
Is it possible to use default Windows 7 themes in Windows Embedded Standard 7 ?

Hello folks, Is it possible to use Windows 7 default themes (such as Windows 7 Basic) on Windows Embedded Standard 7 ? If so, how ? I believe themes include common controls styling i.e. they give an "Aero" look to your progress bar instead of the classic Windows 95-ish one. The context of my question is a migration of a WPF applicatio...

C# Help renaming a Windows 7 domain connected PC

The code below should rename a computer already connected to the domain. Basically when a user logs on a winform program is run and the user is prompted to enter a new computer name (this is made up from room number etc), the computer is already joined to the domain. The code below should check there is no computer already in the domain ...

Windows 7 not firing WM_SETFOCUS when switching nodes within a tree control

My application has a tree of type CTreeCtrl. One of the nodes of the tree is CComboBox control created as a child of this tree structure. c_combo->Create( WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_HASSTRINGS | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, myrect, m_pTree, IDD_OBTC_COMBO ); In essence, the ComboBox gets created when clicked on the tree node and we...

Crash on Windows 7 but running on XP

Hi, i've written a small application using c++, Qt and Visual Studio 2010. It's working on Windows XP (32bit) but it crashes on Windows 7 (64 bit) right after start-up. I see a "The program has stopped working..." error. Do I have to recompile the application for Windows 7? And is it possible to get more information why it crashes? Tha...

Accessing a cygwin symlink from windows

Hi there, I am quite new to cygwin. I created a symlink as follows $ ln -s /var/www /cygdrive/d/foo and when I check the d drive via windows, I see a system file called foo. Is there a way to make foo act as a folder for windows instead of the system file? Thanks B ...

C# app runs in Windows 7, but not in Windows XP

Hey everyone, I have created an application in VS C# Express 2008 using Windows 7 as my OS. It runs perfectly fine on other W7 machines, but when we try and deploy it on a machine with XP it doesn't even run. I just get the usual "Application needs to be terminated" error message. The app was built using .NET 3.5 and all the machines ha...

ClassNotFoundException thrown when compiling basic Hello World Program

I am just trying to compile and run a very simple test program, but it simply will not work, and I have no idea what the problem is. I have a java project that's been heaped on me, and I know little to nothing about java. Especially compiling from the windows command line. I have two Jars that I need to compile a simple "hello world"...

Windows 7 SubAuthentication Module

Hi, I am trying to develop a windows 7 sub auth module, can someone please share with me a working compiling demo of the same. I will be highly obliged. Thanks and Regards Siddharth Gupta ...

"pin to desktop" in Win 7, XP compatible

How could I achieve "pin to desktop" effect (i.e immune against "Show Desktop" command) in Win 7, using FindWindow + SetParent approach, or any other approach that would work in XP as well ? I know I could create a gadget, but I'd like to have backwards compatibility with XP, where I have this code doing it fine: IntPtr hWnd = FindWindo...

WPF: Is there a possibility to "route" ordinary mouse events to touch events in Windows 7

I'm currently developing a touch screen application using C# (.NET 4.0) and WPF for Windows 7. My problem is that the driver of the touch screen I have available at the moment only generates mouse events. (The manufacturer unfortunately does not provide a genuine Windows 7 driver) So, currently I'm not able to do tests properly. Is ther...

WPF button background in windows 7

Hi I had windows xp before and setting the wpf button background always worked but since windows 7 the background is always set to blue. How could i fix this? ...

i get error on Windows 7 64bit after i installed my C# program

hi i installed my C# program (that work with access database) on windows 7 64 bit and i get this error: The Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not registered on the local machine what can be the problem ? thank's in advance ...

Is it possible to use Windows 7 Task scheduler in own application

I'm developing add-on based application. Every add-on use scheduler. Loaded add-on schedule task. My application run only one instance. Sometimes application closed, sometimes running. Therefore i need to use Windows 7 Task scheduler How to use task scheduler on own application? I need create new task from application I need that when ...

Standard folder for program output files

Hello, I'm writing a tool that may be asked to produce its results in a text file. On Windows 7 I want the tool to install in Program Files, but I obviously can't write there, and asking the user where to save the file is overkill. I was wondering if there's a common practice (a standard folder similar to %AppData%) in which I can write...

Is it possible to catch Win7 multitouch events, convert them to mouse and keyboard events and send them to another application?

Hey there, I have following Situation: I have a special 3D program which I need to make able to react on multi-touch events without changing the program itself. Therefore I need a mapper program, which receives the multi-touch events of Windows 7, converts them in corresponding mouse and keyboard events and send this emulated events to ...

windows 7, visual studio 2008, winforms program installer problems

windows 7, visual studio 2008, trying to install created windorms program (created on xp maxchine), but get installer problems when trying to install the program on any windows 7 machine 64-bit or 32-bit. when i try to install the packaged program it says that the install is incorrect and then crashes, so that i cant run the made progra...

Sharing data between users with the Windows 7 registry

I have a program that was written on XP. What I've found out is that it doesn't work properly on Win7 because HLKM is no longer writable by non-admins. Essentially, when you register the program, the licensing information is supposed to go into the registry. That information is valid for everyone on the computer, not just the one user,...

TFS users are displaying at Windows 7 startup

I installed TFS on Windows 7 and added TFS users as Windows users. Everything works fine. However, now every time Windows 7 starts, I can see all those TFS users on my startup screen, and I need to select my own user icon to enter my desktop. Can I do something so that those TFS users would not be displayed at Windows startup? ...

How to get MFC (using VS 2010) to let me draw my own title, menu, border?

I have a legacy MFC app. I want to modify its look & feel by removing some standard Windows UI elements (caption (aka title) bar, resizable window borders) & replacing them with my own versions. I tried adding: &= ~WS_CAPTION; to the existing CMainframe::PreCreateWindow() method, which is "supposed to" remove the caption, bu...

How does the Snipping Tool in win7 persist it's "Save As" path?

It doesn't store it in the registry or a file. It seems like it must persist the default path using the "Common Item Dialog", but how do can I find the actual path knowing this? It seems like the info is supposed to be private to the app...(?) Oddly, I don't even see msdn info about how to access the "Common Item Dialog" from dotnet, ...