
How to implement a web client in bash

Are you able to write a Bash script that will download an HTTP resource from the web? The inputs are: $hostname $port $path $output You can't: use external commands other than telnet (no sed, no awk, no wget, ...) use other shells You can: use /dev/tcp pseudo devices use telnet Your MUST pass this test (you can cha...

Confirmation of Successful HTTP Download in Python

Is there a easy and reliable way to confirm that a web download completed successfully to download using Python or WGET [for large files]? I want to make sure the file downloaded in its entirety before performing another action. ...

How to grab live text from a URL?

Im trying to grab all data(text) coming from a URL which is constantly sending text, I tried using PHP but that would mean having the script running the whole time which it isn’t really made for (I think). So I ended up using a BASH script. At the moment I use wget (I couldn’t get CURL to output the text to a file) wget --tries=0 --ret...

Service/App for viewing a Webpage as hex straight off the wire?

Are there any tools/websites/utilities for viewing a website in hex as it comes strait off the wire? I'm getting some strange non-printing characters back from somebody else's C++ code and I want to identify the characters to find out where they are comming from. I'm concerned that writing the file to disk messes with the characters ...

trying to wget my stock portfolio

I'm trying to read my stock portfolio into a script. The following works with NAB Online Trading but not Bell Direct. install the Export Domain Cookies Firefox addon log in to my online broker with Firefox save the domain cookies to a file (eg cookies.txt) wget --no-check-certificate --load-cookies=cookies.txt -O folio.htm https://...(...

Slow artifact downloads from Team City

I'm trying to download the last successful build from TeamCity as part of our rake deployment script. The file is a zip file that is 8mb, and I get over http, using a url: http://buildserver/guestAuth/repository/download/bt12/.lastSuccessful/Build.7z If I open that url in Firefox, the zip file downloads in about 1-2 seconds. Basically ...

Bash scripting: How do I parse the output of a command and perform an action based on that output?

I am using wget to grab some files from one of our servers once an hour if they have been updated. I would like the script to e-mail an employee when wget downloads the updated file. When wget does not retrieve the file, the last bit of text wget outputs is file.exe' -- not retrieving. <blank line> How do I watch for that bit of text...

Why does WGET return 2 error messages before succeeding?

I am using a script to pull down some XML data on a authentication required URL with WGET. In doing so, my script produces the following output for each url accessed (IPs and hostnames changed to protect the guilty): > Resolving host.name.com... > Connecting to host.name.com||:80... connected. > HTTP request sent, aw...

wget to memory (bypassing disk)

Is it possible to download contents of a website (a set of html pages) straight to memory without writing to disk? I have a cluster of machines with 24G ram each, but I'm limited by a disk quota to several hundreds MB. I was thinking of redirecting the output of wget command for example to some kind of in-memory structure without storing...

Wget with input-file and output-document

I have a list of URLs which I would like to feed into wget using --input-file. However I can't work out how to control the --output-document value at the same time, which is simple if you issue the commands one by one. I would like to save each document as the MD5 of its URL. cat url-list.txt | xargs -P 4 wget And xargs is there bec...

Limit WGET'ing by timer, how to do this?

Sorry for my english (i'm rus) I save MJPEG stream from IP-camera with wget wget -O 2010-01-12_01.mjpeg I need limit saving by hour (every hour is a another file - 2010-01-12_[XX]) What is the bast way to do it ? 1) starting and killing by cron ? 2) for .. do in script, how ? ... thanks for answe...

wget mirror all subdomains

I am mirroring a website starting my crawl from a particular subdomain (eg a.foo.com). How can I make wget also download content from other linked subdomains (eg b.foo.com) but not external domains (eg google.com)? I assumed this would work: wget --mirror --domains="foo.com" a.foo.com However links to b.foo.com were not followed. ...

How do I extract web wiki pages, which are password protected?

I wish to get a few web pages and the sub-links on those which are password protected. I have the user name and the password and can access them from the normal browser UI. But As I wish to save these pages to my local drive for later reference, I am using WGET to get them: wget --http-user=USER --http-password=PASS http://mywiki.mydoma...

wget SSRS report

I'm trying to pull a report down using the following: https://user:[email protected]/ReportServer?%2fFolder+1%2fReportName&amp;rs:Format=CSV&amp;rs:Command=Render And it just pulls an html page and not the csv file. Any ideas? ...

wget mirroring, subdomains and directories and cookies

Hi all, I have an account on a web page that is now "full" (ie I have used up all my allocated space) and I would like to make a mirror of that site. wget seems like the thing to use. The problem is that I would only like to mirror the sites the lie within this directory http://user.domain.com/room/2324343/transcript/ (and sub-director...

Is it possible to get the transfer time in milliseconds using wget?

Generally, wget shows transfer time in seconds... Is there a way I can get it to show the time in milliseconds? ...

Whats the best way to crawl a batch of urls for a specific html element and retrieve the image?

I'm looking to crawl ~100 webpages that are of the same structure, but the image I require is of a different name in each instance. The image tag is located at: #content div.artwork img.artwork and I need the src url of that result to be downloaded. Any ideas? I have the urls in a .txt file, and am on a mac os x box. ...

Downloading files with Makefile rules

I was planning something like: URLS=www.host.com/file1.tar.gz www.host2.com/file2.tar.gz $(somefunc $URLS): #somefunc produces downloads/file1.tar.gz downloads/file2.tar.gz mkdir -P downloads wget whatever # I can't get the real url here because the targets don't contain the full url anymore myproject: $(somefunc URLS) #File...

Does WGET timeout?

I'm running a PHP script via cron using Wget, with the following command: wget -O - -q -t 1 http://www.example.com/cron/run The script will take a maximum of 5-6 minutes to do its processing. Will WGet wait for it and give it all the time it needs, or will it time out? ...

trace wget http header into apache log

Hi, For our module we've web server with XAMPP on Linux box. For end-user to download file, user can use WGET utility. ex.- wget http://username:[email protected]/&lt;file-path&gt; Now I want to capture username in apache log. I've tried with various option in apache log but I couldn't capture username into log file. like.- %u, %r...