
Replacing the Windows shell with a WPF app

Hi, I want to replace Windows 7 Shell (32 and 64 bit) with my WPF application which should work as a Shell. The goal is WPF application will launch my Kiosk application and provide few services. My questions are How do I replace the Windows 7 Shell by my WPF application ? Do I have to do something special in my WPF application code ...

Could not load file or assembly 'B.DLL' or one of its dependencies

Along with: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format I have A.EXE that references B.DLL. Both are mine. Both are set to x86 for the platform target. B.DLL references: System System.Data System.Windows.Forms System.XML I am using VS2010 on Win7 64-bit. All search results I can find say that this is because of loa...

SetCommState failing on Windows 7

We have code that talks to our USB COMM class device, which works fine under Windows XP but is failing under Windows 7. Specifically the call to SetCommState is failing. Here's a simplified snippet. Note that in this case we don't even change any fields from GetCommState, but the result is that SetCommState fails with an error code of 87...

Why does my global hook fail on Win7??

Hello, My global keyboard hook (kh.dll) works fine on Win7 to get keystroke of programs running as administrator privilege. However for other programs running as standard user the hook fails with an error window prompt. If I start the host program (kh.exe host the hk.dll) as standard user I can't set the global hook. How can I get keyst...

Does SQLite3 change databases even if every statement is "SELECT"

Hi everyone, we try to deploy our software on Windows 7, and there are several sqlite3 db files around. But, these are all read-only and we execute only "SELECT" statements. However, we have observed that Windows 7 also make virtualization on these files, which means file structure or content is changed. What do you think of it? What cha...

How do I run Delphi 7 on Windows 7 without disabling UAC?

I had the bad idea of switching to Windows 7 (32 bit) and now my old Delphi 7 won't work properly. Actually it worked just fine until yesterday but (I suppose) after some MS Windows updates, it crashes if I double click a DPR file. However, it works if I run as administrator or if I start Delphi IDE without double clicking a DPR file (an...

Old assemblies don't work in windows 7 64 bit with visual studio 2008 professional

Hi all I just installed visual studio 2008 professional on windows 7 64 bit i am having a problem. I added Nfop as a reference and it was not recognized( yo know the yellow mark on it) then i tried some old assemblies of mine( created on visual studio 2008 but on windows XP) and there was the same problem. How do i solve this? Thanks. ...

Python Image Directories

Using PIL in python one must put the full directory for an image, so that the program runs properly. Is there any way to make that directory variable? So that it gets the programs current directory then looks for the images in that same folder? This is in Windows 7 BTW. ...

Two Tkinter Images...

I have written a simple GUI in Python using the Tkinter library. This GUI has to display 2 images, one on top and one on the bottom. When I place the two images on the window, there seems to be a white line between the two. How to I place them so this doesn't show up? I am programming on Windows 7 with Python 2.6 ...

How to convert CreateProcess to ShellExecuteEx?

I use MS detour library to hook CreateProcess and it works fine on Win7. Then I want to replace the detoured CreateProcess with ShellExecuteEx so that I can use 'runas' to silently run the program with administrator priviledge. Unfortunately, the parameter type is not the same. This is the function signature: CreateProcess( L...

Java DatagramSocket on Windows 7

Guys im having some trouble with some inconsistency of running a piece of code on Windows XP and Windows 7. Basically im trying to send a UDP packet by doing, DatagramSocket sendSocket = new DatagramSocket(); DatagramPacket dummyPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[ 1 ], 1, configuration.remoteAddress, DUMMY_PORT); try { ...

Windows 7 : Set "Run as Administrator" for shortcut automaticly

In Windows 7 (Vista too maybe) you can set a property of a desktop shortcut to "Run as Administrator". So every time the shortcut is used to application is invoked with Administrator privileges or the use is asked for an admin account. I know I can request/force Administrator privileges with a manifest file for my application but I need...

Windows application default UI

Hi, I've started the development of a windows application, which target windows 7 and vista (maybe XP). I wanted to have some standard behavior that we find in the default windows applications. But I can't find anything to do that, so I have some questions : 1) For example, on Windows 7, the address bar that displays the current folde...

batch file to read specific letters from a text file?

Hi, I have a txt file called named.txt Is there a way to create a batch file to read every letters 2 through 7 letters from every line from name.txt and ignore the rest and output it onto a different txt file called name2.txt. For example I have this in the txt file: G2010060sample.png G2010061sample.png G2010062sample.png G2010063...

Port forwarding on Windows 7

How do I redirect an incomming request on port xxx to localhost:yyy on windows 7? Development Server (vs 2008) only allow access from localhost which isnt good enough. I need to test my app from various computers. ...

Android ADT Plugin doesn't show up in Eclipse

I'm using Windows 7 and installed the 64 bit version of Eclipse 3.5.2. I then installed the Android ADT plugin, but when I try to configure it in the Windows > Preferences dialog, the Android Plugin doesn't show up in the left pane. Instead I see DDMS. This prevents me from specifying the location of the Android SDK (unless there is a...

A link problem with Windows 7 shell functions

Hello, I'm trying to enumerate files through the Windos 7 library API, e.g. with SHLoadLibraryFromKnownFolder I'm using a C++ win32 console application and getting link errors, e.g., Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__DSA_DestroyCallback@12 referenced in function "void __cdecl DSA_DestroyCallback(struct _DSA *,int (__stdc...

C# - Windows 7 taskbar shows AssemblyTitle instead of Form.Text

I have a Windows Forms application that does not include a title bar, and on Windows 7, the taskbar shows the value from AssemblyTitle, rather than the value from the form's Text property. How can I change this value dynamically? Thanks! ...

How do I clean Windows 7 from duplicate (Tomcat 6) services which seem to strangely shadow each other irregularly?

I'm experiencing something rather strange: I had to reinstall Tomcat 6 on my local Windows 7 machine. In sys control, there was no entry to uninstall, so I seem to have installed it by ZIP only. I just deleted all files. I then downloaded the installer for Tomcat 6 and installed into the same directory as before, WITH service. The inst...

WIA 2.0 HP ScanJet 7650 specific problems

I'm having WIA 2.0 problems on Windows 7. One device, HP ScanJet 7650 refuses to have its scanning resolution set to anything above 100. When I try to set either of WIA properties 6147 _ Horizontal Resolution 6148 _ Vertical Resolution to anything above 100 I get: A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occ...