
WebBrowser Controle

Hi,, Does any one have any custom web-browser control for windows mobile?. i tried using default WebBrowser control for windows mobile in c#, it gives me lot of problem like, it does't have gestures,it doesn't open some of sites like "icicibank.com" and many more..., i just done a quick googling on this i found this article given by Mic...

C# and writing HTML - best way?

Hi, I would need to build a HTML document from plain text and display it in webBrowser. I was thinking of better way - I can see there is HTMLTextWriter in System.Web.UI but I cannot reference this namespace, could anyone advice? Thanks ...

XMLWriter for HTML creation - how to add simple non-pair tags?

Hi, I was advised to use XMLwriter to build HTML documents in order to display them in webbrowser object. Creating doctype and startelements like HTML,BODY is OK..but I am experiencing 2 main problems: I cannot add tags like <br>. Using WriteString skips < and >. The output string is one line - I would need something like writeLine. Yo...

Running vbscript from WPF's WebBrowser

I have a WPF window that is hosting WebBrowser control. The Web page showing up has vbscript that is loaded when the Html's Body onload event It doesn't work for me, so I am calling the script with the code using _webBrowsercontorl.InvokeScript("scriptName") but that even doesn't work. Any idea? ...

DOM vs Array - memory use

For example I have a list of 100 strings, and 100 span's with this strings. How do you think, how much span's takes more memory than array of strings. Is there possibility to measure? Is there optmisation to unvisible DOM? ...

How to distribute a folder as a reference?

I am making a C# app and I am using GeckoFX to embed Firefox into my app. For anyone interested, I got it here: http://geckofx.org/. The problem is, I want to deploy GeckoFX with my app and I don't know how to do it. The line of code I use to initialize GeckoFX is this: Skybound.Gecko.Xpcom.Initialize("C:\\xulrunner"); This assumes t...

Remove tabindex

How to remove default tabindex to the browser url? ...

WPF WebBrowser invoke a VBScript and retrieve its return value

Hi I have a WPF WebBrowser which loads a HTML page with vbScript functions on it from intranet I want to execute one of these functions and retrieve the return value. Unfortunately I have no ability to change the the intranet page The function returns a boolean value and is as follows Function IsAltered(strMode) ' This procedure ch...

How to delete Webbrowser Control Cookie C# IE8

I need some code here. I need to delete these blasted cookies once and for all. WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser(); wb.Navigate("www.cookieparadise.info"); //load string cookie = wb.Document.Cookie; //cookie = "this=cookie1;that=cookie2;etc=more;"; I need to delete Document.Cookie. Please dont suggest any javascript because it doesnt wo...

TEventObject & IE tabs gives fatal error

I am using this code try document := (pDisp as IWebbrowser2).Document AS IHTMLDocument2; Body := Document.body; Links := Document.links; for i := 0 to (Links.length-1) do begin tmp := (Links.item(i, 0) as IHTMLElement); tmp.onclick := TEventObject.Create(MyProcedure) as IDispatch; // THIS LINE end; exce...

Create a webbrowser in Flex?

Is it possible to create a webbrowser inside a Flex (not AIR!) application? I want to display some links in a Flex application and when a user clicks the links, it should open a custom component with some sort of a webbrowsing component. Is it possible? ...

C# webbrowser control - I want to use / link a specific font

I'm writing a simple textviewer for the famous .nfo files. For easy layout stuff I'm using the webbrowser control to display the nfo file. I have font - nonstandard ofcourse - that I'd like to use. What's the best way to include / link the font in my application ? Do I have to include it in my application-folder and register it, or is t...

Can you embed python scripts into the web browser?

I'm trying to see how I can get a python script to run in the web browser. Does anyone know if this is possible or would I need to make a plugin? I'm looking for something that would work like: <embed type="application/x-python" src="myscript.py"></embed> Thanks, Joe ...

JavaScript: How do I change the Hash in the Address Bar WITHOUT adding an entry to history?

I'm trying to expand on an idea from someone else's question, and running into difficulty. The idea is to insert the utm_source (from an ad campaign) into the url hash dynamically, have Google Analytics track the page, and then remove the hash. (We don't want to keep the hash because: 1. it's a duplicate page, and 2. If the user bookmar...

InvalidCastException with WebBrowser.IsBusy or ReadyState (VB .NET)

I was playing around with the method that was suggested as an answer to another of my questions (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1731752/automate-website-log-in-and-form-filling), and noticed something curious. The answer to the above question was to use a series of javascript calls as URL's in order to fill in a web form and submit ...

Is there a way to enable the IE8 Developer Tools from inside WebBrowser control in a .NET application

If you have IE8, you may have noticed a really handy feature that MS has added. Hit F12 and Developer Tools, a firebug like debugger, pops up. This is extremely useful for debugging purposes, and i'm wondering if there is a way to pop up the Developer Tools from a WebBrowser control inside a .NET application. My situation is this: I hav...

VB.NET Webbrowser control with additional headers

I am using a webbrowser control and loading a website that uses basic authentication. I pass the username and password in the additional header of the navigate routine. The problem is that the header is not retained while navigating the site. I.E. I log into the site and pass the user name and password in the http header. When I cl...

Transparent web browser in user control in .NET

Hi I have a rather tricky one (at least for me), which I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out. I have a C# winform application. In the application I need to present multiple web pages on top of each other with a transparent color allowing me to stack the web pages on top of each other. I can easily do that by letting the web p...

Status bar in webbrowser

Hi, Am looking an option on how to add status bar and show the same for webbrowser control, any thoughts on that. When i type sites with https: on a texbox above webbrowser i am supposed to show the ssl secure icon on status bar. Please reply. Thanks in advance, Karthick ...

WebBrowser Control - Document.Body.InnerText Problem

Hi All, Can somebody please help me fix my code.? I can't see where I'm going wrong. It just doesn't do what it should be doing. It should read a file line by line (every line contains 1 url), and then foreach url in the string it will visit that url and extract title, url, and body text, and then save it to a file but it just doesn't ...