
how to have the c# wpf webbrowser control load mobile version of websites

I have a simple WPF application with a webbrowser control. When I direct the control to load a page I'd like to have the control tell the server it's trying to load the page from that it's a mobile device and therefore load the smaller version of the page. I know a lot of sites just add mobile before the address, so google.com's mobile p...

How to minimize form from a click on a webbrowser control.

I've got a winform with a webbrowser control. The URL is a web page containing a java applet showing my web cam. What I'd like to do is minimize the form when I click anywhere in the region of the webbrowser control / webcam image. I tried messing around with transparent buttons but could not get anything to work. Since there is no OnCli...

VB.NET Browser Auto Refresh

Hi, I want to make a program in Visual Studio 2008 in Visual Basic. It involves a web browser and I want to make it auto refresh and allow people to choose the time period in which they want to auto refresh. It won't take user input but I have checkboxes that are preset. I think this may be possible using a timer and the WebBrowser1.Ref...

Navingating to an .html file in the assembly

I’m working with the WPF WebBrowser control to navigate to a html page hosting Silverlight. It seems I cannot use the NavigateToString or NavigateToStream method since I have Silverlight content. The html content loads fine but not Silverlight. So I think I’ll have to use the Navigate method which takes an Uri. Now I html page I’d like t...

How programmatically submit a form without a submit button in WebBrowser

I navigated to a website with a form that has no submit button but does have form. I would like to submit this form. How to do this using C# and WebBrowser control? ...

How to programmatically click on text input in WebBrowser using C#

I have opened a website using WebBrowser. Now I would like to programmatically click input text (textbox) field. I can not use focus because this website uses JS to unlock this field only if it's clicked and I've tried also this: Object obj = ele.DomElement; System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = obj.GetType().GetMethod("click"); mi.Invoke(o...

VB.NET - Webrowser freezes when navigating from Form Load event

I'm trying to load up a YouTube page using Visual Studio 2008 and a very simple Visual Basic project that contains just a WebBrowser. I want to load the page when the form loads: Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/...

webbrowser.get("firefox") on a Mac with Firefox "could not locate runnable browser"

I think what I need here is to know which magic command-line or OSA script program to run to start up a URL in an existing Firefox browser, if one is running, or to also start up Firefox if it isn't. On Mac. I'm testing a Python program (Crunchy Python) which sets up a web server then uses Firefox for the front end. It starts the web ap...

How do I open links from a TCppWebBrowser component in the systems default browser

We are using a TCppWebBrowser Component in our program as a kind of chatwindow, but since the TCppwebrowser is using the IExplorerengine all links that are clicked is opening in IExplorer. One idea I have is to cancel the navigation in Onbeforenavigate2 an do a Shell.execute, but where hoping for a more elegant solution like a windowsmes...

Opening default web browser

I am using the function below to open the user's default web browser. Public Function ShowHelp(ByVal url As String) As System.Diagnostics.Process Dim startInfo As New Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo() startInfo.FileName = url startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized Return System...

Prevent WebBrowser control from stealing focus?

Is there a way to stop the WebBrowser control from causing its parent form to bring itself to the front? If you use the InvokeScript method to invoke a JavaScript function that calls focus() on an iframe within the main parent document, it will cause the window to bring itself directly to the front(or atleast cause the taskbar icon to s...

WebBrowser - Find height of rendered text

I've got a web browser control that needs to have a specific height set. If the user has a small amount of text, I want the web browser to be short. If the user types alot of text, then I need the web browser to be alot taller. How can I find the height of the rendered text from the WebBrowser? I saw this Getting the page height from a...

c# WinForm: Progamatically Save an MHT without dialog using WEBFORM

Is it possible to save a file of any type bypassing the 'save as' dialog? using the WebBrowser Class WebBrowser.ShowSaveAsDialog(); Is the loaded content in a Webbrowser control serializable so it can be saved and retrieved (for redisplay)? ...

There is any Macro Recorder for Web Page fetching automation?

Selenium HQ records some web navigation and can replay it from Firefox. I want a similar thing, but it must have an API. ** UPDATE ** It turns out that Selenium has an API, but I will keep the question since there are alternatives. My objective is to fetch a web page periodically and save its contents to a database. The web content is...

WEBBrowser Control; Is it possible to save the Webbrowser Content to a SQL DB?

Can the content of a webbrowser control in C# winforms be serialized for saving to a sql server db for retrieval and display? Would that be the route for saving and retrieving html content to and from a db? ...

How do I suppress flicker from the webbrowser control in .Net, when it is resized?

Not all pages do this, but a good example would be youtube.com. Mostly if you are resizing the window larger, opposed to smaller. Lots of content flickers horribly in this case. I've seen some posts on the net attempt to claim sorts of double buffering will stop this, but I've yet to see any example of the proper implementation. Thank yo...

webbrowser iframes open in default browser

I've got the WebBrowser control to open links in my default browser like this: private void webBrowser1_Navigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e) { if (e.Url.ToString() != "about:blank") { e.Cancel = true; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(e.Url.ToString()); } } T...

Make WebBrowser control use linked stylesheet in DocumentText

I'm using a WebBrowser control and the text displays but it isn't using the linked css, it just appears as plain text. I'm populating it like so webBrowser1.DocumentText = some_text; In some_text is <link rel="stylesheet"href="PF.css"> along with the rest of the html When I save some_text to a file and have the WebBrowser navigate to...

WebBrowser control, isolation and IE8 InPrivate mode

I have a need to run some automation tasks in a web browser control but I seem to be facing a few limitations/unknowns that I'm not 100% sure how to resolve. The application I'm running is not for public release, so I can enforce a prerequisite that IE8 is installed. GeckoFX (http://geckofx.org) would be great except it does not offer m...

WebBrowser control - Need navigation error handling

Hey guys, I'm writing an app in C# on Windows CE 5.0 with .NET Framework 3.5 that uses the WebBrowser control. It's almost exactly what I need, with the exception that it throws a global exception when it fails to .Navigate(...) as opposed to an exception out of the Navigate call. I've found this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-...