
Why doesn't the RequestAdditionalTime() method work on restart in Vista/7?

I have been doing some extensive testing of a Windows Service I have been writing in C# .Net 3.5. I am having trouble getting Windows to give me enough time for my service to shutdown properly when I restart or shutdown the computer even though I am invoking the RequestAdditionalTime() method which should update the SCM and keep my serv...

Visual themes and Delphi 7 on Windows 7

Hi all, how I can enable using visual themes for Delphi 7 IDE on Windows 7? For Windows XP I made file delphi32.exe.manifest, but for Windows 7 it does not work. I mean Delphi 7 enviroment and development. My programs are OK. Thank you, Pavel ...

Strange crash with WTSOpenServer on Windows 7 (Only in Delphi 2009/2010)

I am troubleshooting a problem with existing code that always worked fine (it's the Terminal Server unit from the Jedi Windows Security Library). After some investigation the problem part has been brought down to a call to WTSOpenServer: while true do begin hServer := WTSOpenServer(PChar('server')); WTSCloseServer(hServe...

Visual Studio 2008 & Windows 7 Recent Files

Apologies for the non-programming question, but does anyone know how to get Visual Studio 2008 to list projects in the Windows 7 Recent Files list instead of the source files it lists by default? ...

Is there a Windows 7 ODBC driver for Access?

I have an existing PHP script that needs to work with data from an Access db, and the machine it's on is migrating from Win2K to Windows 7. I looked around, and Microsoft seems to say that this is still available somewhere, but I can't find any solid information about how to actually get it. ...

How does one detect when the wallpaper has changed (Windows XP or greater)?

I have figured out how to change the desktop wallpaper (there are dozens of examples on the Internet.) One thing that still eludes me: how do I detect when the wallpaper has changed? (Say via the Display control panel or another program changing it.) ...

SWT application crashes in Windows 7

I have a java SWT application that works OK with Windows XP and Windows Vista. But when I run it on Windows 7, weird errors occure, and it crashes. For example, in a method where I call Table.removeAll() I get a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0. The table has SWT.VIRTUAL in style. Another problem is when I write something in...

SQL server queries are really slow only on first run

Somewhat strange problem... when I start my .NET app for the first time after rebooting my machine, the SQL Server queries are really slow... when I pause the debugger, I notice that it's hanging on getting the response from the query. This only happens when connecting to a remote SQL server (2008)... if I connect to one on my local mac...

Visual C# 2010 MSVCR100.dll missing when opening a project...tried EVERYTHING!

I installed Visual C# 2010 Beta 2 and I get this error every time I open a project: 'This application has failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem' I uninstalled every VC runtime, .NET framework, C# on this computer. Then reinstalled Visual C# 2010 and the install went smoothl...

How to Connect With Microsoft Localization Center

Windows uses an invalid codepage for keyboard layout in my language, I'm wonderf if there is a way to connect with Microsoft Windows Localization Center and give them the right keyboard layout to put in windows, I try this in Windows blog (by commenting) and e-mailing with some good guy that I knew but no feedback received. I'm still w...

Can we get the UAC prompt to show only once?

Is there a way for an app to present the user with the UAC prompt only once, upon first running. Thereafter, no further prompting. In other words, I understand that our app needs the user's UAC permission to do certain things. And that's fine. But we don't want it to have to keep asking on every occasion it runs. Can the user give permi...

C# Windows 7 problem

I develop a windows application on c#. I have tried it on different PCs with XP operating system, but I had a problem when I start to run on PC with windows 7. The program is closed automatically. I use SQLite for database and interaction with php files in the program. ...

A first chance exception

Hello all I have a project that runs perfect under windows xp. Now I have tried to run it under Windows 7 and got there a lot of exceptions under Immediate window. A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' oc...

IsLittleEndian field reports false, but it must be Little-Endian?

Hi, Im running on a Intel computer (Win7 64-bit) and according to what I read Intel is using Little-Endian. I try this out in C# with the following code: byte[] b2 = new byte[] { 0, 1 }; short b2short = BitConverter.ToInt16(b2, 0); and b2short == 256 as expected from a Little-Endian. Then I read that in .NET, the BitConverter.IsLitt...

UrlRewriting.Net Module + IIS7 Equals Page.User == null?

I've used the UrlRewriting.Net module for a couple years now without any problems in Windows XP and Windows 2003. I just recently upgraded my home PC to Windows 7 and started developing a new website. The plan was to use .html extensions and rewrite them to their .aspx counterparts using the UrlRewriting.Net module. Everything works fla...

Not receiving WM_PAINT message when returning from Security Screen (Ctrl+Alt+Del) in Windows7

I need to detect the closing of the security screen, this is the full screen that appears when a user presses Ctrl+Alt+Del under windows. In Xp my application receives an wm_paint message when this screen is closed but under windows 7, a message is not always received, maybe only 25% of the time. I tried catching the the WM_WTSSESSION...

Adobe Connect stuck at "connecting..." stage (windows 7)

When attempting to connect to our Adobe connect server (v7.5) I am getting stuck at "connecting..." stage. When doing the debug here is the output: Player Version: WIN 10,0,42,34 App-Server returned: code:ok, servers=rtmp://connect:1935/_rtmp://localhost:8506/,rtmpt://connect:443/_rtmp:/ /localhost:8506/ ERROR: FMS Server did not retu...

Developing Application for Windows 7 : Best practices/things to watch out for

Hi, As someone who will someday be developing applications for use in Windows 7 in .NET, I was wondering what are the best things to do while programming for Windows 7 and also, the things we should be aware of when doing it. ...

Getting recording status in Win Media Center 7

I am using a Hauppauge HD-PVR with Windows 7 Media Center (using DVBLink to connect them). I'd like to write a small application to check if the system is currently recording and if not perform some action. Which classes do I use to get this status? I've read the docs but the solution is not immediately obvious to me. Thanks! ...

Flaky file deletion under Windows 7?

I have a Python test suite that creates and deletes many temporary files. Under Windows 7, the shutil.rmtree operations sometimes fail (<1% of the time). The failure is apparently random, not always on the same files, not always in the same way, but it's always on rmtree operations. It seems to be some kind of timing issue. It is als...