
Touchscreen in CE5 blocking data traffic from peripheral

Hi! We are developing a platform with Windows CE 5 (soon to be upgraded to 6) in .Net CF 2 C#. What we have recently discovered is that if we are touching the touchscreen while using our peripheral, the peripheral data trafic times out and our application crashes. So it seems like the touchscreen is blocking it. As a quick fix we woul...

Scripting library for the Compact Framework

Hi, Does anyone know if there is a scripting library for the .Net Compact Framework 2.0 (WinCE 5) available? Something like Iron Python, or LUA? ...

Running a custom Windows Ce image in emulator

I need to write a software which uses custom features of Windows CE and debug it using an emulator. I have Platform Builder installed and all the necessary tools. I use OS designer to create the image. How should I set up Visual Studio so the image is loaded onto emulator? How do I debug my program? I was looking on the internet for this...

Disable CE windows animation, programatically?

Here is how to do it with a registry key. * Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE * Create a DWORD named Animate if it does not already exist * Edit the DWORD value named Animate * 0 - Disables Window Animation 1 - Enables Window Animation However, it needs restart of the device. I would like to know if there is anyway to disable it ...

ARM calling conventions on WinCE and Linux?

Do WinCE and Linux use the same calling convention on ARM? What are the differences? The documents I've found so far do not explain very well. For example on, it says "Windows CE .NET Compiler" on one line, but "the ARM compiler" on the next line, and "CLARM" at the bottom, and it's ...

Printing in Full-screen Windows CE app

How do you do it? This page says you need to call PrintSetupDlg, but this code PAGESETUPDLG printDialog; ZeroMemory(&printDialog, sizeof(printDialog)); printDialog.lStructSize = sizeof(printDialog); printDialog.hwndOwner = hwnd; //or = NULL PageSetupDlg(&printDialog); freezes the program on the call to PageSetupDlg - it becomes unre...

Simple WinCE 5.0 application

Hi guys, I'm actually a web developer (PHP, Python), but now I need to make a very simple WinCE 5.0 application. Could you please suggest where I should start from? I'm probably not going to be a WinCE programmer, just need some really basic knowlodge. Thank you ...

How to safely remove a USB drive on Windows CE 5.0?

Until today, I assumed that Windows CE was writing everything to disk and I wouldn't end up with a broken FAT16 when I removed the USB stick. Today, I was proven wrong. I use a USB stick to test things on a WinCE 5.0 device. I don't write anything from the app or WinCE to the stick. I just execute my app, and my app reads its settings a...

Determining XAML parse error locations on CE

We're evaluating using Silverlight on C++ for an embedded project and are prototyping some screens for a demonstration. What I'm finding is that Expression Blend will create XAML files that work fine on the desktop but, when porting them over to the CE device results in parse errors (apparently not all tags and elements are supported on...

How to connect and synchronize Lotus Notes calendar with Windoes CE custom application

We are developing custom appication on Win CE and we need to synchronize data on device with calendar of selected user. thanks for help ...

how to remotely install certificate on Windows CE using RAPI and ActiveSync

I'm creating .NET application which connects to WindowsCE device using Active Sync. I'm using OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication.dll library to connect via RAPI but I didn't find any way to install the certificate on the mobile device. ...

Is it possible to use serial port in WinCE 5.0 emulator ?

Hi, Is it possible to use PC's serial port (com1) for WinCE 5.0 emulator? How to do that? FYI, I am working on a program which will communicate with another device using serial port. I need to use winCE emulator to test the application. ...

RegQueryValueExW only brings back one value from registry

I am querying the registry on Windows CE. I want to pull back the DhcpDNS value from the TcpIp area of the registry, which works. What happens though, however, is if there is two values - displayed as "x.x.x.x" "x.x.x.x" in my CE registry editor - then it only brings back one of them. I am sure this is a silly mistake but I am unsure ...

process.h on Win CE

I am working to compile some code to WinCE from Win32. It seems that process.h is not in the SDK. What can I use to replace the mutex and thread functions? ...

How to compile Qt 4.6.3 for Windows Mobile (Windows CE) under Windows?

LNK1112: module machine type ' X86' conflicts with target machine type 'THUMB' I'm trying to build Qt for Windows CE/Windows Mobile and I'm following this guide: These are the steps I took so far: I downloaded qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3 Extracted to C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensourc...

Partly crashing application? How can I catch uncatchable exceptions?

I have a program written in C#, running on a Windows CE device (on Compact Framework). It processes minimal user actions (button clicks), uses serial port and TCP/IP communication. The problem is: sometimes the software shuts down on it's own. Well, at least the main form can't be seen any more. In the background the application (or par...

SQL Server 2008 data loss with CE replication

Hi, I am using SQL Server 2008 CE replication, and seem to be suffering some data loss (i.e. records are not appearing on the CE databases after a full sync). I am getting the following entries in the application log: Replication-Replication Merge Subsystem: agent 0033007B-0043-0039-4400-440036003300 failed. Internal error: A read ope...

after i make some query's in WinCE - the program start to be heavy.....

hi after i make some query's in my C# program (Windows-CE)-the program start to be heavy..... i use: dsView.dispose() and dsView.clear() or Cmd.dispose() after and still the program work's very slow after 20-30 query's ds = new DataSet(); SQL = "SELECT * FROM MyCount where Name = '" + txtMakat.Text.Trim() + "'"; ...

Force application to close on Windows CE using C++

How can I force an application, say myapp.exe, to close using C++ on Windows CE from a different application? The scenario is that I have a previous installation of some software that does not behave properly when upgrading to a new version. I therefore need to kill a process (from the updater) before continuing the update. ...

Embedded xml database with .NET binding

Hi, Does anybody know an embedded XML database which can run on Windows Ce 6.0 and which has .NET bindings ...