
java applet not responding to repaint request in webkit browsers

I currently have a tiny Java applet I'm writing to solve a specific problem in our company intranet in a browser neutral way. This used to be accomplished with ActiveX but we'd like to let people move away from IE. The code is obviously unsafe for public consumption, but it's useful under controlled circumstances. Essentially I want t...

:active pseudo-class doesn't work in mobile safari

In Webkit on iPhone/iPad/iPod, specifying styling for an :active pseudo-class for an <a> tag doesn't trigger when you tap on the element. How can I get this to trigger? Example code: <style> a:active { background-color: red; } </style> <!-- snip --> <a href="#">Click me</a> ...

Writing web forms filler/submitter with QT C++

Hello! I'm scratching my head on how to accomplish the following task: I need to write a simple web forms filler/submitter with QT C++, it does the following: 1) Loads page url 2) Fills in form fields 3) Submits the form Sounds easy, but I'm a web developer and can't find the way how to make QT accomplish the task, I only managed to l...

How to show required field with jqtouch in iphone view?

I've just started designing pages particularly for iphone browser (safari). I don't know if jqtouch is best or not, but I started working on it. Till now I learned initialization of jqtouch, and also implemented some touch events (tap, swipe). Now I am planning to create user interface and forms. For that I take a look on demo (Best vi...

webkit css3 Column text selection

Iam using the column layout model of css3 to view content in a UIWebView (iPhone/iPad), I would like to programmatically select and copy the content of each column and paste it in another view, is there way to achieve this? ...

<video> tag not working inside QtWebkit on windows

I can't seem to get an html video tag to play in QtWebkit. It shows up as a blue square with a question mark, like an unsupported plugin. Flash videos play fine, and HTML5 canvas works great. Specs: OS: Windows 7 Qt: 4.6.3 (installed from the qt creator 2.0.1 from nokia's site) PySide: 0.4 (latest) QtWebit configuration (I tried all...

Hooking into browser rotation

I'd like to execute some JavaScript code when the mobile phone is rotated. I'm using jQuery. Is there a custom hook I can use with mobile browsers? One way I can think of is hooking into the change of the viewport size, and checking if the height/width ratio has changed. Is there an API method that I could use instead? ...

Python, Webkit: how to get the DOM after the page has loaded?

In my code I've connected to the WebView's load-finished event. The particular callback function takes a webview object and frame object as arguments. Then I tried executing get_dom_document() on the frame & the webview objects respectively. It seems this method doesn't exist for those objects... PS: i started with the tips i got here h...

Image scaling by CSS: is there a webkit alternative for -moz-crisp-edges?

I have an image that is 100x100 in pixels. I want to show it twice the size, so 200x200 and I want to do it by CSS and (explicitly) not by the server. Since a few years, images get anti-aliased by all browsers instead of doing a by-pixel scale. Mozilla allows to specify the algorithm: image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; So does IE: -ms-...

Mystery 1px border in WebKit

I have a mystery 1px bottom border showing up in Safari and Chrome (I guess a WebKit thing). Firefox displays it fine. The button below should sit flush with the tealy bar beneath. There should not be that 1px line separating them. I've played around with height, border, position, padding and margin but haven't been able to figure th...

My web app non-deterministically crashes in Google Chrome

In my web app, I use Ctrl + Arrow keys to navigate from cell to cell in a table. All cells contain a visible <span>, and a hidden <input> element -- their values are kept in sync. When a cell is activated, the <span> is hidden, while the input is shown. Everything works just fine in Firefox, IE, Opera, etc. Yet, when I load up Chrome,...

Support for SMIL animation in libwebkt on Ubuntu 10.04

I'm just starting to explore the use of libwebkit in GTK+ applications on Ubuntu 10.04. I was curious about whether SVG with SMIL animation would be supported, so I created a small test using python-webkit: import gtk import webkit view = webkit.WebView() sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.add(view) win = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVE...

How to watch net request in safari?

I had seen developer tools in Safari. But does it shows net request? like we see in firebug.. How to see net request in Safari. Currently I am using safari webkit. ...

Objective C - Webkit external files causing 401

Hi, I'm currently using Webkit to display a mobile web on my iPhone app. The domain is password protected, so I pass the username & password to the request. It loads the main HTML page fine, however, even after passing the username & password, any other pages that the main HTML page loads (i.e css and js) are all returning 401. Is the...

Issue with webkit tap highlight color not being applied

I'm having trouble to get the -webkit-tap-highlight-color property to apply to a div - I'm at a loss as to why it isn't. Copying all the styles that apply to it below. The desired outcome is a back button as shown here: http://building-iphone-apps.labs.oreilly.com/ch03.html#ch03_id35932102 .backButton { font-weight: bold; text-align...

HTML5: Firefox vs Safari... need help with some CSS

This is my first HTML5 site and I never expected for Firefox and Safari to be fighting! It's usually IE that I'm mad at. The header and footer both seem to be working just fine in both browsers. But the content area is shifted all the way to the right in Safari. If I add webkit css (first time having to use that as well), then Safari wo...

How to prevent webkits constant url loading url / throbber of doom

There is a few questions about this, but mostly lacking details and no definitive answer. So I am using xhr long polling, my poll is pretty basic and just looks like var poll = function() { $.get(url, function(data) { doStuff(data); poll(); }); }; I start that from a script that is imported just before , I remove absolu...

Geolocation on an image-based map - data collection and data structure best practices.

My goal is to be able to open a web page on a mobile browser and, provided you are within the geographical bounds of the mapping area, plot your location on a stylized map image (PNG, JPG, whatever). Also on this map will be points of interest, and it would be nice to say "You're closest to XZY thing". Is it sufficient to gather individ...

QWebview/webkit disable selection of text

I have a QWebView which loads some webpage, but the problem when mouse is pressed and dragged it selectes everything which comes in its way. Is there any way I can get rid of this?? I dont want text and other items to be selected., If I restrict mouseMove and mousePress then it other functionality with these event also gets restricted ...

How can i invoke the Webkit Inspector via Javascript

I don't want to use the "Inspect Element" menu item to show the Webkit Inspector. How can i invoke him via Javascript? ...