
Hessian on Windows Phone 7/ Silverlight ??

Hi, I'm using hessian protocol for communication betwee server (java) and various client applications. Now I started to develop Windows Phone 7 client. I downloaded hessian C# implementation but it does not compile for windows phone 7/silverlight. Does anyone managed to make it work on WP7/Silverlight? It's looks like there is many th...

windows phone 7 ctp - drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk

Have just installed Windows Phone 7 CTP (Visual Studio 2010 Express) When I deploy the emulator loads but the deployment crashes with the following error. Can anyone help please? Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone Unable to start program '\Windows\taskhost.exe'. The drive cannot locate a specific area or track ...

Windows Phone 7 SDK and Visual Studio 2010 RTM

Hmmm, wonder if I have the first VS 2010 RTM question? Anyway.. Installing the Windows Phone 7 SDK I get the following error Incompatible Products VC 10.0 Runtime .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Client Profile Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended This was reported as an issue with Beta 2 and the fix was...

Windows Phone 7 Charting/Graphing Controls

We're working on a Windows Phone 7 prototype application and we need a Graphing/Charting control to work with. We looked at the Silverlight Toolkit, which has some controls that look like they would work great. However, we can't get that to work. Whenever we add a control to the XAML from that toolkit, it will throw an exception when try...

What is the best method to call an arbitrary JSON server from .NET (Specifically Windows Phone 7)

Hi, I have a server that I have no control over, it's JSON based and I've put together a simple proof of concept that calls the server using HTTPWebRequest etc and it works fine (if a little wordy since MS have removed all Synchronous I/O calls). Is there a better way of doing this? I've been looking at WCF as an option but any stable ...

How does XAML set readonly CLR properties?

I am trying to create an application bar in code for WinPhone7. The XAML that does it goes like this: <PhoneApplicationPage.ApplicationBar> <shellns:ApplicationBar Visible="True" IsMenuEnabled="True"> <shellns:ApplicationBar.Buttons> <shellns:ApplicationBarIconButton IconUri="/images/

Initiate call in Windows Phone 7

I am working on a Windows Phone 7 app and I want to give the option for the user to make a call. i.e How can I initiate a call when the user press a "call" button in my app? Looks like that API is not yet exposed. ...

Using TextWraping within a TextBox, inside a Grid for use within a ListBox in WP7

I am trying to get my data to display properly within a GridLayout, which is to be used as a DataTemplate for an Item within ListBox. Here is the code associated with what I am doing: <Grid Name="FeedItemTemplate"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <...

Sample Windows Phone 7 pivot implementations

Any suggestions on good sample pivot implementations for Windows Phone 7? ...

Looking for comprehensive list of SL4 features supported in Windows Phone 7

Can anyone point me to documentation on the SL4 features included in WP7? ...

Is programming Windows Mobile 7 different from normal .NET programming ?

I know that there must be some differences. I have a silverlight component (Timeline) and I want to make it work on Mobile 7. do I need to make a lot of changes ? I know .NET and Silverlight but I'm new to mobile phones programming. ...

How do i develop software for Windows phone 7 with Visual Studio 2008?

I have Visual Studio 2008. Do i develop software for Windows phone 7 with Visual Studio 2008? Thanks, ...

Silverlight: Strange Databinding Problem

I am using the Visifire charts to display data on a Windows Phone 7 application. I created a chart that was properly bound to a dependency property. It worked great. I decided to make the chart into a user control, since I was going to use it in another project as well with the same setup. Now my databinding doesn't work unless I bind it...

Deploying Silverlight applications to WinPhone7 emulator without Visual Studio

As per title, I would like to deploy my application without its Visual Studio project. I would prefer to place all executables/images/manifests in one directory and deploy it without needing the source or opening Visual Studio. There is a way to do that for XNA apps, but it doesn't work for Silverlight apps for some reason. Other people...

MediaElement.Position behaviour and Windows Phone 7 issue

I have a problem, I have written a simple Media Player for Windows Phone 7 and can Play, Stop and control the Volume of a Video (loaded from a URI) however when I try to set the position, this causes the application to freeze. I have used both these lines, but either does not work: Player.Position = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int...

Windows Phone 7 - good early learning source?

I'm coding some ealry windows Phone 7 apps, and running into some issues. What are some good resources for learning the platform? Books, online, etc. ...

Visual Studio SDK: Where is the AssemblyFolderEx registry key for Windows Phone Game projects?

I am trying to tell the setup program to add PostSharp to the "Add Reference" dialog box of Visual Studio for Windows Phone 7 projects. I figured out that the registry key for Windows Phone Applications is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight for Phone\v4.0\AssemblyFoldersEx. What's the corresponding key for...

Windows Phone 7, MVVM, Silverlight and navigation best practice / patterns and strategies

Whilst building a Windows Phone 7 app. using the MVVM pattern we've struggled to get to grips with a pattern or technique to centralise navigation logic that will fit with MVVM. To give an example, everytime the app. calls our web service we check that the logon token we've assigned the app. earlier hasn't expired. We always return som...

Embedded computer vision platforms

Hi folks, I am planning to start a computer vision based project on a smart phone platform. I know iPhone ( ) and Andriod ( ) have openCV support. I am interested in knowing how was your experience with the level of integration, sup...

Silverlight web content on Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7 uses Silverlight as one of its "native" development APIs. But does the Windows Phone 7 version of Internet Explorer support Silverlight as a plugin so you can view web-hosted Silverlight content? ...