
From WebView Errors to ImageView Cover-ups to Screen Orientation

It all started with a simple WebView within an Android app. This view loads info from a public URL. Nothing unusual there. However ... if there should be a network interruption, you can easily end up with an error displayed prominently in the WebView. Well, that's no good, right? So I searched the docs and elsewhere for a way to suppr...

webView onTouchEvent

Hi, i'm trying to catch the onTouchEvent of a WebView, in order to handle actions like MotionEvent.ACTION_UP,MOVE and CANCEL. I made a simple example but did not success, however i succed with just a View. Am i missing something? Thanks [code] public class HelloWebView extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedI...

Android WebView refusing user input

Hi all. I'm developing an Android application that uses a WebView to display the login page for Facebook. The page loads beautifully, and I'm able to select the username/password textboxes, but typing in them will not work. That is, they definitely have input focus (they have the orange focus highlight box and a flashing cursor), but ty...

Cocoa webView to display a web page

Hello, I am trying to develop an export aperture plugin, I have designed some views/windows and everything runs smoothly, but trying to now add a webView on one of the window, and cannot make it to display the linked url (hard typed in the code). Is webView not supported because I'm running it within aperture? anyone having problem with...

JavaScript alert() not working in embedded WebView

When embedding WebView in an application and loading html-pages in it, JavaScripts alert()/confirm()/etc. do not work. Looking around in the documentation, there are no related settings in WebPreferences - the only thing that looks related are WebUIDelegates -(void)webView:runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:initiatedByFrame: etc ... but...

Synthetic Webserver with Cocoa WebView on Mac OS X

I would like to create a Webview where I have total control over the content it loads. Essentially I want to provide an instance of a class that plays the role of the various web servers named in the URLs. Ideally, I would provide this webview with a delegate and it would tell the delegate each URL it requires and the delegate would re...

WebView displays black screen

I'm a little embarrassed to post this but I can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong. I've looked at every example and every tutorial and everything looks right to me. Here's what I'm doing. I have a listview that when you click on an item it will take you to a WebView that displays some static formatted text associated with tha...

Scale WebView in Cocoa

How can I scale the content of a WebView? ...

In Android Browser link does not always execute onClick causing focus instead

I am trying to program a very standard JS behavior for a link using an HREF onClick handler, and I am facing a strange problem caused by what I believe to be focus/touch mode behavior on Android. Sometimes when I click on the link, instead of executing the action, it simply becomes selected/focused, with either just a focus rectangle or...

In Android, how would you develop this? (activity and views question)

When the user opens the application, there is a screen with a button on it, which says "login." The user clicks on the button, and a webview pops up to allow him to log in to the website. After logging in (the app would need to know somehow), the webview would disappear, and then a list of usernames will pop up. (ListView?) When the u...

In Android Webview, am I able to modify a webpage's DOM?

Suppose I load a 3rd party URL through webview. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); webview = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview); webview.setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient()); webview.getSettings().setJavaScri...

How do I "listen" for something in WebView, Android?

private class HelloWebViewClient extends WebViewClient { @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { view.loadUrl(url); return true; } } /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceStat...

Cancel loading in WebView on Android

How can I cancel a loading operation in WebView started by loadData() method? ...

Where are JavaScript exceptions displayed when using Android WebView?

I have this simple HTML that I load into an Android WebView (SDK version 1.5)- <html> <body onload="nomethod()"> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body> </html> Function nomethod() doesn't exist but the LogCat doesn't display any error. It seems that any exception that isn't caught cannot be traced. Any idea how can I handle or trace uncaught ex...

Which control is used as editor in mac mail - message body??

Hi all, I have a simple question: can anyone suggest me - what is the control which is used as editor to compose messages in mac mail?? My guess is- TextView but I cannot get - 1. How will I show icon in message body when some document is dragged and dropped in it, as in mac mail. Right now it only shows path of document! 2. How will...

How do I display 2 views in 1 activity (android)?

Suppose I have a webview open: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); main_webv = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.mainwebview); main_webv.setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient()); main_webv.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); main...

How to do a WebView AND ListView in the same Activity onCreate()?

public class hello extends Activity, ListActivity { WebView main_webv; ListView main_listv; public static final int REFRESHLIST_ID = Menu.FIRST; private Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private static final String SPLASH = "http://"; private static final String LIST_NAMES = "http://"; private class HelloW...

How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView

I'm trying to programmatically scroll a WebView to the location of a particular element in the DOM tree. But so far I haven't been able to get the WebView to respond to scroll requests. I've tried calling JavaScript that uses window.scrollTo(...), but the WebView doesn't respond. On the Java side, I've tried calling the WebView.flingS...

Problem saving WebView scroll position during orientation change in Android 2.1

I have a problem preserving the current scroll position of content loaded in Android's WebView control during orientation changes. The issue currently exist only in Android 2.1 and Android 2.1 Update 1 The code that I use is based on the default Browser application and looks like this: @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInst...

iPhone app copy and highlighting

After realizing that my question was somewhat vague and to business like. I am reposting with further detail as to what my app does and what I am using. I have an app which is how to draw a comic book /manual. I’m using a webview to load an Html page into the main view. On top of the main view I have a UIBar with 2 buttons, one for t...