

I'm trying to pull time zone information out of the registry so I can perform a time conversion. The registry data type is REG_BINARY which holds information about a REG_TZI_FORMAT structure. The key is stored at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Time Zones\(time_zone_name) How do I get the REG_BINARY infor...

What Windows Registry keys can be used to identify the PC?

This came up as a possible solution in my other question, as a low-tech to ID a PC using registry values. It seemed worth its own question: what keys/values can you be sure won't change (barring re-install or major hardware changes)? Does Windows itself generate any GUIDs or anything like that which can be accessed - Windows is able to d...

How to securely store database credentials for Windows application?

I have a python application designed to run as a service on Linux, and I've been asked to install it on a Windows XP box in an office where there are no Linux machines (for me, this makes it a bizarre and confusing place as I have virtually no experience developing for Windows). On Linux the application has its own user, and the applica...

Can't read certain registry keys programatically

I have a little app which reads registry key string values. It works well but for some reason it fails on this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductId Despite working on other values of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ It also fails on `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mi...

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductId not found running 32bit app on 64bit Windows

As title really. Looking in regedit the key-value exists, but the Wow6432 key (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion) doesn't have this key. This means a 32-bit app doesn't work on my 64-bit Windows version... which seems wrong, shouldn't the 32-bit app run without modifications? Or is this one case 32-bit apps ha...

How to add multiString registry value using WiX?

Now I use something like this: <Component Id="RegistryEntries" Guid="<guid>" KeyPath="yes"> <RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="<path>" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall"> <RegistryValue Name="myStrings" Action="append" Type="multiString">1</RegistryValue> <RegistryValue Name="myStrings" Action="append" Type="multiString">2</...

Running a Cpp/MFC program compiled as Win32 using Visual Studio 2008 on a Windows 7 64 bits?

I compiled a Win32 CPP/MFC program using VS2008 running on a 64 bit Windows 7. All system dll's are linked dynamically. This program reads/writes HKLM\Software\ subkeys. Tested on Windows 7 64 bits ok. All entries were read as expected from the HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node subnode. The problem started when I tried running this exe on a...

How do I read Registry Key Value

I am Creating the Registry Key using following code: LPCTSTR lpNDS= TEXT("SOFTWARE\\myKEY"); if(OK==ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBox ( NULL, "Success", _T("SimpleShlExt"), MB_ICONINFORMATION ); } else { MessageBox ( NULL, "Failed" , ...

Stop application to write on Registry and Filesystem

Suppose you have installed application X on your machine, not totally trustful. I would like to stop this application to make changes in my computer. My OS is Windows 7, but a solution on a neighbor like XP or Vista would be valid too. Thanks in advance. ...

Adding to windows 7 startup services -- is RunServices still valid?

Hi All, I've written a program which I would like to run as a windows 7 service that runs before user logon. Since the program has an installation wizard, it needs to be added to the startup programmatically. I've tried using the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunSerivces registry location, but I haven't had any succes...

Changing a network volume's name which is represented by Windows Explorer and Common Dialogs.

I want to set the volume name of my network redirector. On 32bit Windows, it's okay. I made it. But on 64bit Windows7, a process which runs as WOW64(eg, EXCEL.EXE) finds following registry path to represent the volume name when we open a file dialog. -I checked it by Process Monitor. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ex...

RegistryKey.GetSubKeyNames returns names that are not in that subkey!

This can't be right but it's happening to me. I have the following function: private static bool KeyExists(RegistryKey key, string search) { //GetSubKeyNames is busted... foreach (string subKey in key.GetSubKeyNames()) { if (subKey.Trim().Equals(search.Trim())) { return true; } } ...

How to use Java Runtime.exec() with Windows REG utility to Read/Update/Delete entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...\CurrentVersion\Run?

I want to use Runtime.exec() to update the registry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run using the Windows REG command utility. Need to be able to add/remove/read an entry from the "Run" key to allow my Swing application to run at startup and check if it is configured to run at startup so I can mark the o...

Registry Search

I am trying to use C/C++ (Preferably C) to enumerate the entire Windows registry, I was using recursion to do this but I keep running into stack overflows, which i understand but im unable to think of anyway to do this without recusion. Advice on how to do this without recursion would be great, thx. ...

Install Firefox extension using Windows registry

I have developed a Firefox extension and installed in an xpi file. It's working fine. But I need to install my extension in the Windows registry. How can I to do this? ...

Where does Windows store it's "Open With" settings?

I'm trying to programatically check file associations (for example .jnlp files). I keep reading that "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\JNLPFile\Shell\Open\Command" is the place to check. However, if you change the association through windows explorer (Open With > Choose Program > (Always use the selected program)), the change isn't at...

Performance of reading a registry key?

I'm wondering how long it takes (in milliseconds) to read a registry value from the Windows registry through standard C# libraries. In this case, I'm reading in some proxy settings. What order of magnitude value should I expect? Are there any good benchmark data available? I'm running WS2k8 R2 amd64. Bonus points: How impactful is the...

Setting a registry value Programatically using vbscript

I would like to change the ie setting under: Internet Options->Security->Trusted Zones->Custom Level->Miscellaneous->Enable I have done this with other registry keys like "Disable Debugging" and such. But I can't seem to set this value to enable. Here is what I have so far: WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVer...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes vs HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node

The question is very simple, what's the difference between HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node? ...

Find Registry Key for: Override automatic cookie handling

I want to set the IE7 privacy settings via the registry and I am not having any luck finding what keys need to be set. I am trying to do the following: Override automatic cookie handling; Allow first party cookies; Block third party cookies; Always Allow session cookies; Anyone know what keys are to be set and what the settings would ...