
WiX UI elements in wrong order for Screen Readers

When I create a custom dialog in WiX, I put elements down in the order "Text" "Edit" "Text" "Edit" et. For example: <Control Id="NameText" Type="Text" X="25" Y="50" Width="100" Height="10" Text="Enter Name:"/> <Control Id="NameEdit" Type="Edit" X="25" Y="60" Width="100" Height="15" Text="jo_bob55"/> <Control Id="AgeText" Type="Text" X="...

Python Tkinter, simple example fails on win 7

From here I've copied an example of python gui app, but it's not working. It starts up and show window, but when i click the Quit button it just freze. And if I run it again then i got another quit button in previous window. Is there error in example code or is this problem with win 7 ? I am using python 2.6.5 and win 7 32 bit. ...

How can I detect what OS the user is running?

I am using VB .Net 2.0. I know I can detect the OS using System.Environment.OSVersion Can anyone tell me if there's a list somewhere where I can find what that generates for different OS versions. Specifically I am trying to detect if a user is running Windows 7 64-bit. ...

Visual Studio 2010: Editor stops working

I've got this very odd bug that appears to be a quirk in Visual Studio 2010: Sometimes, when moving the cursor into double quotes of a CSS style="" attribute the cursor refuses to move. I can't type anything, and the keys that respond are the UP/DOWN cursor keys and the DEL key (but not BACKSPACE). Typing does nothing, but pushing LEFT/...

Windows 7 UAC warning message causes

We've started testing an application on Windows 7. We first got the "unknown provider" message. We signed the application and now get a message: Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your computer? None of these messages were generated in Vista. I know UAC is enhanced in Win 7. It has been difficult to...

Why can VS 2008 find a custom tool in XP but not in Windows 7?

Hi, I'm running Visual Studio 2008 SP1 on Windows 7. My company has a build tool that registers itself under the C# node. More specifically it creates this entry in the Registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Generators{fae04ec1-301f-11d3- bf4b-00c04f79efbc}\AssemblyName] Other team members are running ...

What causes TcpListener Socket Error 10013?

I get error 10013. msdn says its a permission denied error. An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions My app ran fine. I then made a code change and restarted it. I got that error. I suspected i have to reuse ports so i wrote this in and still had no luck server.Server.SetSocketOption(SocketO...

How to incorporate a batch file with

I wanted to make mysql dump files using a batch file and an app made through visual studio 2008. How can I incorporate this batch file or call it from vb? There is a code like this in but its using an absolute address: Process.Start("C:exe\execute.exe") How do I modify this so that I could just execute the file without providin...

Port confusion (breaks my .NET code)

Using netstat i found this in my list TCP My-PC:9832 ESTABLISHED My question is how is my local port outgoing AND CONNECTED to the same TCP port? This is breaking my code because i am listening to port 9832. I am getting a permission error. I need to lose firefox and reopen all my tabs before this...

Windows 7 : Subauthentication Package

Hi all, I have this problem, I was trying to create a subauthentication package for windows 7. But no samples are available. Can someone please help. Sid ...

How can i develop IPhone application on Windows just for testing?

Hello, I want to get a feel of Iphone and develop applications like HelloWorld just for testing. I surfed google and some of them show a painful procedure of installing Snow Leopard on PC which i don't want to risk because if something goes wrong my all programs installed will be useless and that would waste another 1 week of mine. I do...

CSS issues in IE8 XP but not in IE8 Vista or 7

I've implemented a landing page design for a campaign we are launching at work, and did testing on IE 7 on my XP machine at work and IE 8 on my 7 machine at home. These both worked and so I thought I had beaten IE, but as it turns out, different OS's IE render HTML differently even though they claim to be the same browser. Anyone who ha...

Should I start out learning emacs with ErgoEmacs?

I am just beginning on emacs, and have just completed the tutorial. As a longtime Windows user (I am running emacs on Win7), the shortcuts do feel unintuitive, however I had expected that and was prepared to dedicate time to learning the commands. However, I recently discovered the ErgoEmacs package, and I was wondering whether I should...

how to run website from iis7.5 and in windows7

I am trying to run my website from iis7.5 and i am using windows7 OS. after browsing the website, it gives error like this... This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set explicitly by a location tag ...

files and folder read only attribute problem in windows 7

Im running windows 7 home premium and my issue is when i remove read only attribute from a folder it again check on readonly. C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\bagsdefined i want to remove readony check from bagsdefined folder ...

Microsoft speech api 5.1 GetVoices returns voices that don't exist on Windows 7.

I'm migrating from XP to Windows 7 64 bit. My app which I compiled on my XP machine works properly on XP. However when I run the exe on my W7 machine, the list of voices returned by GetVoices is as follows: Microsoft Anna Microsoft Mary Microsoft Mike Sample TTS Voice. Checking the W7 Speech Properties dialog shows that only Microsoft...

Running OSX MAMP test server on VirtualBox Windows 7

I have MAMP server and several test sites installed on my OSX 10.6.3. I just installed Windows 7 on a VirtualBox virtual machine. I have managed to successfully share folders to the Windows installation, but I am wondering if I can run my MAMP sites in Windows without installing a different Localhost there. Does anyone know if this is p...

Unable to deploy in Netbeans 6.7.1 and Glassfish v2.1.1

I am trying to deploy a simple WebService in Netbeans 6.7.1 and Glassfish v2.1.1 and am getting the following error. I am using GlassfishESBv2.2 and windows 7 machine. I have tried googling and implemented things as shown in . Still unable to deploy. Though the message says that applica...

Windows phone 7 takes forever to deploy

I'm playing around with windows phone 7 development, when I press F5 Visual studio takes forever to deploy the app, I get Window Phone Emulator is doing complete OS boot. What would be the problem? PS: I'm using windows 7 on Mac with Parallels Desktop ...

certain utf characters do not show up on browsers and fails python script

Hi All, I generated a SQL script from a C# application on Windows 7. The name entries have utf8 characters. It works find on Windows machine where I use a python script to populate the db. Now the same script fails on Linux platform complaining about those special characters. Similar things happened when I generated XML file containing...