
Unauthorized Access Exception in Windows 7

Hello, I have an application which reads a license file when it starts up. My install creates the folder in Program Files for the application, creates the license folder and puts the license file in there. However when I try and run the application, it needs to read/update the license file. When I try and do that I get an "Unauthorized ...

Trying to use tcl threads on windows 7 results in access violation.

I'm trying to get this simple program to work on windows, but it crashes: unsigned (__stdcall testfoo)(ClientData x) { return 0; } int main() { Tcl_ThreadId testid = 0; Tcl_CreateThread( } I am using a makefile generated by cmake and linking against a version of Tcl 8.5.7 I compiled myself using Visual C++ 2008 express. It ...

Attempting to use Segoe font in browser

I want to render a page with fonts mostly being font-family:"Segoe" (that line goes in the appropriate class selectors which I've verified are working), however I get back a standard font (times new roman I think). Why won't it work? I am on Windows-7 64 bit so it's installed. ...

batch/CMD move does not work with folders

Hi everyone. I have a simple .bat (move.bat) file in the SendTo folder which moves files and directories from any location to a specified folder by using the context menu. This worked on XP. In Windows 7 however i get an access denied error. It doesn't even work with cmd opened as admin (runas). content of move.bat: move %1 c:\specified...

how to check what symlinks are used in a folder in windows 7

Hello, I've been looking at the windows 7 symlinks (using mklink) [Ed.- they are also supported on Vista, WS2003, WS2008], and I was wondering if it were possible to programmatically determine if a folder were a symlink. Thanks for any help. ~ Steve ...

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 started to ask for elevation

I worked fine in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 under Windows 7 64-bit, but after some time VS-2010 started to ask for elevation each launch. Yep, it works fine. But running in administrator mode each time is somehow unconfident. Googling doesn't help spread the light on the problem; I hope fellow developers have faced and solved this issue...

getting started with sproutcore on windows 7

i wanna check out this thing called sproutcore , i need to install some stuff and i don't really know how to do that, anyone can help? i need ruby, ruby gems, and some other stuff... where can i find some information on this stuff for windows ...

does any one have used TAPI on windows 7?? i want to create an application using it and want to know about facts and where to start thanks

does it working with it and which is the good start for TAPI... i want to create an application which automatically answer/record incoming call and also call to someone recorded message. want this in .net ( or c# desktop no problem). ...

C# Error creating directory in SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData on Windows 7 as a non Admin

Hi all, I'm getting the error "Access to the path 'LocalApplicationData\MyProgram\' is denied." when trying to create a directory for my log file. This is when I'm running the program as a non-admin user. Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData + "\\MyProgram\\"); Why would this be? Thanks ...

Visual Studio 2008 + Windows 7: Setup Projects hanging

We have Visual Studio 2008 Team System (SP1) installed on Windows 7 on a 64-bit desktop machine. Our solutions contain setup and deployment projects (vdproj). When Visual Studio loads, it hangs trying to load the setup projects. This also happens to newly created solutions entirely in this environment so it is not something lagging f...

Tray application with hidden icons area problem

I have a tray application in WPF and the problem I have comes up at a closer inspection of the context menu behavior. I am running on Windows 7 with Aero theme checked and while everything seems fine I noticed that the application tends to go to the hidden icons area from the windows taskbar. The problem I have is after I open the hidden...

How to detect window was resized by Windows7

[Question] 1. How to detect the window (WPF) was resized by Aero Snap? then i can ignore the new size and position. Thanks for your answer and comments in advance. ...

Having problems running WatiN on Windows 7 with IE 8

When I run any WatiN test on Windows 7 with IE8(note that all tests pass on Vista with IE8), the browser displays the first page but does not go any further. The following exception is displayed after a few seconds: WatiN.Core.Exceptions.TimeoutException: Timeout while Internet Explorer state not complete at WatiN.Core.UtilityClasses.T...

Windows7 Aureal Audio device driver

I am trying to Map physical address of my aureal sound card to a virtual address using MmMapIoSpace. I am using the code below which is not working as expected. The MmMapIoSpace always returns a 00000000 pointer. Logs from DebugView are also given.. CODE NTSTATUS CAdapterCommon::Init ( IN PRESOURCELIST ResourceList, IN ...

ComboBox.SelectedValue does not match displayed text when DropDownStyle = DropDownList in Windows 7

Let's say we have the following code in a Windows application: ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox() { AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend, AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems, DataSource = new string[] { "", "Ark", "Boat", "Bucket" }, DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList }; this.Controls.A...

Programatically fire windows 7 touch and gesture events

Please let me know the answers to the following: Is it possible to programmatically fire the touch and gesture events of Windows 7? Is there any API? Is it possible to fire the event from a computer without touch screen? I am looking for something implemented or implementable in C# if possible. Any help will be much appreciated. Th...

How do I make my program work in Windows Vista and Windows 7?

I have an application written in Delphi 2006 that was working fine in Windows XP. I packed the application using Inno Setup, using Program Files as the default folder. A few users migrated to Windows Vista and Windows 7. The issue here is that the application creates some files inside its installation folder by its own. This was working ...

Notification on screen orientation change

Windows 7, .NET 3.5 I need to know when netbook (small laptop, but normal Windows 7) changes orientation (there is a button on the netbook that is used to switch landscape/portrait orientation). This tells me the orientation, but I am looking for the change notification event: System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.ScreenOrientation ...

Windows 7 installer error 2902 (w/ manifest)

I have added a manifest file to my .net winforms app since the app needed write access to the install folder in programs files. I therefore added the following app.manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" /> <requestedExecutionLev...

How do you create a second taskbar to use on multiple monitors?

I recently got myself a second monitor and I have been looking at software which offers the possibility to extend the taskbar to the second monitor. Softwares such as UltraMon and MultiMon offer such possibility. I'd be interested to know what is the method they are using to replicate the tasbar? More precisely: Is the second taskbar ...