
Does the WCF REST WebChannelFactory client support REST services that use redirects?

If you have a RESTful web service that uses HTTP 301 redirects to send requests like: http://server/customers/?name=John to the url http://server/customers/324 (as created by a service similar to the one in this question.) Can these types of services be consumed with the WebChannelFactory and a ServiceContract? If so, how? ...

In WCF, for a webHttpBinding, how do I specify credentials in the client side web.config when the server is using basic authentication?

Hello, I have two WCF RESTful services - the "general" service is public and has no security; the "admin" service I intend to use basic authentication over SSL. This is my server side web.config: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <webHttpBinding> <binding name="general" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"> ...

WCF Rest Client with WebChannelFactory

Maybe I am not understanding this so hopefully someone can explain this to me. I am writing a WCF REST service (lets call it RestProj). RestProj has a dependency to the RestProj.DataAccess dll which houses all of the data access layer and to the WCFRestContrib dll. I have another project that contains all of the Rest parameters (data...