
MercurialEclipse on Windows 7 64bit: doesn't install "Windows Binaries for Mercurial"

Hi, set up my machine at work (WXP 32bit) and MercurialEclipse in Eclipse Helios from market place worked without problems. At home I did the same procedure but on W7Pro 64bit. MercurialEclipse itself got installed, but it errored out upon Workspace restart that the hg command was not found; and it's true, there was none installed. Co...

What is the best way to get started writing a hook for Mercurial?

I'm new to Mercurial and want to write some hooks to prevent merging between certain branches and the like. I'm looking for some kind of tutorial that goes through the whole loop. I've looked at the API and these examples, but I still find it confusing. I've always been better at learning through a tutorial/workshop than by reading a ma...

IFilterSample in 64bit Windows

Has anyone gotten the IFilter sample from Microsoft to work on 64bit Windows 7? I am following the exact steps in the Readme.txt and I don't get the search to return the proper results. Is there something I need to do to get this to work on 64bit windows that I am overlooking? Thanks, Jeff ...

NUMA memory regions allocation in Windows 7

Our application is: Hardware configuration is a dual Xeon server running Windows 7/64bit. Each Xeon has it's own 12gb RAM in a [NUMA][1] configuration with a bridge connecting two memory regions together. All software is written using VS2008 in c++ and compiled as 64 bit applications. A Generation app creates a large shared memory...

Running VM's on windows

I have a Win7 Home Premium box and I'd like to run a Linux VM on it. I'm looking for a free solution. In particular I need the VM to accept inbound network connections. I've used VirtualPC before but IIRC it doesn't fit my network requirements. I took a look at VMWhere Player but I'm not sure it does either and it was asking a lot more ...

Install Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64 bit

I have Windows 7 64 bit Enterprise edition installed. Which version of Visual Studio 2008 & Visual Studio 2010 (alongwith the Windows SDK for Win 7) should I install to create both Windows applications targetted to 64bit and 32 bit platforms? Are there separate versions of Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 for 32bit and 64 bit O...

Problem with Open-Save Dialog boxes under Windows 7

Hello! I am using Delphi 2010. I have to set UseLatestCommonDialogs to False and additionally set ofOldStyleDialog property of Open and Save dialogs to true if I want that Open and Save Dialogs works in Windows 7 (otherwise they do not open at all). It is also true that I reserve quite a lot of space for a stack: {$M 16384, 60048576} ...

How can my application register itself as a browser in Windows 7?

I've written an application that launches browsers based on the provided URL -- the idea is, that I've got certain sites that I'd like to automatically open in IE, while the rest should open in my default browser. The thing works beautifully, so now I'm trying to register it as a browser so I can set it as my default. I'm trying to do it...

Unable to link afx_msg in BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP

Hi, I'm trying to hook into the OnSysCommand function but I'm getting a confusing error. In the header, I am declaring the function like: afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam ); And in the cpp the code is: BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCTest1App, CWinAppEx) ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, &CMFCTest1App::OnAppAbout) // Standard file b...

directory.exists() returns false for windows 7 Ultimate N

Well, this question refers directly to windows 7. I run the same code on windows xp and on windows 7. In windows XP it's true, and in windows 7 it's false!! if (file.exists() || file.getAbsoluteFile().exists()) Any ideas? The URL is to another server where the file is located. EDITED The user has permission to view/create/delete/...

Override file using IFileOperation Interface win7 - with no dialogs

Hi, I need to copy / move file and to be able deciding whether to override the target file (if exist), using IFileOperation interface, and without displaying the windows 7 confirmation dialog. I can see the IFileOperationProgressSink.PreCopyItem parameter is a dwFlags enum. But this is an input parameter – so it can not influence the o...

Getting/Creating an Outlook Application in Windows 7

Hello everybody. I'm trying to get the current running version of Outlook or start up Outlook in case it is not running, but I am having some issues in getting or creating the Outlook Application object in Windows 7. I think it has something to do with the user priviliges that are restrictive in Vista and 7. I am working with Outlook 20...

Is it possible to an app that listens to the Windows audio input to let the system save power?

From the moment we call Win API's WaveInOpen method the system won't sleep nor hibernate until this stream is closed. Is there any workaround for this? ...

[C#] I can't access an Outlook 2010 application from code

Hello. In my code, I want to get an object representing Outlook 2010. It seems that I am able to start-up a new version of Outlook 2010 without receiving an error. I use this code to start it up: oApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); However, if Outlook 2010 is already running, I can't get a version of that ...

OpenCV VideoWriter Error when using DIVX codec (vs2008, Win7, x64)

Hello, I'm trying to save a video to a file using OpenCV. But when I want to use more advanced codecs like DIVX or something I get the following error as soon as i call operator <<. For example the following snippet will bring up the error: cv::VideoWriter testwriter("C:\\test.avi", CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), 25, cv::Size(500,500...

Why isn't my Visual Studio working properly on Windows 7?

For some reason the Web Development VSExtension isn't working, even though I've installed the SP1. The Web Development templates are available (web forms, generic handlers) and I can compile web projects but the designers are missing. Is there a way I can solve that? ...

Windows 7 Diskpart.exe sometimes fails to mount usb key

Here is my situation. I boot Windows PE (WinPE 3.0 from Win AIK, basically stripped down Windows 7) from CD with automounting disabled via the registry. I then connect a usb thumb drive. I run diskpart.exe to bring the disk "online" so I can write files to it. My steps are: diskpart.exe (version is 6.1.7600) DISKPART> select disk ... on win7 asked programm for open

I have installed Django on Win7 and try >>> import django >>> django.VERSION (1, 2, 3, 'final', 0) it works. But when I call startproject myappname, Windows show me dialog with ask what program it should use to open this command. If I check python.exe then always show me help about ...

Manually created Excel files (in BIFF8) cannot be opened in Office 2007/2010 on Windows 7

We have a program that manually creates Excel files in BIFF8 format. This is a server program that runs on UNIX as well, so it doesn't use any COM library, but writes the file binary data itself. It is used to work very well, but the files it generates can no longer be opened in Excel 2007 or 2010 when running in Windows 7 - Excel say...

Crystal Reports/Windows 7: Crystal reports asks for a default email client, and posts an error

Crystal Reports 11 (craxdrt.dll Windows 7 I'm using Crystal Reports to export to a PDF document, using CRYSTALCRAXDRT::IReport::Export, and am getting an error, Windows 7 only. "There is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an ...