
Webkit Develop Inspektor show long strings

When i debug javascript in webkit browser(f.e. Safari), often i have some string variables and value of these variables are often very long, webkit make it shorter with "..." at the end, but i want to see all value of this variables, how can i do this? ...

Any contenteditable helper plugins for Firefox/Webkit ?

Hey all, I'm currently working to build a CMS for a client where the editing page looks exactly like the rendered page. Hence I don't want an iframe based WYSIWYG, I am looking for something of a wrapper for contenteditable which irons out the differences between Firefox and Webkit. For instance an "Enter key press" in Firefox results ...

Why doesn't :active or :focus work on text links in webkit? (safari & chrome)

I think I'm overlooking something, call it a long day, but why isn't this working? The styles found in the "li a:active, li a:focus" persist in Firefox and IE but not webkit. Does webkit only support the :focus pseudo class on form elements? #footer ul li a { color: #fff; display: block; font-size: 95%; padding: 15px 15px 10px; te...

How can I keep CSS3 text-shadow from overshadowing adjacent letters?

Hi guys, I am using a text-shadow effect on text that is rendered using WebKit. It works, but not well. I have white bolded text with the following setting for the text-shadow: text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.9) 0px 0px 10px; You can see the unintended effect here (zoomed for detail). You can see the shadow going over the previous letter,...

Multiple javascript files and webkit

Hi everyone. I have 3 JS files I want to include in my page. The first one is defined statically in the html file. The other two are loaded into the DOM using the following function: function loadJsFile(pathToFile){ var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var newScript = document.createElement('script'); newScri...

Webkit Flaws? Why shouldn't Webkit be used as a baseline for HTML/CSS development?

I have started using Safari as a baseline for all of my web development projects, then using workarounds where appropriate for issues with other (mostly older) browsers. As far as I understand, Webkit is the most standards compliant layout engine available right now (am I wrong?), and it appears to be "leading the pack," so to speak, wit...

WebKit willExecuteStatement

Hey, I'm in WebKit setting my own script delegate using setScriptDebugDelegate. I'm trying to figure out what code is being parsed by the javascript interpreter in the willExecuteStatement function. How do I figure out what statement is being executed? Function prototype.. - (void)webView:(WebView *)webView willExecuteStatement:(id)fra...

How to achieve smooth (hw accelerated) transitions in the Android browser?

Hi, the title is self-explaining. On iPhone, Mobile Safari is WebKit based and supports hardware-accelerated -webkit-transform CSS properties. To be specific, I use the translate3d() transform. What alternative is there for the Android browser? I need it to work on Android 1.5. Thanks in advance. ...

How to call javascript function only once during window resize event?

On jQuery resize event page it is said that: "Code in a resize handler should never rely on the number of times the handler is called. Depending on implementation, resize events can be sent continuously as the resizing is in progress (the typical behavior in Internet Explorer and WebKit-based browsers such as Safari an...

Rotate .swf file in WebVIew in Mac OS X

Hi I am developing a Cocoa application to embed a .swf file in a WebView and rotate the content of the Webview. The .swf file is an interactive flash file. Everything works fine, but when I rotate the content of the WebView, the drawing of the flash and playback get rotated, but not the interactive points of the .swf file. They stay in ...

Webkit Image Modification Tool

Hi, Is there any image modification tool out there that will work on webkit? Something like the one on this page http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/imagecropper/simple_crop.html Except that when you interact, you interact with the image in a given space and the mask is fixed (i.e pinching the image, rotating the image etc) Tha...

How to enable HTML client-side SQL database in embedded webkit app (test app on github)

I've got a super simple little OS X app with a minimal embedded webkit view that needs client-side SQL database support enabled. I've put the test app up on github but just can't get the client-side storage working. I'm using Xcode v3.2.3 with the WebKit framework it provides, but have also tried using the webkit nightly without luck. ...

Is it possible to make part of the browser transparent to display underlying desktop/windows in a web app?

I am developing a web application (meant to run work as a rich client and able to afford requiring any (even nightly build) version of Firefox of Chromium). The application interface background is meant to be transparent (showing underlying windows or desktop). How can I achieve this? Following standards does not matter but would be nic...

Box position after webkit-transform rotation

Does anyone know how to get the displayed top left hand corner of a rotated box after using a rotation with webkit-transform? So, for example, I draw a box ask for the top left corner, rotate the box 270 degrees for example, then how to I query for the position of the "new" top left corner, which in this case is effectively the original...

Webkit download pre-built database

I have a rather large db (as in many records). I'd rather let the client download a pre-built db instead of forcing them to load a bunch of text, then insert all the records before being able to use the db. The closest thing to a spec I can find is this: http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/iphone/conceptual/safarijsd...

How to send a post request to a Gtk WebView?

This is basically what I've got. var webview = new WebKit.WebView(); content_area.Add(webview); var request = new NetworkRequest("http://example.com/resources/1"); request.Data.Add("description", "a description"); webview.LoadRequest(request); I'm assuming request.Data is where I put variables, but it seems to be going through as a GE...

WebKit how to handle an exception

Hey, I'm using a ScriptDebugDelegate to notify me when an exception occurs in the exceptionWasRaised function. However, I'd like to know how I could ignore the exception, ie. just skip the line of code that'd normally fire an exception. Thanks ASH ...

IIS 7.5 Accept Header MIME type not set correctly for most file types

Currently, all our headers are set to "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/sml;q=0.9, /; q=0.8". It would seem from looking at this that our accept headers are not being set correctly in IIS 7. This is the setting for images, .json, everything else. Is this correct, or is this incorrect? In webkit browsers, we are getting an '...

Mobile Webkit - saving to bookmark

Hi, I know that the "+" symbol does bookmark saving. However, is it possible to trigger that same functionality from the web? (meaning say there is a link on the actual page that u can click to do that)? Something like Save or something? Thanks, Tee ...

View AJAX response content in Chrome developer tools?

Traditionally I use FireBug to debug my AJAX requests. It lets you examine both the contents of your request as well as the response that was sent back from the server. (it also notifies you in the console when these occur, which is a useful feature that Chrome seems to lack). In Chrome, I only seem to be able to view the requests, not ...