
Webkit GTK Non English Text

I'm working on an app which involves the use of webkitgtk. It works fine except non-english characters. Example, webkitgtk widget does not render the following Russian text correctly. Пишу в English, значит все в порядке. Спасибо! It rather display this, Пишу в English, значит вÑе в порÑдке. СпаÑиÐ...

Webkit communication with native environment

If I have a webkit view loaded in my Android or iPhone app, can I pass data back and forth from the page in webkit? For example, can I pull an html view down from the web and populate a form in that view with data stored on my device? ...

webkit gotchas for android / iphone development

If I wanted to develop my mobile app's front end using js,css,html in order to target both Android and iPhone, what gotchas do I need to look out for? I'm not looking for the comparison of native vs web development as much as I'm concerned about performance and development issues. ...

Cannot adopt WebKit protocols

#import <WebKit/WebKit.h> @interface MyClass : NSObject <WebFrameLoadDelegate> { WebView *webView; } cannot find protocol declaration for 'WebFrameLoadDelegate' ...

Focus on Blur Substitutes for Touch Events on iOS4?

My Desktop Webkit enabled App uses the following: iframe.contentDocument.defaultView.addEventListener("focus", function(event) { toolbar.show() }, false); iframe.contentDocument.defaultView.addEventListener("blur", function(event) { toolbar.hide() }, false); Is there a way to update this to support Touch Events on the iOS Safari Brows...

JQUERY, Adding an Event Listener to Items in an iFrame?

Given an iFrame with throughout the iframe... Is it possible to add an event listener with jquery to trigger an ALERT anytime the user moves their mouse over .fineme in the iframe, from the top/parent window? ...

How can I rotateY an element without dipping underneath the page in 3d space?

I'm attempting to achieve a CSS 3 effect where when you click on an image in a bank of images, it expands to all the available area and flips over at the same time. The way I was able to accomplish this was to clone the element and absolutely position it on top of the original then transform that. In the code below the cloned image is a...

WebKit browser in Java app on multiple platforms

I'm trying to embed a WebKit browser in my Java app. I insist on WebKit, because I don't want to test my HTML5/CSS/Javascript with every browser that, for instance, the Browser widget in the Eclipse SWT library supports. Is there a way to do this on Mac, Windows and Linux, and thus make sure that my web pages are rendered inside my Java...

Resizing iframe? - Webkit or Firefox

Hi folks, is it possible the proportions within an iframe? e.g. 100%, 50%, 25%, ... I would like to implement a "magnifying glass" for a webpage or iframe. It does not have to be implemented in Javascript within a website, but even a desktop solution would be great. Is this a possibility? or would it be incredibly complicated? Any ...

Can I change a web page's scale?

Hi folks, I really would love to scale webpages down or up. Is there any way I can implement this? ...

Webpage displays to left on safari

Hello, I am having a problem displaying a webpage on Safari. It will not display center, but will instead displays the page to the left and has a huge amount of empty space to the right of it. I don't get this behaviour with Firefox, IE, or Chrome. Can anyone tell me what is going on and how to fix it. The website can be viewed at: digi...

Trouble with email validation using jQuery validation in WebKit

Hi, I'm running into a strange issue in WebKit browsers, where the "email" field on my form won't trigger validation by the jQuery validation plugin (using the built-in email method). Works in FF and IE, but Safari and Chrome don't seem to like it. I've put together a sample page here with just the form and scripts for debugging: htt...

WebKit CSS3, z-index is not respected

When using a CSS3 transform, my z-index's are suddenly ignored. Link: http://joelongstreet.com/css_perspective/ The only browser I'm worried about testing in is the iPad. The animation is triggered by a click event. Shouldn't the div#arrow always sit on top, regardless of what the div#main_event is doing? Thanks for any help you can pr...

Detect if currently scrolling a web page on Android

I am trying to detect when a user has finished scrolling a web page using javascript on Android. The script I have is working on iPhone and seems correct to me that it should work on Android. Anyway, a snippet: previous = pageYOffset; interval = setInterval(function() { //Has scrolling stopped? if(previous == pageYOffset) { ...

How to manually update android browser with latest (nightly) webkit?

Hello! Is it possible to update WebKit behind the Android 1.5/1.6/etc (prior to 2.2) browser? I know latest nightly WebKit builds has great HTML5 support. So, my intention is to provide html5 video streaming (and other features) support on all those droids. Previously I was able to update WebKit engine on different devices with older Saf...

Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser

It seems jQuery.browser is able to identify webkit rather easily as of 1.4. But how can I use it to distinguish Chrome from Safari (and visa-versa)? ...

html5 file api webkit

Anyone know when/if html5 file api drag and drop support is coming to webkit browsers? Thanks. ...

How to avoid WebKit contentEditable copy-paste resulting in unwanted CSS?

I have a <div> that has contentEditable="true". When I copy-paste content within the editable div, the pasted text gets wrapped into a lot of unwanted CSS. For example, this: <p>text text</p> becomes: <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-botto...

Passing focus to Silverlight/Flash object in Chrome and Safari

There is a known issue with Safari and Chrome, when you can't pass a focus to plugin (Flash or Silverlight). There is also a question here at SO that asks how to solve it (marked as answered, though technically it's not the answer). I'm really concerned with this situation, since it totally breaks user experience . Do you know somebody ...

how to make ICU smaller?

In WebKit, it use ICU, but I don't have enough space to contain icudt42.dll. the size of icudt42.dll is about 10.4MB,but I only need Chinese language, Russian language and English language,so how can I make the icudt.dll smaller? ...