How to Know If I am in a Terminal Service (TS) Session?
Is there any windows API function to check if I am in a terminal service session? ...
Is there any windows API function to check if I am in a terminal service session? ...
I would like to use the Win32::SerialPort module under Windows XP to read a text string from a COM port. There is a scale attached to the serial port which continuously sends the current measured weight. Since I'm also using Win32::GUI I need a way to read that non-blocking. What's the best way to do this? Should I use Lookfor or stream...
When you send an EM_SETCUEBANNER message, you get a grey textual cue in your edit control. How to change the color the textualcue in Win32/C ? ...
Hello buddies: I am programming a DLL. I have to return an instance of TBitmap to the host application. The DLL has another UNIT, wich is a Form, that it has a TImageList for storing images. I wrote a function that I want to return an Image from the TImageList (from the DLL to the host application. How can I do this? Thanks, Yulién. ...
PROBLEM FOUND. I'm leaving the question here, though, in case others run into the same problem I ran into. It looks like I encountered a bug or a weird feature in WinZip 11. When I double click the file to see its contents, WinZip tells me the path to the data file is "allcapsname" in lower case, but when WinZip extracts the ...
I have some programs that use MapViewOfFile to share data, but I am getting strange access violations that seem to be from accessing the mapped file data. Some of the shared data has pointers, however these pointers are only set and used by one process, but by several threads within the process. I understand that you can't use pointer...
I could do an endless timer checking IsInetOffline(), but I would prefer a hook callback that tells me when I plug/unplug the ethernet network cable or connect to wireless internet. Is there such a thing in the Windows API? ...
Continuing the question in: Thanks to accepted answer in that question I realized that keeping windows waiting for data is a driver responsability. As i'm using Dokan, I am be able to look into the driver code. Dokan complete the IRP request with a STATUS_EN... STDAPI AccessibleObjectFromEvent( __in HWND hwnd, __in DWORD dwObjectID, __in DWORD dwChildID, __out IAccessible **ppacc, __out VARIANT *pvarChild ); What is IAccessible** equivalent in Delphi (2009)? ...
I have a Windows console application written in C++ and want to hide/remove the complete title bar of the console window, including the close, min/max controls etc. I searched a lot but didn't found anything useful yet. I inquire the console HWND with GetConsoleWindow and tried to change the console window style with SetWindowLong by r...
hello, i have some form which split by iframe. subject field is no probelm ,but content field was come from another iframe source.. so i can't input text in content's field.. im using PAMIE and win32com module.. i have to put text in 'contents.contentsValue' here. but i have no luck..anyone can help me? if so really appreciate follow is...
I'm work on a build tool that launches thousands of processes (compiles, links etc). It also distributes executables to remote machines so that the build can be run accross 100s of slave machines. I'm implementing DLL injection to monitor the child processes of my build process so that I can see that they opened/closed the resources I ...
There are at least three parts to this problem, so bear with me: 1) CreateProcess has a parameter bInheritHandles, that causes the child process to inherit all of the inheritable handles in the parent process. This option must be set to TRUE to allow the parent to specify stdin, stdout, and stderr handles for the child in the STARTUPINF...
Asynchronous operations with I/O Completion Ports return 0 bytes transferred, although the I/O operations work as expected (my read buffers become full). BYTE buffer[1024] = {0}; OVERLAPPED o = {0}; HANDLE file = CreateFile( _T("hello.txt"), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED...
My application writes some bytes of data to an alternate data stream. This works fine on all but one machine (Windows Server 2003 SP2). Instead, CreateFile returns ERROR_DISK_FULL when I try to create an alternate data stream (on the root directory). I don't find the reason for this result, because... There's plenty of space on that d...
Hi, I am a newbie when it comes to gVim, Perl & test scripts, so I hope this is not a stupid question? I have successfully installed Perl::Tags 0.26 under Linux and OS X but am getting installation test errors under WIN32 -- also see perl.cpan.testers My questions are: (i) Does VIM need Perl::Tags or can I rely on exuberant ctags to g...
What's the meaning of BSTR, LPCOLESTR, LPCWSTR, LPTSTR, LPCWCHAR, and many others if they're all just a bunch of defines that resolve to wchar_t anyway? ...
I'm writing an application that detects when a certain USB Mass Storage Device is plugged-in, and when it is unplugged - by listening for WM_DEVICECHANGE messages. I've also registered my application to listen for WM_DEVICECHANGE messages for DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE (using the RegisterDeviceNotification API call) and I get both the ...
I have a UserControl and I want to make custom scrolling. Can I use the already built in Horizontal and Vertical ScrollBars without setting the AutoScroll flag to true? I can Enable and define min and max value for both ScrollBars and I can see them on my control, but when clicking the buttons they don't move and in the scroll events I d...
hello, currently im making some web scrap script. and i was choice PAMIE to use my script. actually im new to python and programming. so i have no idea ,if i use PAMIE,it really helpful to make script to relate with win32-python. ok my problem is , while im making script,i was encounter two probelm. first , i want to let work my script w...