I'm tryin to run AQtime (v5.45), as preformance profiler under windows vista or 7 on my multi-core laptop but it seems that the program is not working correctly, he does not show any routine and seems to throw an exception when trying to call InstallCustomModule in clr.dll, i tried to install a demo version of AQtime 7 which is working perfectly with both vista and seven, i'm trying to get an answer on how to get the v5.45 to work from the support of AQtime Team, but i still have no answer ...
I was wondering if someone had the same problem and if someone fixed it in some way ? or if the only way is to get a new v7 license ?
thanks in advance ;)
here are more infos about the exception on the vista machine :
Event Thread ID Time
First chance exception 0x04242420 Unknown exception occurred at 0x75E2FBAE 1952 19:11:01:529
0x75E2FBAE RaiseException + 0x58 in kernel32.dll 1952
0x5BC60D08 InstallCustomModule + 0x35405 in clr.dll 1952
0x5B9672AF InitializeFusion + 0x6A30 in clr.dll 1952
0x5B966CB7 InitializeFusion + 0x6438 in clr.dll 1952
0x5B966ADD InitializeFusion + 0x625E in clr.dll 1952
0x5B956127 CreateApplicationContext + 0x11D4 in clr.dll 1952
0x5B8EC496 GetCLRFunction + 0x21C in clr.dll 1952
0x5B8EC439 GetCLRFunction + 0x1BF in clr.dll 1952
0x5B8ED055 GetCLRFunction + 0xDDB in clr.dll 1952
0x5B96AF00 _CorExeMain + 0x1C in clr.dll 1952