
MySQL, Given a list, selecting the missing rows from a Table

This has been driving me crazy for the past few minutes I have a table, lets say table_alphabet with three columns. letter(pri) col1 col2 a 24 55 b 45 45 c 23 44 ... y 33 55 z 45 22 Now in my application I have a list ('a', 'b', 'lol', 'cats', 'z', 'foo...

Keeping ordering in a WHERE IN clause in my SQL

I am running the following SQL query: SELECT * FROM cms_albums WHERE id IN (SELECT album_id FROM cms_albums_collections WHERE collection_id = 1 ORDER BY position ASC) Now, assume the inner query SELECT album_id FROM cms_albums_collections WHERE collection_id = 1 ORDER BY position ASC returns the following: album_id "4" "2" This...

SQL IN equivalent in CAML

Is there "nice" way to create a CAML query for SharePoint that does something like this? SELECT * FROM table WHERE Id IN (3, 12, ...) Or am I stuck with a nightmare of nested <Or> nodes? ...

Force MySQL to return duplicates from WHERE IN clause without using JOIN/UNION?

This might not be very sensible, but I'ld like to let MySQL return me the exact duplicate rows if there are duplicate criteria in the WHERE IN clause. Is this possible? Take this example: SELECT columns FROM table WHERE id IN( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 5) I'ld like MySQL to return me rows with id 5 three times, id's 1 and 2 tw...

Query Optimization using WHERE IN

I'm wondering if someone can explain how the IN calculates? Well, ultimately I'm trying to find out why this query is slow and how to optimize it. I waited over 3 minutes and when I cancelled the query it had only returned 1000 lines which doesn't seem like it should take that long. SELECT t2.* FROM report_tables.roc_test_results as ...

How can realise in PHP PDO WHERE IN statment

Params: $params = 2826558; # Necessary Object $params = array(2826558,2677805,2636005); # NULL Execution code: $data = $this->DQL_selectAllByCampaign_id() ->execute( array($params) ) ->fetchAll(); var_dump( $data ); SQL Query: $this->DQL_selectAllByCampaign_id = $th...