
Memory access time slow with VirtualAllocExNuma on Windows 7/64

In our application we are running on a dual Xeon server with memory configured as 12gb local to each processor and a memory bus connecting the two Xeon's. For performance reasons, we want to control where we allocate a large (>6gb) block of memory. Below is simplified code - DWORD processorNumber = GetCurrentProcessorNumber(); UCHAR ...

A problem with opened file handles...

Now I use Windows Media Player SDK 9 to play AVI files in my desktop application. It works well on Windows XP but when I try to run it on Windows 7 I caught an error - I can not remove AVI file immediately after playback. The problem is that there are opened file handles exist. On Windows XP I have 2 opened file handles during the playin...

Can't sync with a Windows Mobile device in Windows 7

I just upgraded my development PC from XP to Windows 7. Along with all of the rest of the upgrade pain, I am currently facing a major roadblock. To connect and sync with mobile devices, Windows 7 uses the Windows Mobile Device Center. Somehow, my system has gotten into a state where the WMDC will not install. Every time the setup pro...

What are the major pros and cons to developing .NET Web Apps on Windows Server 2008 R2 vs. Windows 7?

My question is in the context of ease of development with MS development tools and IIS. What are the pros and cons to developing directly on Windows Server 2008 R2 instead of Windows 7? ...

Building our application for Windows 7

We are currently building one of our applications on Windows XP and targeting only XP. As of now, we are not shipping our applicaton on Windows 7. But we are planning to move to Windows 7. Is it fine to build the application on XP and install it on Windows 7. This will work. If we built the application on Windows 7, do we need to ma...

GetDir in Delphi2010 not working under Windows 7?

Hello! I have the following sequence of commands in Delphi2010: var netdir:string; .... OpenDialog1.InitialDir:=netdir; .... OpenDialog1.Execute... .... GetDir(0,netdir); .... After executing OpenDialog I should have in string netdir the directory where I finished my OpenDialog.Execute. And in the next OpenDialog.Exec...

Windows 7/2008R2 Process Reflection

Have you ever used Process Reflection from code? Even in C#? I've been reading about this topic. I find it very interesting as it allows you to recover an application after an unhandled exception as you can clone a process as a "process backup" and run it after actual one has a fatal error. Process Reflection (new) Crashed...

invalid access to memory location in w7

I have W7 OS in my lap top, i am now installing the coreFtp to my machine but it's giving error "invalid access to memory location" ...

Verify a Windows 7 PC's trust relationship with active directory

I've written a C# automation utility that we're using to add Windows 7 workstations. For various reasons, we occasionally get a PC that will "think" it joined the domain, but actually failed. When logging in with a domain account, the W7 will show "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed" What I'd...

How to launch program with user permissions instead of active permissions

I have a C# application which runs and displays a tray icon. I have an installer for my tray application which launches the application after installation. The installer requires admin permissions whereas the tray icon must be run with normal permissions. My installer currently breaks this - when the installed tray application is launche...

How do I mark a directory to be deleted after reboot?

I've got an uninstaller that performs some actions and then prompts the user to reboot. I'd like a directory to be deleted after the reboot takes place. I know there's a way to do this, I'm just not sure how. I'm using a WiX installer, and I'd imagine I could use that to do so, somehow, but I'm open to alternatives (whatever's simplest ...

Can Ruby on Rails 3 work with MySQL on Windows 7?

I try to install Rails 3 on Windows 7, and rails new someapp -d mysql cd someapp bundle install will fail at mysql2 so, there is no way to use MySQL but to stick with SQLite3. But I tried rails new app_postgres -d postgresql cd app_postgres bundle install and it all worked. Does that mean perhaps Rails team favor Postgresql slig...

Can we use CFTPconnection(FTP MFC) class in windows 7 and vista ?

Hi , I was developing one FTPClient using MFC (CFTPconnection) just i want to know whethere we can use this in Windows 7 and Vista OS ? ...

Reuse existing AutoCAD instance with vbscript

I am using the following vbscript to automate AutoCAD Dim acadObj WScript.Timeout = 30000' set acadObj = GetObject(,"Autocad.Application")' If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set acadObj = CreateObject("Autocad.Application") aCadObj.Documents.Item(0).Close(false) End If acadObj.Visible = true Err.Clear() What it should do i...

SCSI Performance on Win7 vs XP/Vista

Hi, It's my first question here and hopefully someone can help me out of this. MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE. We are working on a storage device that will appear to a PC as a CDROM, based on the USB connection. A SCSI firmware layer is implemented as the protocol used for data exchange and communication. So from the PC point of view the devic...

Cannot get Remote Debugging working with VS2010

I have a server and a workstation on the same corporate domain. My user is a local administrator on both machines. I have Installed the VS2010 version of MSVSMON and set it to run as a service on the server under my user DOMAIN\greg.b (I gave myself "log on as service"). I log onto the server using my domain account and start Remote Debu...

Are there any SCM solutions designed for use on the local machine only?

Hello. I'm going to be building some ASP.Net MVC 2 software using Visual Studio 2010 and, as the only developer, I'd like to have some basic SCM in place to I can manage changes locally. I know most SCM solutions are designed to run on servers and accessed by multiple developers. What's an easy, simple SCM solution for a solo develope...

Windows Virtual PC - Discarding Changes On Exit (Win7 Host)

I need Virtual PC (VPC) for testing my Visual Studio 2008/2010 applications, and I want to test and debug it using VPC running a clean install of WinXP (nothing else installed). Back when I was running WinXP, I could launch a VPC session, do whatever I needed to (install my application, run it, debug scenarios, etc.), then exit without ...

Making a Windows 7 Jump-List in Java

I know the following things, and was wondering if they can be combined to make Java use jump-lists in Windows 7: Windows 7 displays Jump-Lists for supporting programs when a taskbar icon is right-clicked C++, C#, F#, and VB support this natively (as shown here) Java can import native capabilities using the JNA (as shown here) Anybody...

ComponentModel.LicenseException on Windows 7 for licensed control

I have a project that works fine under Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP. I'm setting up a Windows 7 64-bit system with Visual Studio 2008 and I have found that one of my licensed controls fails its license check. On compiles I get this error: Exception occurred creating type 'Sax.Barcodes.Barcode, Sax.Barcodes, Version=, Cul...