...

How CSS and DOM is implemented in the browser?

This is a pretty academic question. I'm wondering how the browser is implemented as in what data structure or algorithm is used to map a CSS selector to a particular DOM element. Is it accomplished through a hash table? How does DOM child node knows that the style applied to parent also applies to itself etc. I've been looking at Moz...

How Internet Explorer Prepare Print Preview window

Hi All, I am wondering how Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or any other browser generate print preview window of an web page loaded into the browser. The preview image will have various changes such as banners and adv are removed, will have white background and black text and etc. We would like implement similar print preview windo...

Debugging web app on the palm pre?

I have a web app that works fine on desktop browsers, but struggles on the palm pre browser (via the emulator). How do I debug the app on the palm pre browser? There doesn't seem to be any error console, dom inspector, etc... I'd expect such tools from a web-app oriented phone. ...

How to Hide MenuBar/ToolBar while displaying Office Document using Web Browser?

Hi, I am displaying Word Document using Web Browser, its working fine but i just want to show the text of that Word file. But currently its showing the Text as well the MenuBar on the top. Is there any way to hide the toolBar and so it only shows the Text ? ...

Problem with Outlook plugin and webbrowser

Hi, I've created a couple of Office plugins. The plugin shows a set of html files installed on the clients computer. The plugin uses a COM-accessible assembly which shows a WinForm with a WebBrowser on it. The plugin makes the WebBrowser navigate to a file on the clients computer. The assembly is also used in other programs to show the s...

Allow IE interaction to trigger execution of local code client-side

I want to allow interaction on a trusted webpage to trigger execution of code on the client. The users will be using IE as web browser. The code files to be executed will be available on the client. The method interface of the local code files will be known to the webpage. This could for example be used to save data from the browser to a...