
Downloading large number of Images to my Server and notifying the User when Download is finished.

Hi, I want to download a large amount of Files to my Server. I have a List of different Files to download and Locations where to put them. This all is not a Problem, i use wget to download the File, execute this with shell_exec $command = 'wget -b -O' . $filenameandpathtoput . ' ' . $submission['url']; shell_exec($command); This work...

Quee operations on Apache with PHP (Run in the background)

Hi. I want to be able to in some way "quee" operations on Apache web server with PHP. For example I want to create a loop like this: <?php foreach($files as $key=>$value){ download($value); } ?> The "download" function just runs wget and downloads the file to a specified position. This is working OK but my problem is that during this...

How can I resume downloads in Perl?

I have a project that depends upon some other binaries to be downloaded from web at install time.For this what i do is: if ( file-present-in-src/) # skip that file else # use wget to download the file The problem with this approach is that when I interrupt a download in middle, and do invoke the script next time, the partially...

wget return downloaded filename

I'm using wget in a php script and need to get the name of the file downloaded. For example, if I try <?php system('/usr/bin/wget -q --directory-prefix="./downloads/" http://www.google.com/'); ?> I will get a file called index.html in the downloads directory. EDIT: The page will not always be google though, the target may be an im...

php how to decect if wget faced 404 error?

Hello, I'm running wget through php's shell_exec() How could I understand that wget got 404 error getting file? Thank you. ...

Download HTML and Images with WGet without first few lines

I'm attempting to use wget with the -p option to download specific documents and the images linked in the HTML. The problem is, the site that is hosting the HTML has some non-html information preceding the HTML. This is causing wget to not interpret the document as HTML and doesn't search for images. Is there a way to have wget stri...

How to scrape a _private_ google group?

Hi there, I'd like to scrape the discussion list of a private google group. It's a multi-page list and I might have to this later again so scripting sounds like the way to go. Since this is a private group, I need to login in my google account first. Unfortunately I can't manage to login using wget or ruby Net::HTTP. Surprisingly googl...

Hudson trigger builds remotely gives a forbidden 403 error

I have a shell script on the same machine that hudson is deployed on and upon executing it, it calls wget on a hudson build trigger URL. Since its the same machine, I access it as http://localhost:8080/hudson/job/jobname/build?token=sometoken Typically, this is supposed to trigger a build on the project. But I get a 403 forbidden when I...

wget .listing file, is there a way to specify the name of it

Ok so I need to run wget but I'm prohibited from creating 'dot' files in the location that I need to run the wget. So my question is 'Can I get wget to use a name other than .listing that I can specify'. further clarification : this is to sync / mirror an ftp folder with a local one, So using the -O option is not really useful, as I req...

wget: retrieving files recursively

When using wget with the recursive option turned on I am getting an error message when it is trying to download a file. It thinks the link is a downloadable file when in reality it should just be following it to get to the page that actually contains the files that I want. wget -r -l 16 --accept=jpg website.com The error message is: ....

ABout Wget command and the headers

I am asked to get the files with no headers , i have tried many things like wget --header="" http://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xx plz if you know how can i get any file without headers answer me :) ...

How to enable 'wget' to download the whole content of HTML with Javascript

I have a site which I want to download using Unix wget. If you look at the source code and content of the file it contain section called SUMMARY. However after issuing a wget command like this: wget -O downdloadedtext.txt http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/IEB/Research/Acembly/av.cgi?db=mouse&amp;c=gene&amp;a=fiche&amp;l=2610008E11Rik ...

wget: dont follow redirects

How do I prevent wget from following redirects? ...

How would I construct a terminal command to download a folder with wget from a Media Temple (gs) server?

I'm trying to download a folder using wget on the Terminal (I'm usin a Mac if that matters) because my ftp client sucks and keeps timing out. It doesn't stay connected for long. So I was wondering if I could use wget to connect via ftp protocol to the server to download the directory in question. I have searched around in the internet fo...

[bash] checking wget's return value [if]

I'm writing a script to download a bunch of files, and I want it to inform when a particular file doesn't exist. r=`wget -q www.someurl.com` if [ $r -ne 0 ] then echo "Not there" else echo "OK" fi But it gives the following error on execution: ./file: line 2: [: -ne: unary operator expected What's wrong? ...

How to download all your google docs from shell

Hello, gents. I learned how to download single google doc. But I am trying to make a script that downloads all my data in text format and then merges them in 1 text file. So, I wonder how to implement downloading part so that 1 can get zip file with all my files just as you do with web browser. Here is my newb script to get single file. ...

Why would HTTP transfer via wget be faster than lftp/pget?

I'm building software that needs to do massive amounts of file transfer via both HTTP and FTP. Often times, I get faster HTTP download with a multi-connection download accelerator like axel or lftp with pget. In some cases, I've seen 2x-3x faster file transfer using something like: axel http://example.com/somefile or lftp -e 'pget -n...

Using /dev/tcp instead of wget

Why does this work: exec 3<>/dev/tcp/www.google.com/80 echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n">/dev/tcp/www.google.com/80 Is there a way to do it in one-line w/o using wget, curl, or some other library? ...

Difference between Python urllib.urlretrieve() and wget

I am trying to retrieve a 500mb file using Python, and I have a script which uses urllib.urlretrieve(). There seems to some network problem between me and the download site, as this call consistently hangs and fails to complete. However, using wget to retrieve the file tends to work without problems. What is the difference between urlret...

How to resume an ftp download at any point? (shell script, wget option)?

hi! i want to download a huge file from an ftp server in chunks of 50-100MB each. At each point, i want to be able to set the "starting" point and the length of the chunk i want. i wont have the "previous" chunks saved locally (ie i cant ask the program to "resume" the downlaod). what is the best way of going about that? i use wget mos...