
Linq and multiple Where's

I'm trying to see if there is a way to build a Linq statement that would choose based off available attributes in an element what the result would be, although not all attributes are always available. For example, this would be a 'standard' element: <box left="2" right="2" /> However, this is also perfectly valid: <box left="3" /> ...

Count() using Where clause and Left Join

I have a query similar to the following: SELECT users.id FROM users LEFT JOIN sales ON installations.customer = users.id What I would like to say is something like "WHERE count(sales.id) > 4" - meaning that if the user has more than 4 sales assoc with them. I am not sure if I am going about this the wrong way or not though ...

SQL Filter criteria in join criteria or where clause which is more efficient

I have a relatively simple query joining two tables. The "Where" criteria can be expressed either in the join criteria or as a where clause. I'm wondering which is more efficient. Query is to find max sales for a salesman from the beginning of time until they were promoted. Case 1 select salesman.salesmanid, max(sales.quantity) from...

SQL Server 2008 - boolean variable change query

I have the following query: DECLARE @IsStocked bit SELECT * FROM Products p WHERE p.LastSeen > GETDATE() - 30 This returns all Products that have been seen within the last 30 days. My question is, I would like the p.LastSeen > GETDATE() - 30 clause to only apply when @IsStocked = true. This is part of a larger query, and I'd like...

What does it mean to say that "the where clause of select statements can perform >, >=, <, <= operations on one column only"?

According to the Wikipedia article on Google App Engine: The where clause of select statements can perform >, >=, <, <= operations on one column only. Therefore, only simple where clauses can be constructed. What does this mean? ...

My simple sql update query is not working right :(

Hi folks, I've got a simple sql query that is trying to update a single row. The code came from some Linq-to-sql code (i used Profiler to grab it), but please don't worry about the source (L2S) ... that's irrelivant to the question. Now, when i try and do an update with the where clause, I get 0 rows updated. I then try and do a selec...

C#, Linq to Sql: Why can I not use an expression to filter SubEntities?

I have made myself an ExpressionBuilder class that helps me put together expressions that can be used as a predicate when doing Linq to Sql queries. It has worked great. However, I just discovered Expressions can only be used to filter on Tables, and not on EntitySets??Why on earth is this the case? For example if I have Company and an ...

LINQ results when there are no matches?

What exactly does a LINQ function return when there are no matches? Take the Where method, for example: var numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 10); var results = numbers.Where(n => n == 50); What would be in results at this point? ...

T-SQL Where Clause Case Statement Optimization (optional parameters to StoredProc)

I've been battling this one for a while now. I have a stored proc that takes in 3 parameters that are used to filter. If a specific value is passed in, I want to filter on that. If -1 is passed in, give me all. I've tried it the following two ways: First way: SELECT field1, field2...etc FROM my_view WHERE parm1 = CASE WHEN @PARM...

MYSQL IN or multiple conditionals

I have a simple query which is returning records based on the field status not having certain values. Lets say for arguments sake that the field can have values 1,2,3...10 and I want to return all records that don't have values 3, 7 and 9. Which of the following would be best to use? Option 1. SELECT `id` FROM `tbl` WHERE (`status` != ...

How to create a dynamic query using EOD SQL?

Hello guys. This should be fairly simple, though I can't seem to find a single example. I want to create a query looking like this: SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name IN (value1,value2,...) As an option I could append OR-clauses to the end of the query. The code I have written so far keeps blowing up with a Nullpoi...

Zend DB Table Where Clause

I'm trying to use an array to set the where parameters for a Zend DB Table. I am trying to follow an example in the documentation: $select = $table->select()->where(array('bug_status = ?' => 'NEW')); I have a class that inherits Zend_Db_Table and am trying to select like the example: $select = $this->select()->where(array('FirstName...

How do I force SQL Server 2005 to run a join before the where?

I've got a SQL query that joins a pricing table to a table containing user-provided answers. My query is used to get the price based on the entered quantity. Below is my SQL statement: SELECT JobQuestion.Value, Price.Min, Price.Max, Price.Amount FROM Price INNER JOIN JobQuestion ON Price.QuestionFK=JobQuestion.QuestionFK ...

AsQueriable() or Expression<T>.Compile()?

Edit2: After finally being able to profile the two against each other, it appears that in my situation .AsQueryable() is slightly faster than Expression.Compile(). Original question: I have implemented a cache of some database tables (as List<T>) that I need to query with the same Expression<Func<T, bool>> as I would use when querying a...

Linq include with where clause

Hey so I've got the situation where I'm pulling a client back from the database and including all the case studies with it by way of an include return (from c in db.Clients.Include("CaseStudies") where c.Id == clientId select c).First(); but what I want to do now is and a where clause on the included casestudies so tha...

Query running longer by adding unused WHERE conditions

I've hit an interesting snag (interesting to me at least). Below is a general idea of what my query looks like. Assume @AuthorType is an input to the stored procedure and that there are various specialized conditions each place I've put comments. SELECT * FROM TBooks WHERE (--...SOME CONDITIONS) OR (@AuthorType = 1 AND --...DIFFERENT ...

SEARCH several Tables IN SQL

I'm trying to search several tables at once for a search term. My query is: SELECT item.ItemID FROM Inventory.Item item JOIN Inventory.Category catR // each item can be in several categories ON catR.ItemID = item.ItemID JOIN Category.Category cat ON cat.CategoryID = catR.CategoryID ...

LINQ Where with AND OR condition

Hi, So I have managed to get this query working List<string> listStatus = new List<string>() ; listStatus.add("Text1"); List<string> listMerchants = new List<string>() ; listMerchants.add("Text2"); from item in db.vw_Dropship_OrderItems where listStatus.Contains(item.StatusCode) && listMerchants....

Codeigniter WHERE on "AS" field

I have a query where I need to modify the selected data and I want to limit my results of that data. For instance: SELECT table_id, radians( 25 ) AS rad FROM test_table WHERE rad < 5 ORDER BY rad ASC; Where this gets hung up is the 'rad < 5', because according to codeigniter there is no 'rad' column. I've tried writing this as a cust...

C# Beginner: Where has my IList.Where() method gone?

Hi guys I've got another simple one (I think) that's stumping me. I have written a method in one of my controls that gets the latest version of a file in a CMS given it's filename (i.e. regardless of what folder the file resides in). I found it useful enough that I thought I'd chuck it in my CMSToolbox class, but when I do this I can no...