
Change Window Owner without activation

I need to attach a transparent, layered window to any application window present in the system, with the added feature of the user not losing the keyboard focus. So I went with the owner method: use GetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_HWNDPARENT and tracking the owner movement with a simple out of context hook (SetWinEventHook). Also, using WS_...

save and load browse window / tab layouts

I have a large web application where the user will setup many browser tabs and browser window layouts. For example, having 2 windows open vertically next to each other. I need a way to save it and then load it later. So from analysis i need to: 1. Detect what bwoers tabs are using a certain URL. 2. Detect their position. 3. then save i...

Growing/shrinking a frame based on the size of a child panel

I have a frame that contains (among many other things) a panel. I need to be able to explicitly set the size of the panel and have the frame with all its sizers, buttons, and everything else fit around the new size of the panel. I have tried every combination of Fit/Layout/etc I can think of, but I can never get the frame to grow/shrin...

How to position a pop up to be in the top right part of the screen

What I want to do is to change the size of a window and create a window next to it so they are exactly next to each other. In that sense, I need to position to the new window to the top right part of the screen, the way I am doing it is not working (code is below), I need help :) function () { var viewportwidth = document.documentEl...

[jquery] cosmetic issue when sticking div to bottom on window.scroll

Hi guys, I have a rather annoying cosmetic issue with jQuery. I'm using the $(window).scroll event to stick a div to the bottom of the window except when the it reaches the footer in which case it stays right above. This basically gives me a similar effect (just the other way around) to the one used here on stackoverflow for the "How to...

Window from nib in dylib

Hi, I'm quite new to the Mac but reasonably expirienced with windows. What I need is a window owned opened and closed by the library (dylib). This is very easy to do in MS Windows but seemsnto be hard under Cocoa. I used the code from apple's 'CocoaInCarbon' example with C++ Wrappers. But the 'NSApplicationLoad()' followed by 'NSBundle...

modal window with non square borders

How do I make modal windows with non square borders, for instance a modal window which has a corner to indicate it's coming (sorta being shout) from a text. ...

python curses.newwin not working

I'm learning curses for the first time, and I decided to do it in python because it would be easier than constantly recompiling. However, I've hit a hitch. When I try to update a seccond window, I get no output. Here's a code snippet: import curses win = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) field = curses...

Is there a panel I can use in WPF that will "defeat" SizeToContent?

I basically want certain parts of my window to not affect SizeToContent (things like a title bar) so that it appears to have no size and collapses. Is there a panel I can use to do this (like a ScrollViewer maybe?) or do I have to write my own? ...

Set a variable in an Iframe

Is it possible to create an Iframe using document.createElement("iframe"); and then set a variable in the iframe's window object such as a namespace? I have tried doing something like this: var Namespace = {}; var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = "page.html"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); var iwin = ifram...

window reference after parent page changed

Hello, I'm opening a named window by using function: win ="xxx.html", "mywin"); After that I move to another page from the parent window, and I want to decide whether the window named "mywin" is still open or not. If I was in the parent page, I would use win.closed, but since I changed the page, I lost the ...

Thickbox integration for MooFlow

Hi Can anybody help on how to integrate thickbox( for MooFlow( slide show. My requirement is: need a modal window with html content (details of the photo) when i click on a photo. Thanks in advance. --Nehatha ...

WPF window template resource

Hi guys! I am trying to define a window template that can be used by windows in other assemblies. I define a window template and store it in resource dictionary in some assembly. After, I use this template in other assembly on window definition in XAML. It looks that the template is accepted and I can see updated window in VS-2010 design...

$(window).resize() is being sluggish

I've got a photo slideshow with thumbnails. Next/Previous buttons appear and disappear based on the size of the window; if the thumbnails overflow the window size, the buttons appear. If not, they disappear. My problem is that, at times, they won't come up, or they won't come up for a couple of seconds. At other times they won't disa...

Create "console" and "window" configurations in Visual Studio project

I have a project in Visual Studio 2008. I want to have two different ways of running it - either as a regular Windows application (so it gets a window and I can do graphics stuff) or as a console application (so that it doesn't have a window and doesn't do graphics). Is there a way to set it up so that I can use a command line option or ...

Window resize event problem for Chrome

I'm trying to handle stuff on my site when the window is resized and I have ran into an issue with Chrome that I can't figure out. Here is the code, very simplified: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> window.onresize = function() { alert(1); alert(2); alert(3); ...

javascript - document.write error ??

Hello, Consider the script.. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('TEST'); </script> </head> <body> Some body content ... </body> </html> This works fine and the word 'TEST' is added to the <body> But when <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function(){ document.w...

Execute console applications without creating a new console window flickering on the screen (C++, Windows)

I'm writing a windows application and I needs to run some console applications from it and get their output. I tried two different approaches: 1) Using _popen(command, "rt") 2) Creating a child process with redirected output (CreateProcess(), CreatePipe()) They both work but during the execution of some command a new console window is ...

How to Get a Window or Fullscreen Screenshot in Python 3k? (without PIL)

With python 3, I'd like to get a handle to another window (not part of my application) such that I can either: a) directly capture that window as a screenshot or b) determine its position and size and capture it some other way In case it is important, I am using Windows XP. I found this solution, but it is not quite what I ne...

Hiding window from taskbar in C# with WinAPI

Believe me, I have Googled it and expected it to be a fairly easy find - turns out it isn't. I have my window handle, but no form. How do I do it? Thanks! ...