
My schtasks don't schedule anything. :(

I'm trying to make a scheduled task, and its just not working for me. This is the command I type in CMD: schtasks /create /sc minute /mo 1 /tn test /tr calc.exe /st 19:17:00 /sd 12/14/2009 I'm trying to tell the computer to run calculator every minute starting at 7:09 PM. Although I get a success message after I type this in and hit en...

Vista/Win7 Bass and treble volume

Hi guys, I'm having a hard time with this crazy Vista/Win 7 architecture, it might be just me but its hard to get used to it :| So, my current problem is that I cant set the bass and treble values for my sound card, I found that there is a IAudioBass and IAudioTreble interfaces which can do this, but I'm getting lost how to create the...

Can I install SQL 2005 x86 developer on Windows 7 Professional

Can I install SQL 2005 x86 developer on Windows 7 Professional ...

SSIS install as part of SQL Developer x86 installation?

I get the following error when trying to install SQL Server 2005 x86 Developer edition in the XP mode in windows 7 Professional. MainEngineThread is returning 1645 Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated. ...

Error upon connection attempt to SQL Server 2005 via SSMS

I was able to install SQL 2005 x86 dev edition onto windows 7 Professional but cannot connect to the server via SSMS. I get "Login Failed for user 'Compaq\username'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)" Any suggestions ...

Windows 7 Device Stage Experience for Virtual Printers?

Hello. I am working on a virtual printer that converts various files to PDF format. As you know Microsoft introduced Device Stage Experience in Windows 7, which is a nice way to customize the user's experience when interacting with your device. I have downloaded and installed their development kit, only to quickly find out that everyth...

Windows 7, VB6, Launcher App and Pinning to the Taskbar

We have an application that has a "launcher" app that sits there with a pretty UI while the main app loads in the background. Both of these apps are written in VB6 (sigh). In Windows 7, if user's pin the launcher program, we get two different icons on the taskbar (one for the main app, and then the pinned icon for the launcher program)...

windows 7 performance with java

hi, im thinking on updrading from vista to windows 7. i mainly progam in java for my university projects and thesis on computer science. i often use a linux partition with debian. my question is about how had been you experience programming on windows 7? is it faster? does it have full compatibility, eetc. what about de IDEs? windows 7...

Writing to temp dir fails when running as SYSTEM on Win7

We have a Java application that includes components that run as SYSTEM on Windows machines. On Windows 7 x64, one component fails when trying to unpack the jnidispatch library: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Failed to create temporary file for jnidispatch library: The system cannot find the path specifi...

Null media experience when playing videos from a plugin in windows media center

In our windows media center plugin we use the PlayMedia api to play Videos. This is the documented API by MS for playing videos and is documented in the SDK. Eg. AddInHost.Current.MediaCenterEnvironment.PlayMedia(Microsoft.MediaCenter.MediaType.Video, path, false) In Vista, consistently, after this call we have a media experience rea...

Win7 WPF Alt+Tab Focus Oddity

After a couple hours of Googling I haven't been able to find any comments on this issue. We have a WindowStyle=None window with transparent background and allows transparency and does not show in taskbar, all pretty normal. Here's the XAML so you can test for yourself: <Window x:Class="AltTabTest.Window1" xmlns="

How to update TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue when running the application with elevated privileges?

I tried to compile and run (as admin) the sample that demonstrate how to update the TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue but the progression is never updated. When I run the app with normal rights, everything works fine. Is there something that I'm missing here? Thanks, Jacques. ...

Accessing python httplib2 over a network share in windows 7

I am trying to run python from a network share on windows 7. The network share is T: >t:\python-2.6.1\python Python 2.6.1 (r261:67517, Dec 4 2008, 16:51:00) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import httplib2 httplib2\ DeprecationWarning: the md5...

scroll tip in list control

In Windows 7, the explorer shows a scroll tip in detailed view like this: This image is taken from this MSDN page, but there's no information there on how to activate this for a plain list control. I'd like to get my list controls to do the same, but I can't figure out how to do this. There's the LVN_BEGINSCROLL and the LVN_ENDSCROLL ...

.NET ListView and Windows 7

Maybe I'm missing something, but... The ListView control in Windows 7 displays a highlight around selected items that looks like a 3D blue translucent rectangle (I'm not talking about the selection rectangle, but the rectangle around the actual selected items). It even shows a lighter rectangle when hovering over items. However, when I...

Java Access Denied

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin>javac error while writing VendingMachine: VendingMachine.class (Access is denied) public class VendingMachine ^ 1 error Here is the code from my editior from line 27 to 39: public class VendingMachine /*This is line 27*/ { private int it...

How to get location of %temp%\Low when running as a low intergrity process

When a process is running at the low integrity level, you can't write to %temp% so I need a way to find the path to the %temp%\Low directory (Without hardcoding the word "Low") ...

SMO restore and Windows 7

I have an application that uses SMO to manage databases. It works great on XP and Server 2003. However, when I try to run it on Windows 7, I get the following exception: Restore failed for Server 'localhost'. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser, Version=, Cultu...

dynamic load on Windows 7 fails

As I mentioned on one my previous questions I am playing with simulating GetProcAddress() in my code. The following code is successful in doing this, however it causes the application to crash on windows 7 void *GetFuncAddr(HMODULE hModule, char *fname) { unsigned int count = 1; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *DosHeader; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS...

Difference between "device" and "osdevice" in bcdedit of Windows7?`

What is the difference betwwen "device" and "osdevice"? Can there be a situation where both may be different as I have noticed them to be same almost always? ...