
how do I delay instantiation of the main form until responded to an event in a win forms app?

Some background: I get the following exception in my code below. ThreadStateException : ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment. The Main() method is marked with the [STAThread] attribute. The app is supposed to start up without a wi...

Firefox extension - How to display an html block that overlaps the browser window?

I'd like to have my firefox extension display a block of html that overlaps the users browser window. I can currently do this by having some JS that inserts html into the DOM of the page, but I'd like the html to be displayed at a higher level within the browser so that the block remains if the user browses to a new page or switches tabs...

Cannot convert from 'System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser' to 'ExtendedWebBrowser'

Hello all, I am trying to debug my cute little application here and it won't let me :( When I click Debug, I get two errors, the first one is: Error 1 The best overloaded method match for 'WindowsFormsApplication1.Form1.InitializeBrowserEvents(ExtendedWebBrowser)' has some invalid arguments and the second: Error 2 Argument '1': cannot...

Old content appearing on site. Auto Clear Cache?

I have a website that is updated regularly and I am having a problem where old content is showing up on the page. It can be fixed by refreshing a few times or clearing the cache. I am looking for a solution so no data is stored on the PC and the site is forced to refresh each time. Perhaps an auto cache clear plugin or something of the l...

"read localhost" appearing in status bar preventing page from fully loaded

WIthout posting any code i was wondering if anyone might have an idea as to why "read localhost" would be appearing on the left hand side of the status bar (where "done" or "trasferring data from ..." usually is displayed. Although the page is almost completely functional at this point it is preventing some javascript events from being ...

Refresh webbrowser url from winform

Hi. How can we refresh a WebBrowser from a winform? I tried this: mymethod() { WebBrowser wbmessages = new WebBrowser(); Uri myuri = new Uri("http://mysite/message.aspx); wbmessages.Url = myuri; mypanel.Controls.Add(wbmessages); } I'm calling this mymethod every 10 seconds with a time ticker event. In my http://mysit...

PHP Large report file download issue.

Hi All, Solved I actually found out what is going on here. Turns out it was sending the whole file, but Excel (which I was using to open the result file for testing), will only display 65536 rows. If there are more than that, it will alert something to the effect of "the file is incompletely displayed" and then cut it off after that ...

Windows Forms WebBrowser control and iframes

I am trying to create a piece of software to more or less automate form-fillings on a webpage - and I have decided to use the WebBrowser control in System.Windows.Forms. This works great and I can easily manipulate the DOM through webbrowser.Document and so forth. However unfortunately the site that I am doing automation on has a file up...

can I programmatically examine and modify Javascript event handlers on html elements?

I am doing browser automation using C#, and I would like to modify or possibly just eliminate event handlers on some of the html elements in webpages that I am looking at. E.g., suppose there is a button there which might (or might not) have an attached onClick event. How do I go about: - finding out if there are any event handlers attac...

how can I find a referenced Javascript method in a big website?

suppose I look at a webpage and I see something like: MysteriousClass mc = new MysteriousClass(); mc.CallMysteriousMethod() Now, the problem is that there are a zillion javascript files included into this page, and how am I supposed to find the one file that contains definition of this MysteriousClass? I know that this could be dealt wi...

webbrowswer url problem (winforms)

Hi, I've an html page index.html in my windows application folder. now i want to set as a url of webbrowser in form1. how can i do it? is there any syntax like server.mappath() in web application in windows? ex: Uri repuri = new Uri("index.html"); webBrowser1.Url = repuri; how can i map it? ...

Why does Firefox recognize my XML data as XML but IE and Chrome see it as plaintext?

My backend program generates some XML data and sends them to the client. The backend response is like this: print $cgi->header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8"); print "<?xml version='1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'?>"; < correct XML data goes here > When I try to visualize the sent XML in Firefox, It gets the whole thing and everythin...

Faulty to use memcache together with a php web-browser-game in this way?

Background We are currently working on a strategy web-browser game based on php, html and javascript. The plan is to have 10,000+ users playing within the same world. Currently we are using memcached to: store json static data, language files store changeable serialized php class objects (such as armies, inventorys, unit-containers,...

WPF WebBrowser Troubles

Hello everyone, I have a WPF WebBrowser object in my application in which I am trying to view an isolated YouTube video. Every time the WebBrowser navigates to this YouTube video, I (the user) am presented with a dialog box stating the following: File Download - Security Warning Do You Want to Open or Save this file? Is there any w...

How to Set WebBrowser.DocumentType

How can we set WebBrowser.DocumentType ? ...

Load PDF Document in WebBrowser using DocumentStream

Load PDF Document in WebBrowser using DocumentStream ...

Detect when AJAX changes HTML in a DIV in WebBrowser

Hello, After I load a page through a WebBrowser, and I click a link that fires an AJAX script, I need to detect when the AJAX java script finishes loading HTML changes into a div. Since no DocumentCompleted event is fired when the AJAX script is run, I don't know when it finish running. Is there a way I can attach an event to be raised ...

WinForm Web Browser Control Is Constantly Breaking Out Into New Windows

I am creating an application in C# that is essentially automating a submission process. I am using an arraylist of web browser to make it multi threaded. The browser windows are never displayed they are just in memory, and from there i navigate them, and submit the form on the document completed etc. And for the most part it works fine....

ASP .Net pages not showing properly on other browsers

My ASP.Net application only comes out properly if i am previewing it in Internet Explorer but its the ugliest thing ever if i view in Firefox,Chrome or Safari. How can this be, and how can this be resolved.Helppppppppp ...

C# System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser Requires Flash to be Installed

When I create a form and add a WebBrowser control to it and have it navigate to http://www.adobe.com/flashplatform the flash area says I need Adobe Flash Player installed. This is already installed in IE, but apparently not in the WebBrowser control. Is there are way to have the WebBrowser control run flash without having to manually go...