
Add "help" column in sharepoint

I have a page viewer as main window showing an external page as we are not allowed to change that page I need to open a separate column inside sharepoint with Help-information. I would preferably want to show all categories of information in list and when I click one of the categories it expands to show the information below. How can thi...

Sharepoint WebParts

I just finished my first web Part for Sharepoint WSS 3.0 and I'm very excited. What it does is that just makes a connection to the TFS (team foundation) to get the OPEN and FIXED bugs by Sprint (We actually use SCRUM agile Process). Then takes both values (open & fixed) and puts them in a sharepoint list. A chart is fed with that list (u...

How can you determine what Sharepoint WebPartZone you are in from an XSL file to dynamically output the style?

I have a page with 5 Sharepoint web part zones and an XML web part that can go in any of them. One of them needs different styling than the other 4. Is it possible to have the XSL file determine what webzone the web part is in and style it appropriately? ...

Can I deploy in SharePoint two Web Parts with the same DLL, but two .webpart files, at the same time

Hello: Is it possible to have two Web Parts with the same DLL, but two .webpart files, deployed in Sharepoint at the same time? Background : I am developing an application that will generate a ".cab" file containing a Web Part (ASP.NET 2.0 Web Part). After that, the user should be able to deploy this ".cab" file in a in a SharePoint se...

Embedded Resources and ASPX pages

Hi, Is it possible to embed an aspx page (self contained, no seperate codebehind file) into an assembly, in this case a SharePoint web part, and have it still act as an aspx file when called via the resource url? Regards Moo ...

Sharepoint 2007 : How to change a custom webpart webservice URL?

I have a MOSS 2007 Webpart that displays data obtained from an external webservice (not originating from sharepoint). It's created using VS2009, the webpart project includes a WebReference to my WebService and it uses the following code to make a connection (the url is configured in the WebReference): //get xml sitemap from webser...

MOSS Web Parts or .aspx pages/controls

When developing in MOSS I would be interested to hear peoples views on whether they choose to wrap functionality in web parts or to create .aspx pages and deploy those to MOSS and how best to make that decision. ...

Manual Webpart dependency deployment

I have a SharePoint Webpart that loads an .ascx control dynamically, and that is working fine. However, I need to change the codebehind of the dynamically loaded control to pull data from a web service. I have created an assembly from the WSDL to the webservice and successfully included it in my webpart project and can build fine. How...

Visual Studio 2008 SharePoint WebPart Deploy Problem - "The HTTP request is unauthorized...'Negotiate,NTLM'"

Hello, I am trying develop a SharePoint WebPart with "Visual Studio 2008 Extensions, Version 1.3". When I try deploy or quick deploy or package or anything about deployment for my WebPart I am getting this message: The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from...

Pass Querystring parameter from SharePoint to Java Applet webpart

Hiya, I have a SharePoint webpart page, with a parameter in the page Querystring (in the URL), and I also have a Page Viewer webpart (which effectively IFRAME's the specified webpage), which shows a Java applet. Is there any way I can get the parameter in the SharePoint Querystring to be recieved by the Java Applet ? The reason for do...

SharePoint 2007 RSS Viewer - ProxyAuthenticationRequired

When using the RSS Viewer webpart in SharePoint 2007, we can hit internal RSS feeds without issue but if we point to an external RSS feed we get the following error. ProtocolError occured trying to complete the request. The server returned a status code of : ProxyAuthenticationRequired and the status description is : "Proxy Authenticati...

Hiding a custom web part in SharePoint

I'm attempting to completely hide a custom web part I'm writing under specific circumstances. What I'm not finding a lot of help on is actually hiding the complete web part. Using: this.Hide = true; will hide the content of the web part, but it appears to leave the Chrome behind. I can't change the Chrome display, so that's not an ...

Problem grasping webpart communication

Hi, I'm having trouble understanding some web part communication code, and how to make it work as needed. I'm fairly new to web parts, so I figure I'm over complicating it. I have public interface IFormTypeRID { int FormTypeRID { get; } } For this page, I have a ListControl on the left which is a web part. When you select somethi...

Sharepoint find where webpart is in use

Is it possible to analyse on which pages a webpart is in use? I want to remove some webparts from my sharepoint server, but i don't know what's in use and what's not in use? Is there a solution for it? Im current using moss2007 ...

MOSS 2007 - Using Connectable WebPart - Consumer has TextBox

I have 2 webparts which are connected, where the provider sends a string to the consumer. However it fails to work if I put any TextBox controls in the consumer webpart. (works fine if I use a Label or Literal control. The idea is that the consumer is to be composed of form controls like TextBoxes. e.g. the codeproject sample at http...

SharePoint web part storage with multiple instances of web part on same page

I have a custom web part I've built, that I'm attempting to place three instances of on a single page. What I've noticed is that when I have a single instance on the page, the custom properties save and work appropriately. When I then add two more instances of the same custom web part to the page, the following web parts do not save th...

User controls, web parts and WSPBuilder

Can anyone point me to tutorials on how to use WSPBuilder to host a user control in a MOSS webpart? ...

InfoPath forms viewer web part

Hi. I'd like to write a SharePoint web part that would display InfoPath forms and have some additional functionallity. Does anyone know how to implement the "forms display" part of the web part??? Thanks. ...

How can I edit a web part's .css file on the fly in MOSS 2007?

I have a web part that is installed using a feature. This web part has a css file that is deployed and I need to tweak it, but can't find it anywhere. I suspect it might be in the SQL Server DB. So how can I find it, edit it and see changes on the fly? Thanks. ...

Sharepoint 2007 Web Part Exception Handling for Missing DLL references

I know that you can wrap problematic code in a try/catch block to prevent an error from taking out your webpart. But what can you do for missing references/dlls? Is there anyway of catching those errors before they blow up your SharePoint page? ...