
Writing to the Windows 7 "preview" window area

How can I write or draw controls to the Windows 7 preview area using C#? For an example of what I am talking about, open Windows Media Player in Windows 7 and play a song. While the song is playing, minimize Windows Media player, then hover your mouse over the Windows Media Player icon and you will see a pause, rewind and fast forward bu...

Writing to COM port on C# or python

Hi, im trying to write a string to a COM4 which is a usb-serial adapter using Visual Studio C# and got the following error: Access to the port 'COM4' is denied. My program is extremely simple: serialport.Open(); serialport.WriteLine("test"); serialport.Close(); I also tried using pyserial with python and got: Traceback (most re...

Is there a free/opensource C# IDE in Windows?

Hi, I would like to study C# but I'm intimidated by Visual Studio's price tag. Any free/opensource alternatives? Thanks. ...

Implementing task bar extensions

So, I want to take advantage of new win7 taskbar features, like jump lists and progress bars, ect... When looking it up on msdn, I found the functions to add a progress bar. I added the header and included the library. Intellisense recognised the constants, but not the functions. I'm knew to this, so does anyone know how to implement...

best place for "secure" file on windows

I have written a program for one customer. I implemented a licensing method for him (signed XML files). This customer wants the application to be installed only once on his customer's PC, and wants me to "secure" this ... especially because his licenses are time-limited. Those PCs do not have internet access. I told him this is absolutel...

How can I recursively delete folder with a specific name with PowerShell?

I can delete files with specific extensions in multiple folders with this: Get-childitem * -include *.scc -recurse | remove-item But I also need to delete folders with a specific name - in particular those that subversion creates (".svn" or "_svn") when you pull down files from a subversion repo. ...

Could not start ASP.NET or ATL Server debugging.

Hi, I installed visual studio 2003 on windows 7.But I am getting following error on when I press the F5 for debugging. Thanks Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET or ATL Server debugging. Verify that ASP.NET or ATL Server is correctly installed on the server. ...

Problem with SetComputerName Function

I used following line of code to change my computer name: std::string mystr="MY-PC" bSuccess = SetComputerNameA(mystr.c_str()); if( bSuccess == 0 ) printf("Unable to change computer name | ERROR %d |", GetLastError()); else printf("Name changed successfully"); Upon executing the program, 'Name changed successfully' message...

mcms 2002 on windows 7

anyone managed to install mcms 2002 on windows 7 ? i tried installing 2003 n also 2005(using registry trick), but still the setup program cant detect already install on the system. ...

Windows 7 multitouch capabilities with HTML5

Hello to all! I have a problem: There are HTML5/CSS3 mobile frameworks on the market like Sencha Touch and Phonegap which can use the multi-touch gestures of the iPad/iPhone, Android, etc. That's working fine, I can test it. But now I need to know what's about Multi-Touch displays based on a Windows 7 OS. Are there also multi-touch cap...

AQtime not working properly on windows vista / 7 with multi-core processor

Hi, I'm tryin to run AQtime (v5.45), as preformance profiler under windows vista or 7 on my multi-core laptop but it seems that the program is not working correctly, he does not show any routine and seems to throw an exception when trying to call InstallCustomModule in clr.dll, i tried to install a demo version of AQtime 7 which is work...

Cannot see files copied to C: (system drive) in Windows 7

Could someone can explain me why can't I see a file copied to C:? Note that if I try to copy it again to the same location, the system ask me if I want to override it. Not a matter of weird attributes, or common stuffs ;) Hope I can find an answer here... ...


I am currently using the function SystemParametersInfo to retrieve SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT. According to the MSDN documentation this is the "Retrieves the logical font information for the current icon-title font" But this always retrieves 'Segoe UI' even when I change my ...

IIS 6.0 Testing Environment in Windows 7

Trying to develop and test an ASP.NET MVC 2 as well as a hosted WCF app where the client is limited to IIS 6.0 (OS Windows 2003). I am developing and testing in Windows 7 which has IIS 7. I do not have access to a Windows 2003 disk, so creating a VM doesn't appear to be a viable option for me... Any suggestions or tips would be greatly...

eclipse won't create adt project due to 'access denied'

I installed JavaEE, JDK, Eclipse 3.5.x (Galileo), the Android Starter SDK, and the current ADT all with no problems. However, when I try to walk through the 'Hello Android' tutorial, I bring up the New Android Project wizard, fill it in and hit 'Finish'. After a moment, it comes back with a message saying there was a problem at path X...

Opencv2.1 did not start in Win7

I am using VS2010 and opencv2.1. Under Win7, the sample programme is below: #include <cv.h> #include <cxcore.h> #include <highgui.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { IplImage *img = cvLoadImage("funny-pictures-cat-goes-pew.jpg"); cvNamedWindow("Image:",1); cvShowImage("Image:",img); cvWaitKey(); ...

How could I set a global hook by a GUI without UAC prompt on Win7??

Dear all, I want to set a global hook by SetWindowsHookEx. The hook is wrapped in hook.dll and is registered by a GUI window app.exe. Everything works fine on window NT/xp. But on Win7, how could I start app.exe process without UAC prompt and it can successfully load hook.dll to register gloal hook on Win7?? I use VC2005. Any ideas are ...

how do i prevent screen-savers and sleeps during my program execution?

In a c++ program run on Win7, is there a way to fake a mouse movement or something like that, just to keep the screen saver from starting and the system from going to sleep? I'm looking for the minimal approach and I prefer not to use .NET. Thanks, -nuun ...

Virtual Server on Windows 7 - How can I do this.

I need to allow a developer access to my machine (windows 7 prof) to setup a webserver environment. Rather than intefere with my environment I was wondering if I could setup a virtual server where he can do whatever he wants. I think this should be possible but there I could not find much documentation on how to do this. Appreciate any...

Where to start with multi-touch based applications for Windows 7

Hi, I currently develop and .NET web applications using Studio 2008. I want to start developing applications for this device.... A review of the product to give you more of an idea can be found here...;tg=EXOPC Demonstration videos of capabilities can be...