
C# - Uncheck a checkbox in webpage through WebBrowser control

Is there a way to uncheck/check a checkbox within a webpage that is loaded within a webbrowser control? Thank you. Update: (This is what I originally tried with no luck) HtmlDocument rememberme = this.webBrowser1.Document; rememberme.GetElementById("remBox").SetAttribute("checked", "false"); ...

How to programatically click or invoke a javascript method using System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser?

I tried with no success: webBrowser1.Document.ExecCommand("alert('Hello World!')", true, null); also tried: private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender , WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { webBrowser1.Document.InvokeScript("alert('Hello World!')"); } ...

Submit file in form from C#

Hello, I have a WinForms C# application. There is a WebBrowser control on the form named "browser". Also I have following code: HtmlDocument doc = browser.Document; HtmlElement mForm = doc.GetElementById("TheFormId"); doc.GetElementById("Name").SetAttribute( "value", "Some Name" ); Ht...

C# - Associate a file type and open it within WebBrowser control?

How would I be able to open a file (lets say an .html file) and load it into the WebBrowser control on my WinForm application? I'm talking about right clicking on the file and choosing to open it with my application. Any ideas? ...

Internet Explorer control (or other) rendered onto a directdraw surface

Hi everyone. I'm tasked with modifying an existing c++ codebase which uses directdraw for its UI. Is it possible to make use of a browser control that renders onto one of the (existing) directdraw surfaces? If so, can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get started? (or an alternative approach) Regards all, Jaime ...

How to get the width and height in ActionScript for a Flex application running inside the flash player in the web browser

Hi all, Does anyone know how to get the width and height in ActionScript for a Flex application running inside the flash player in the web browser. e.g. In the web browser I can use the tag to embed a Flex application (as a .swf). To the embed tag, I can provide the dimensions. I would like to get these dimensions inside the flex ap...

Hiding browser address bar without reloading

I would like dynamically (via JavaScript) hide the address bar. I realize this can be done when opening a pop-up, but in this case I don't have the luxury (the file is being opened from local disk and I don't want the address bar to show the horrible and confusing file:// etc URL). Is this possible, and if so, how? ...

loading jQuery in webbrowser control from the filesystem

Here's my scenario: I'm using the WebBrowser control in a WinForms app to display data. The HTML is served via the DocumentText property and I want to use jQuery to interact with the contents. Loading jQuery from the web (Google APIs) works: actual html inside DocumentText, head block: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.g...

Automated web browser?

Hi, For learning purposes I would like to automate some parts in a browser game, currently I am trying to fill out some simple text boxes, without any luck though. I've created a WebBrowser component on my form, loaded the website via it and tried this. webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("citizen_name").SetAttribute("", "myname"); W...

InvokeMethod not working on windows form

I have a windows form containing a webbrowser that navigates to a site which sends data back in the form of a table. I would like to transfer the data on that table to a application that runs some calculations on the data and then reports whether the calculations were successful or not. If the calculations were sucessful the webbrowser...

How to extract XML from the WinForms WebBrowser control?

I want the same as WebBrowser.Document.Body.InnerHtml, but as an XML representation. ...

which scenario in http transaction is occurred ?

In http transaction for request and response which scenario is occurred ? client (web browser) open connection and send it's request and connection open (keep alive) until server accept and answer then close connection ? client (web browser) open connection and send it's request then connection is closed and server accept and answer a...

C#: Accessing and Modifying Values in a WebBrowser Control

I have a WebBrowser control where I want to edit a field in the HTML and then submit a form. Let's say that the field is called txtUname and that the submit button is called submit in form form1. How can I do this? I'm currently thinking of using something like this, but I haven't tested it: //Change value webBrowser1.Document.getElem...

Navigation failed while using WebBrowser control in VS.NET 2008.How to resolve?

Hi I like to create a simple web browser in VS.NET'08.I finished coding but while running it shows "Navigation to web page was canceled".Help me resolve this problem.Though i invoked the Navigate function inside the constructor,its not working. public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); webBrowser1.Navigate("http://goog...

C# Web Browser component is IE7 not IE8? How to change this?

So I have an C# Form application that utilizes the web browser component. Apparently Response.Write(Request.Browser.Version.ToString()); returns "7.0" when I visit my test page from the web browser component. How can I make this web browser component use IE8? Thank You! ...

Changing web content based on browser type

Hi, I'm writing a web application and I'd like to work out what type of browser/OS the request is coming from, and customise the returned content accordingly. So if someone visits the site from an iPhone/Android, they get a more streamlined experience, or if it's a desktop, they get the full version. I will pretty much take a complete...

close browser totally

is there any solution how can i close the browser completely? I need this because I am using Single Sign On from other page and on that page it is written that only closing the browser will log out the user. ...

C# webBrowser - building a document with text and images from streams

Hi, I would need to display certain images and text in c# winforms application, so I decided to use webBrowser. Both images and text are retrieved from the database. However, I dont know how to combine them in the document creation. Thank you! ...

Scrolling problem with a WebBrowser control contained in a Panel control

I have a .Net Panel control that contains a single child control that is a WebBrowser. I won't go into the reasons for me doing that, but it is related to printing out the control. The panel control has its AutoScroll property set to "true" and I am sizing the WebBrowser to fit its own content (by using the .Document.Body.ScrollRectangle...

How to bring up PDF embedded in windows.forms.webbrowser control in VISTA.

Webbrowser1.Navigate("http://mysite.com/test.pdf") XP WEBBROWSER-CONTROL: brings up PDF embedded in webbrowser control, as desired. XP IE7: Behaves the same if you manually navigate to URL, as desired. VISTA WEBBROWSER-CONTROL: brings up PDF by separately launching Acrobat, won't embed in webbrowser control. Not desired. Vista IE7...