
Eclipse and Windows 7

I have reinstalled my computer with Windows 7, and Eclipse 3.5.1 (Galileo). The weird thing is that I can not see any files that Eclipse produces. I can not find the workspace, can not find the files from the SVN after check out. It seems like Windows 7 can not read the files produced by Eclipse ... wierd What could be the reason for...

Visual Studio 2008 x86 install on windows 7 64 bit

I am getting an error when the setup autorun executes. It states that it is not compatible with the 64 bit operating system and does not allow me to install it. Is the VS installer 16 bit? The error also mentions this but I am not sure if it's true. How can I by-pass this? If I cannot, can some one suggest another VS that I should pur...

Which command-line editor should be used in Windows 7 to modify settings...

Which command-line editor should be used in Windows 7 to modify settings such as the boot sequence, display order and time out values for multiple operating systems, or Emergency Management Services and boot debugging settings? ...

Windows 7 sidebar gadgets

Do you need to write Windows Sidebar Gadgets in C#, or should I be able to write them in another language, for example Delphi? Thanks ...

Windows Device Emulator V3, windows 7 + Network

Well im debugging a windows CE application from visual studio in the Windows Device Emulator, now to setup the network i go to File -> Configure -> Network, i enable a network card and press OK, then i get this message: "The required Virtual Machine Network Driver could not be found. Make sure that Virtual PC 2007 is installed. You can ...

Problem connecting to SQL db from web app (Win7 x64 host)

Hello, I am have a Silverlight app that connects to a local SQL Server db. It works as expected on my WinXP computer, but not on the Win7 x64 computer. (SQL Server 2008 installed.) When I run the app, I get this error: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. My web.config, AppSettings: <!-- For Development --> <!--<add k...

Could not be performed exception using a socket to do a UDP Multicast

When running a C# app I created on XP it runs just fine, but under Windows 7, I get the following error: "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full" I am doing the following: socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolTy...

Drupal: Which MySQL do I need?

Hi guys, this might sounds silly but I am super confused. I want to install drupal on localhost but I need to install a SQL database for it too. Which database package do I get (for free) ? I went to MySQL website but I do not understand which one I need to download, or if mysql at all.. ? I have win 7 32 bit and I only care that dru...

c# Program in Windows 7 moves Panels around

I have an application I have been working on for a while in VS2008 developing in Windows XP and it has some panels placed in specific spots so the borders line up and look nice and pretty. Now that I have switched to developing in 7, as far as I can tell everything else is in the same place but it moves both panels over a little bit and ...

Variables in batch and registry edit for right-click support

Hello, I have this batch file which needs to do some stuff in a folder. This is what i want: -A shortcut when you right-click. (shell32 i think you should edit with the registry or so...? Can somebody say so?) -If that shortcut is pressed, the batch is opened, and it locates the folder were was right-clicked. It should set this as a ...

Warning about bad shutdown preventing apache from running?

For some time now, Apache has been refusing to start. The only thing in the error logs is this: [Thu Dec 10 20:48:39 2009] [warn] pid file C:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.14/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run? [Thu Dec 10 20:49:18 2009] [warn] pid file C:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.14/logs/h...

Dynamically loading registry function on Windows 7?

I am dynamically loading several registry API's from the library Advapi32.dll. Under Windows XP and Vista everything is OK. Under Windows 7 I keep getting the error The parameter is incorrect and in some cases (like RegCloseKey) my application crashes. The code I am using is the usual: // RegCreateKeyEx typedef LONG (WINAPI *MyRegCreat...

PHPunit command line variable on windows giving trouble

I installed PHPunit via the commandline and added it to my path variables.I then tried to see if it will run, but I got a weird error. Must be something in some file that I didn't configure correctly, but there are over 800 lines in all the PHPUnit folder that reference to that folder, so I'm at a loss as to which one it is. Most will ...

Creating a ShortCut IShellLink And The Preview Image In Windows 7

In Windows 7 you can create a Shortcut (on the desktop for example) of am image and the image is displayed as the Icon (with a short cut arrow overlaid). This is done by the operating system when you right click on the image and choose Send To -> Desktop (create Shortcut). I want to replicate the creation of this shortcut. Available i...

How to find the path of the "Shared Documents" folder from c#?

In Windows Vista, the special folder "Shared Documents" contains documents accessible by all the users in the machine. That folder was renamed to "Public Documents" in Windows 7. How can I find its physical path from c#? Note that Environment.GetFolderPath( doesn't have the folder I'm looking for. ...

Windows 7 for .NET development

Are there any special features or advantages that make it worthwhile switching from Windows XP to Windows 7 for .NET Web/Windows/Office development? I'm currently using Visual Studio 2008 on XP box. Should I upgrade to Windows 7? ...

Is there a list of valid parameter combinations for GetThemeColor / Visual Styles API

I am trying to retrieve the background and text color of the taskbar and/or my applications main window. It turned out, that Windows 7 does not return the correct colors. If i i.e. switch to a pink theme, Windows 7 still returns light blue for window caption although thats not true. This happens using GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION); ...

How to get main window handle from process id?

How to get main window handle from process id? I want to bring this window to the front. It works well in "Process Explorer". ...

64 bits stuff for C# development

Hello, I don't know if here is the correct place to put this question.. but let'se. I'm updating my system environment with windows seven 64 bits, and I want to know what programs and IDEs I can use in 64bits version without problems. Someone have bad/good experiences with 64 enviroment? Nowadays I use: Visual Studio 2008 Tortoise ...

"The Resource Cannot Be Found: /Login.aspx" on new v5.20 Install

Please see my DNN Forum Post for more details. I've never had any issues with DotNetNuke installations. But with the new v5.20 (or v5.02, whichever it really is), everything runs perfectly fine through installation. I then get to the main default portal homepage. But as soon as I click any of the links available to continue (Home, Regis...