
What is WCF webHTTPbinding from TCP point of view?

What is WCF webHTTPbinding from TCP point of view? So - how hard it is from not needed data flow it is? How hard it is in compare to other WCF bindings? ...

How to receive arrays through WebHttpBinding?

Will anything like [OperationContract] [WebGet] string IWannaRead(int[] ids); work? And how to form a link\url (www.example.com/service.svc?ids=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) for the request? ...

WCF configuration for WebHttpBinding(Restful) for supporting both HTTP and HTTPS

We are using AJAX Cascading dropdown and AutoComplete functionality with Restful WebService Services providing data. With one endpoint(non-secured) eveything was working fine, until we tried same web page with https. Our Webappplication needs to support both. Our of very few articiles/blogs on this issue I found 2 which applies to my req...

Timeout using HttpWebRequest to invoke self-hosted WebHttpBinding WCF REST service over SSL

Hello all, I've written an WCF-based restful web service as a Windows service and I am accessing it via raw HttpWebRequest from a console application. It works great when I set everything up for plain http. But now, I'm trying to set it up for SSL access using the ASP.NET role provider. Now when it executes request.GetResponse() and it...

Problems with custom exception in WCF Service

I've developed a service using webHttpBinding and i'm having problems with getting the StatusDescription on the client. I'm able to set the StatusCode. I've tried some code i've found through google with no success. This is the errorhandler i'm using: public class ErrorHandlerEx : IErrorHandler { public bool HandleError(Excepti...

Custom JSON IErrorHandler in WCF returning StatusCode 200/504 when should return 400

Hi! I have a WCF service that among other bindings also uses WebHttpBinding for JSON inputs/results. I made a custom IErrorHandler implementation in order to be able to set the StatusCode to 400 when something goes wrong and also return a JSON understandable message. It´s the straight implementation that you can find everywhere (nice w...

Do I need to do anything special to make WCF calls work over HTTPS, ..if HTTP works fine?

I have two versions of the same proof-of-concept site: The unsecure version: http://www.tlsadmin.com/tlsadmin/PortalHome.aspx and the secure version: https://www.tlsadmin.com/tlsadmin/PortalHome.aspx The problem I have is that my WCF-Based web services don't seem to work under HTTPS. Is there something I'm missing, or not underst...

"Baseaddress not found"-error when deploying WCF service on GoDaddy.

Hi, I'm trying to deploy a WCF-service, but I'm having dificulties getting the final bits to work. I'm not a deployment guru in any way, so please bear with me. I'm using a WebHttpBinding to make Ajax calls to the service using JSON, but I receive the error: "Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint with ...

Authentication via WCF webhttpbinding on iPhone

I'm using ASIHttpRequest API to communicate with my WCF services. The WCF services are set up as webHttpBinding so I can communicate in basic JSON without SOAP. This is the code I'm using to talk with the service and pass along user credentials: NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://allseeing-i.com/top_secret/"]; ASIHTTPRequest *...

WebHttpBinding in WCF: how to configure it the proper way?

Trying to follow this example to make it work: http://weblogs.asp.net/kiyoshi/archive/2008/10/08/wcf-using-webhttpbinding-for-rest-services.aspx Here is my App.config: <system.serviceModel> <services> <!-- The service for the TEST WEB client --> <service name="MyServer.AAServiceType" behaviorConfiguration="Default"...

Getting Gibberish instead of Hello World from a service with webHttpBinding

Here is a trivial example that is supposed to return "Hello World" string. However, a browser displays something like SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=. Which is the right way to return plain text from an oldskul-style service? please know that: I can't return a string: three Unicode characters will be automatically prepended and the legacy HTTP clien...

What should we take care of when passing json to a WCF webHTTP service?

I'm running into a lot of troubles trying to do a post request from my jQuery code passing a JSON object to my webservice method. I know this question might seem to be pointless, but I wanted to know how WCF recognize a JSON string and converts it into a object. What should we configuring to have the warranty that it should work? I fo...