
ClickOnce app does not start through Process.Start("") with *.abc associated to ClickOnce app

I have successfully developed and deployed a ClickOnce application which registers an associated file extension, for instance *.abc. When I click on a file named or if I type from the command prompt, the ClickOnce application starts and I can retrieve the file through the dedicated API. I can also launch the application progr...

Getting a VB6 Application to Work in Windows 7 If You Can't Recompile

I have a VB6 application that still references some old VB5 libraries (dll, vbr, tlb, and ocx). We're having some strange issues like it can't read the registry using advapi32.dll. I've tried running the application with UAC permissions, but still no go. We can't recompile the app because it has several controls and components that canno...

How to change "devenv" command location?

I have two versions of Visual Studio 2005/208 installed in my system (windows7), when I am opening Visual Studio with "devenv" command from "Run" window then its opening Visual Studio 2005 but I want when I open it using "devenv" command so Visual Studio 2008 should open by default. How can I do this in windows. Thanks Note: I am not ...

Problem opening registry key on Windows 7

This code used to work on Vista (and Windows XP) but after an upgrade to Windows 7 it now fails with the error shown: Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 >>> import _winreg >>> h1 = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) >>> key = r'SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2...

ClickOnce app does not start through Process.Start(””) with *.abc associated to app

I have successfully developed and deployed a ClickOnce application which registers an associated file extension, for instance *.abc. When I click on a file named or if I type from the command prompt, the ClickOnce application starts and I can retrieve the file through the dedicated API. I can also launch the application progr...

Windows 7 visual studio 2005 compatibility

I'm now working on RC windows7 and installed visualstudio2008-Professional edition. But I need to work with Java programs and so I needed to work with visualstudio2005. I installed visual studio 2005 -sp1 (vs80sp1-KB926747) but I have the following problem: "The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service becau...

EnumDisplaySettings reports wrong values on Win7 with Nvidia cards

I've been encountering a problem when trying to query all available resolutions on some nvidia cards under Win7. for(int i = 0; EnumDisplaySettings( deviceName.c_str(), i, &dm) != 0; ++i) reports resolution which aren't available like 866 x 650. Most supported resolutions on the other hand are missing. Changing driver/monitor setup di...

Vista and Widows 7 borders cut off form content

Forms on Windows 7 and Vista have thicker borders than those of XP. As a result, some content that spans the entire height or width of a form will be cut off. Is there a simple way to fix this, or do all the forms of my application need to be resized to accommodate for this? Update: It appears to be the fault of the form size and not...

Can't save php.ini

I have PHP for FastCGI installed on Windows 7 through the Web Platform Installer. I need to edit php.ini to enable logging, but I'm not able to overwrite the existing file, apparently because something has it open and/or locked. Stopping the server in IIS Manager doesn't help; stopping the Windows Process Activation Service and the Wor...

GdipCreateBitmapFromStream change of contract on Windows 7?

We have a perfectly functional app that just broke on Windows 7 because (the GDI+ primitive) GdipCreateBitmapFromStream refuses JPEG images presented to it (without problem on XP and even Vista). We don't directly call GDI+, we call the documented ATL CImage class, and it calls that, and gets the error. It's our own OLE stream implemen...

GetOpenFilename api call in Windows 7 won't allow direct access to My Documents

In many of my Access (2002) programs I use the GetOpenFileNameA and GetSaveFileNameA functions from comdlg32.dll. I often set the initial directory to the user's My Documents folder (using calls to SHGetSpecialFolderLocation and SHGetPathFromIDListA from shell32). This all works fine under Windows XP. However, I recently switched to W...

Can't get Xdebug to work on Windows 7

I installed the latest XAMPP package which includes PHP 5.3.0. I am trying to enable Xdebug, but it just won't work. Here's what I changed in the php.ini shipped with XAMPP: ; uncommented zend_extension = "X:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll" ; added the following lines: xdebug.remote_enable=true xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote...

Windows 7, Visual Studio 2008 and Qt 4.6, 32 OR 64 bit?

I'm trying to install Windows 7 64bit (as oppose to 32bit), mainly because large amount of RAM would be wasted otherwise. I wonder if I should install Visual Studio 2008 32bit OR 64bit. I also uses Qt 4.5/4.6 for development, does it play well in 64bit environment? Any suggestions on what will be a most recommended configuration? ...

" INTO OUTFILE " statement terminated without completion locks the file

i am creating a csv by using "INTO OUTFILE" statement for a mysql database. the database is huge 0.4 million records. i am using java program from eclipse to connect to mysql database and give this OUTFILE query. sometimes after running the query from program i do not want to wait for the whole query i terminate the java pr...

Win7: Monitor DC of secondary Monitor gets offset if disabling Aero

Scenario: Screen capturing on multi display machines. Capture screen of secondary monitor [which is the only affected] Turn off Aero: DwmEnableComposition(DWM\_EC_DISABLECOMPOSITION) Create a [new] DC for the secondary monitor via: m_DC->CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), _T("\\.\DISPALY2", NULL, NULL); Result: The DC will get an offset w...

How to abort shutdown in Windows Vista and 7 programatically?

In the second example (in the section examples) on this link, there is a description on using WM_QUERYENDSESSION to abort a shutdown. It also states that this does not work on versions of windows later than XP. This is conflicting with the advice given on another question here at stackoverflow. What is the correct answer? I do not have a...

IE8 Windows 7 (64bit) security certificate problem

Hi, We have just received some new computers for use in the office (Dell Vostro). They seem to work fine in the main. When we use IE8 to go to some web pages such as yahoo mail it tells us: “There is a problem with this websites security certificate” If we have a look at the details it says: “This certificate cannot be verified up ...

Using JNA to get/set application identifier

Following up on my previous question concerning the Windows 7 taskbar, I would like to diagnose why Windows isn't acknowledging that my application is independent of javaw.exe. I presently have the following JNA code to obtain the AppUserModelID: public class AppIdTest { public static void main(String[] args) { NativeLibrar...

IFileOpenDialog and IFileSaveDialog from VBA

How do you call IFileOpenDialog and IFileSaveDialog from VBA? According to Microsoft, applications written for Windows 7 and later should use IFileOpenDialog/IFileSaveDialog API calls instead of GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName (see Using the Common File Dialog). This is especially important for full Library support. ...

How can I add my .sln file to my Jump List for Visual Studio (Windows 7)?

This very well my be a question, however it's directly related to my programming environment so I thought I would ask here to see if another developer has solved this issue. I would like to add my most commonly opened solutions to my Jump List for Visual Studio 2008 in Windows 7. I've fiddled with the recommended methods o...